Re: potato: font size is too big.
John C>> If you really want it to look good, install the xfstt package and some
>> ttf fonts. Netscape looks a lot better with true type fonts.
Of course, then the problem is finding decent ttf's instead of getting work
done :) Microsquish isn't DFSG compatible, big surprise.
Netscape's printouts still suck tho. Sigh. Anyone try that with NS 6?
> I concur. Beware that the potato packaging offers to install the xfs-xtt
> package which is lousy, IMO.
What sort of misbehaviors does it have that made the difference for you?
I hacked xfsft patches into my own X server at some point, and stopped paying
attention to other renderers until recently; now I'm curious. I liked
xfsft because I already know how to hack font.dir and font.alias files...
> I went back to the xfs and xfstt combination and life on this 760ED is
> grand once again. For more information go to
> and head for the mini-HOWTOs and read the TT-Debian
> mini-HOWTO. It describes getting xfs and xfstt properly configured. You
> will like it.
> Also, if you use the FTE editor, there is a slight change to the font
> order that should be made for it to dsiplay properly under X. I'll
> supply that portion of my XF86Config upon request.
> - Nate >>
Consider it requested :)
-* Heather Stern * *-
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