Re: [Fwd: Who's using Debian?]
El Jue 21 Nov 2002 05:58, Colin Walters escribió:
> Could someone translate this one for me too? Thanks!
At once, sir! :-)
Organización comercial
Debian Woody como servidor de correo + Qmail,
Debian Woody como servidor DNS Bind9
Debian Woody como segunda linea de firewall + Ethernet bridge + Gestion QoS
Elegimos Debian Woody por su estabilidad y rápida actuación frente a fallos
de seguridad.
ACK STORM, S.L. (acronym for Limited Society)
Commercial organization
Debian Woody as mail server + Qmail (Hey! This people are non-free! ;-)
Debian Woody as DNS server with Bind9
Debian Woody as a second-step firewall + Ethernet bridge + HTB QoS management
(HTB is an acronym for Hierarchical Token Buckets, a type of QoS)
We chose Debian Woody because of its stability and fast actuation against
security holes.
Hope it helps,
Why is a cow? Mu. (Ommmmmmmmmm)
Servicios de red - Network services
Centro de Comunicaciones CSIC/RedIRIS
Spanish Academic Network for Research and Development
Madrid (Spain)
Tlf (+34) 91.585.49.05
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