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packaging-tutorial 0.19: Please update the PO translation for the package packaging-tutorial


You are noted as the last translator of the translation for
packaging-tutorial. The English template has been changed, and now some messages
are marked "fuzzy" in your translation or are missing.
I would be grateful if you could take the time and update it.
Please send the updated file to me, or submit it as a wishlist bug
against packaging-tutorial.

The deadline for receiving the updated translation is
Thu, 26 Jan 2017 21:57:26 +0100.

Thanks in advance,

# Translation of packaging-tutorial documentation to Russian
# Copyright (C) Lev Lamberov <l.lamberov@gmail.com>, 2013
# This file is distributed under the same license as the package-tutorial package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: package-tutorial 0.10\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-01-16 21:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-04 08:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Lev Lamberov <dogsleg@debian.org>\n"
"Language-Team: ru <debian-l10n-russian@lists.debian.org>\n"
"Language: ru\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.8\n"

#. type: Plain text
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:4
msgid "\\mode<presentation> \\usetheme{debian}"
msgstr "\\mode<presentation> \\usetheme{debian}"

#. Translators:
#. change debiantutorial to debiantutorial.$lang to use translated file, and
#. append to this string all commands to load localisation packages, e.g.:
#. \\usepackage{debiantutorial.fr} \\usepackage[french]{babel} \\frenchsetup{...}
#. type: Plain text
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:10
msgid "\\usepackage{debiantutorial}"
msgstr "\\usepackage{debiantutorial.ru} \\usepackage[russian]{babel}"

#. type: title{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:14
msgid "Debian Packaging Tutorial"
msgstr "Руководство по созданию пакетов Debian"

#. type: author{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:14
msgid ""
"Lucas Nussbaum\\\\{\\small\\texttt{packaging-tutorial@packages.debian.org}}"
msgstr ""
"Лукас Нуссбаум\\\\{\\small\\texttt{packaging-tutorial@packages.debian.org}}"

#. Translators:
#. leave \\version unchanged: this will a variable containing the actual version
#. To translate the date, use \\today or a string containing \\year, \\month, \\day
#. (numeric values).
#.  DATE - use debian/rules update-version-date
#. type: date{#1}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:20
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "version 0.18 -- 2017-01-04"
msgid "version 0.19 -- 2017-01-16"
msgstr "версия 0.18 -- 2017-01-04"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:52
msgid "About this tutorial"
msgstr "Об этом руководстве"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:52
msgid ""
"Goal: \\textbf{tell you what you really need to know about Debian packaging}"
msgstr ""
"Цель: \\textbf{сообщить вам то, что вам действительно нужно знать о создании "
"пакетов Debian}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:52
msgid "Modify existing packages"
msgstr "Изменение существующих пакетов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:52
msgid "Create your own packages"
msgstr "Создание ваших собственных пакетов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:52
msgid "Interact with the Debian community"
msgstr "Взаимодействие с сообществом Debian"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:52
msgid "Become a Debian power-user"
msgstr "Становимся продвинутым пользователем Debian"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:52
msgid "Covers the most important points, but is not complete"
msgstr "Освещает большинство важных моментов, но не полно"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:52
msgid "You will need to read more documentation"
msgstr "Вам будет необходимо прочитать дополнительную документацию"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:52
msgid "Most of the content also applies to Debian derivative distributions"
msgstr ""
"Большая часть изложения применима к производным от Debian дистрибутивам"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:52
msgid "That includes Ubuntu"
msgstr "Включая и Ubuntu"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:56 debiantutorial.sty:42
msgid "Outline"
msgstr "План"

#. type: section{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:58
msgid "Introduction"
msgstr "Введение"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:60 packaging-tutorial.tex:84
msgid "Debian"
msgstr "Debian"

