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debian-installer: Please update debconf PO translation for the package debian-installer

It is very likely that the Debian Installer beta 1 release happens
NEXT WEEK-END. So please send any updates to sublevel 6 before Saturday
23rd if you want to be sure they make it to beta1. Otherwise, I can't
promis anythign AT ALL.

And, of course, if you have updates for other sublevels, please do
them before this. Please, however, takecare to only touch strings
which you *really* want to update. No reformatting or rewrapping of PO
files or other similar contentless changes!

# Serbian/Cyrillic messages for debconf.
# Copyright (C) 2010 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the debconf package.
# Karolina Kalic <karolina@resenje.org>, 2010-2012.
# Janos Guljas <janos@resenje.org>, 2010-2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: debconf 1.5.35\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-20 19:29+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-20 17:49+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Karolina Kalic <karolina@resenje.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Serbian <debian-l10n-serbian@lists.debian.org>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../netcfg-common.templates:48001
msgid "Waiting time (in seconds) for link detection:"
msgstr ""

#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../netcfg-common.templates:48001
msgid ""
"Please enter the maximum time you would like to wait for network link "
msgstr ""

#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../netcfg-common.templates:49001
msgid "Invalid network link detection waiting time"
msgstr ""

#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../netcfg-common.templates:49001
msgid ""
"The value you have provided is not valid. The maximum waiting time (in "
"seconds) for network link detection must be a positive integer."
msgstr ""

#. Type: text
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../apt-setup-udeb.templates:6001
msgid "Scanning the release updates repository..."
msgstr "Скенирање репозиторијума са ажурираним пакетима..."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Choices
#. SEC_HOST and VOL_HOST are host names (e.g. security.debian.org)
#. Translators: the *entire* string should be under 55 columns
#. including host name. In short, KEEP THIS SHORT and, yes, that's tricky
#. :sl6:
#: ../apt-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "security updates (from ${SEC_HOST})"
msgstr "безбедносне закрпе (са ${SEC_HOST})"

#. Type: multiselect
#. Choices
#. SEC_HOST and VOL_HOST are host names (e.g. security.debian.org)
#. Translators: the *entire* string should be under 55 columns
#. including host name. In short, KEEP THIS SHORT and, yes, that's tricky
#. :sl6:
#: ../apt-setup-udeb.templates:10001
msgid "release updates"
msgstr "ажурирани пакети"

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../apt-setup-udeb.templates:10002
msgid "Services to use:"
msgstr "Сервиси који ће се користити:"

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../apt-setup-udeb.templates:10002
msgid ""
"Debian has two services that provide updates to releases: security and "
"release updates."
msgstr ""
"Debian има два сервиса који обезбеђују ажуриране пакете: безбедносне закрпе "
"и нове верзије пакета."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../apt-setup-udeb.templates:10002
msgid ""
"Security updates help to keep your system secured against attacks. Enabling "
"this service is strongly recommended."
msgstr ""
"Безбедносне закрпе помажу да одржите систем безбедним против напада. "
"Укључивање овог сервиса се строго препоручује."

#. Type: multiselect
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../apt-setup-udeb.templates:10002
msgid ""
"Release updates provide more current versions for software that changes "
"relatively frequently and where not having the latest version could reduce "
"the usability of the software. It also provides regression fixes. This "
"service is only available for stable and oldstable releases."
msgstr ""
"Ажурирани пакети су новије верзије софтвера који се релативно често мења и "
"код којих непоседовање последње верзије може умањити употребљивост софтвера. "
"Такође пружа поправке за раније верзије. Овај сервис је доступан само за "
"„stable “ и „oldstable“ издања."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../cdebconf.templates:1001
msgid "Interface to use:"
msgstr "Интерфејс за употребу:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../cdebconf.templates:1001
msgid ""
"Packages that use debconf for configuration share a common look and feel. "
"You can select the type of user interface they use."
msgstr ""
"Пакети који користе debconf за конфигурацију користе заједнички интерфејс. "
"Можете изабрати тип интерфејса за употребу."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../cdebconf.templates:2001
msgid "None"
msgstr "None"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../cdebconf.templates:2001
msgid "'None' will never ask you any question."
msgstr "„None“ никада неће поставити питање."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../cdebconf.templates:3001
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Текст"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../cdebconf.templates:3001
msgid "'Text' is a traditional plain text interface."
msgstr "„Текст“ је традиционални интерфејс за обичан текст."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../cdebconf.templates:4001
msgid "Newt"
msgstr "Newt"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../cdebconf.templates:4001
msgid "'Newt' is a full-screen, character based interface."
msgstr "„Newt“ је интерфејс базиран на карактерима, преко целог екрана."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../cdebconf.templates:5001
msgid "GTK"
msgstr "GTK"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../cdebconf.templates:5001
msgid ""
"'GTK' is a graphical interface that may be used in any graphical environment."
msgstr ""
"„GTK“ је графички интерфејс који може да се користи у било ком графичком "

#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#: ../network-console.templates:10001
msgid "Could not fetch SSH authorized keys"
msgstr "Није могуће преузети ауторизоване SSH кључеве"

#. Type: error
#. Description
#. :sl6:
#. Translators: do NOT translate the "LOCATION" variable name
#: ../network-console.templates:10001
msgid "An error occurred while fetching SSH authorized keys from ${LOCATION}."
msgstr ""
"Дошло је до грешке приликом преузимања SSH ауторизованог кључа са "

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