laptop screen size
I have just almost successfully installed X on my laptop. My last
problem is this:
I have a 1024x768 screen, yet I can only seem to get it to come up as
So basically there is a small window in the middle of my screen that
displays X,
and the graphics are rather large (it is running at 8bpp as opposed to
16). I'm really
not sure where to go with this. I've tried xvidtune but that gets a
floating point exception,
xf86config gives me these results, and XF86Setup seems to do more damage
than good
(I'm sorry that isn't very specific, but I've just fought it four or
five times in a row and I
didn't right down the error message these last two times). I had X
running fine with redhat
and suse, so I know it is possible, I'm just not quite sure how.
Sony vaio N505VE
neomagic card
SVGA server
1024x768 screen, should be at 16bpp
Thanks for any help in advance - if more info is needed from me please
let me know.
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