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Re: Bug#430839: smstools: 2nd General update after the debconf review process

Thanks Christian,

I am on the cusp of uploading however I am receiving two lintian errors:

W: smstools: partially-translated-question smstools/devicenode es.utf-8
N:   If you translate the `Choices:' fields in a template, you should
N:   translate the 'Description:' field as well
W: smstools: partially-translated-question smstools/devicebaudrate es.utf-8


On Thu, 19 Jul 2007, Christian Perrier wrote:
> (Basque translation added)
> Dear Debian maintainer,
> On Thursday, June 07, 2007, I sent you a notification about the beginning
> of a review action on debconf templates for smstools.
> Then, I sent you a bug report with rewritten templates and announcing
> the beginning of the second phase of this action: call for translation
> updates.
> Translators have been working hard and here is now the result of their
> efforts.
> Please consider using it EVEN if you committed files to your
> development tree as long as they were reported.
> The attached tarball contains:
> - debian/changelog with the list of changes
> - debian/control with rewrites of packages' descriptions
> - debian/<templates> with all the rewritten templates file(s)
> - debian/po/*.po with all PO files (existing ones and new ones)
> As said, please use *at least* the PO files as provided here,
> preferrably over those sent by translators in their bug reports. All
> of them have been checked and reformatted. In some cases, formatting
> errors have been corrected.
> The patch-nopo file contains a patch for the templates and control file(s).
> Please note that this patch applies to the templates and control
> file(s) of your package as of Thursday, June 07, 2007. If your package was
> updated in the meantime, I may have updated my reference copy....but I also
> may have missed that. This is indeed why I suggested you do not
> modified such files while the review process was running,
> remember..:-)
> It is now safe to upload a new package version with these changes.
> Please notify me of your intents with regards to this.
> There is of course no hurry to update your package but feel free to
> contact me in case you would need sponsoring or any other action to
> fix this.

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