Re: PCMCIA /dev nodes
Well, I mean devices which can be created with:
mknod /dev/pcmcia0 c 254 0
mknod /dev/pcmcia1 c 254 1
If you make these devices, you can try:
cs_status_t status;
fd = open("/dev/pcmcia1", O_RDONLY);
ioctl(fd, DS_GET_STATUS, &status);
and get the status of the card, there are a couple
of other functions which can be used. The problem is,
if the devices don't exist, the program has to be SUID
to create the node before opening it. I think having
standards /dev/pcmcia? devices would simplify programs
which look at these devices, as they don't have to be
SUID and create the nodes every time (such as /sbin/cardctl).
>>>>> sen ml <> writes:
sen> From: Subject: Re: PCMCIA /dev nodes Date:
sen> Fri, 21 Apr 2000 10:53:00 +0900 Message-ID:
sen> <[🔎]>
>> for network interfaces, linux doesn't have files in /dev, unlike in
>> bsd. i'm not sure about other devices, but i didn't get the
>> impression that there were specific files under /dev that get used
>> for pcmcia -- e.g. my pcmcia modem gets /dev/ttyS2, but so can
>> other devices...
sen> oops, i should have said -- "so can other non-PCMCIA devices".
Germano Leichsenring
Kobe University
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