SOLVED: DELL Inspiron 5000 wrong harddisk-size
Thanks to all,
it seams, that slink can't handle it. Normally I have an peridiodical
update over IP. So the only CD's I had got where old.
> Hallo,
> I've got my first notebook a Dell Inspiron 5000. For all I've read,
> I thought this one would work with Linux. But:
> First thing, Linux complains about the harddisk which was preinstalled
> with WIN98 (sorry for the words...). It has 12GB. After killing all
> partitions under DOS, formatting and the mbr, Linux pretends to see a
> 7,7GB harddisk.
> Is this a known bug with some controllers ? Is there a driver to fix it
> ?
> Any other ideas ?
> Klaus.
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