#. type: textbf{#1}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:84
msgid "GNU/Linux distribution"
msgstr "Дистрибутив GNU/Linux"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:84
msgid "1st major distro developed ``openly in the spirit of GNU''"
msgstr "Первый крупный дистрибутив, разрабатываемый ``открыто в духе GNU''"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:84
msgid ""
"\\textbf{Non-commercial}, built collaboratively by over 1,000 volunteers"
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{Некоммерческий}, создан совместно более чем 1,000 добровольцами"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:84
msgid "3 main features:"
msgstr "3 основных особенности"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:84
msgid ""
"\\textbf{Quality} -- culture of technical excellence\\\\ {\\small\\sl We "
"release when it's ready}"
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{Качество} -- культура технического совершенства\\\\ {\\small\\sl Мы "
"выпускаем очередную версию, только когда она готова}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:84
msgid ""
"\\textbf{Freedom} -- devs and users bound by the \\textsl{Social Contract}\\"
"\\ Promoting the culture of Free Software since 1993"
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{Свобода} -- разработчики и пользователи связаны "
"\\textsl{Общественным договором}\\\\ Продвигаем культуру Свободного ПО с "
"1993 года"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:84
msgid ""
"\\textbf{Independence} -- no (single) company babysitting Debian\\\\ And "
"open decision-making process (\\textsl{do-ocracy} + \\textsl{democracy})"
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{Независимость} -- нет (ни одной) компаний, опекающих Debian\\\\ "
"Открытый процесс принятия решений (\\textsl{управление тех, кто делает} + "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:84
msgid "\\textbf{Amateur} in the best sense: done for the love of it"
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{Любительский} дистрибутив в лучшем смысле этого слова: создаётся "
"ради него самого"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:105
msgid "Debian packages"
msgstr "Пакеты Debian"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:105
msgid "\\textbf{.deb} files (binary packages)"
msgstr "Файлы \\textbf{.deb} (двоичные пакеты)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:105
msgid "A very powerful and convenient way to distribute software to users"
msgstr "Очень мощный и удобный способ распространения ПО пользователям"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:105
msgid "One of the two most common package formats (with RPM)"
msgstr "Один из двух наиболее распространённых форматов пакетов (наряду с RPM)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:105
msgid "Universal:"
msgstr "Универсален"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:105
msgid ""
"30,000 binary packages in Debian\\\\ $\\rightarrow$ most of the available "
"free software is packaged in Debian!"
msgstr ""
"30,000 двоичных пакетов в Debian\\\\ $\\rightarrow$ для большей части "
"доступного свободного ПО создан пакет Debian!"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:105
msgid "For 12 ports (architectures), including 2 non-Linux (Hurd; KFreeBSD)"
msgstr ""
"12 переносов (архитектур), включая переносы на отличное от Linux ядро (Hurd; "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:105
msgid "Also used by 120 Debian derivative distributions"
msgstr "Используется 120 ответвлениями от дистрибутива Debian"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:108 packaging-tutorial.tex:133
msgid "The Deb package format"
msgstr "Формат пакетов deb"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:133
msgid "\\texttt{.deb} file: an \\texttt{ar} archive"
msgstr "Файл \\texttt{.deb}: архив \\texttt{ar}"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:133
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"$ ar tv wget_1.12-2.1_i386.deb\n"
"rw-r--r-- 0/0      4 Sep  5 15:43 2010 debian-binary\n"
"rw-r--r-- 0/0   2403 Sep  5 15:43 2010 control.tar.gz\n"
"rw-r--r-- 0/0 751613 Sep  5 15:43 2010 data.tar.gz\n"
"    "
msgstr ""
"$ ar tv wget_1.12-2.1_i386.deb\n"
"rw-r--r-- 0/0      4 Sep  5 15:43 2010 debian-binary\n"
"rw-r--r-- 0/0   2403 Sep  5 15:43 2010 control.tar.gz\n"
"rw-r--r-- 0/0 751613 Sep  5 15:43 2010 data.tar.gz\n"
"    "

#.  $
#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:133
msgid ""
"\\texttt{debian-binary}: version of the deb file format, "
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{debian-binary}: версия формата файла deb, "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:133
msgid ""
"\\texttt{control.tar.gz}: metadata about the package\\\\ {\\small "
"\\texttt{\\textbf{control}, md5sums, (pre|post)(rm|inst), triggers, shlibs}, "
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{control.tar.gz}: метаданные о пакете\\\\ {\\small "
"\\texttt{\\textbf{control}, md5sums, (pre|post)(rm|inst), triggers, shlibs}, "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:133
msgid "\\texttt{data.tar.gz}: data files of the package"
msgstr "\\texttt{data.tar.gz}: файлы данных пакета"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:133
msgid ""
"You could create your \\texttt{.deb} files manually\\\\ {\\footnotesize "
msgstr ""
"Можно создавать файлы \\texttt{.deb} вручную\\\\ {\\footnotesize "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:133
msgid "But most people don't do it that way"
msgstr "Но большинство пользователей этого не делают"

#. type: textbf{#1}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:133
msgid "This tutorial: create Debian packages, the Debian way"
msgstr "Настоящее руководство: создание пакетов Debian способом Debian"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:153
msgid "Tools you will need"
msgstr "Инструменты, которые вам потребуются"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:153
msgid "A Debian (or Ubuntu) system (with root access)"
msgstr "Доступ к системе Debian (или Ubuntu) с правами суперпользователя"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:153
msgid "Some packages:"
msgstr "Некоторые пакеты:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:153
msgid ""
"\\textbf{build-essential}: has dependencies on the packages that will be "
"assumed to be available on the developer's machine (no need to specify them "
"in the \\texttt{Build-Depends:} control field of your package)"
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{build-essential}: имеет зависимости от пакетов, которые, как это "
"предполагается, доступны на машине разработчика (не нужно указывать их в "
"поле \\texttt{Build-Depends:} управляющего файла вашего пакета)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:153
msgid ""
"includes a dependency on \\textbf{dpkg-dev}, which contains basic Debian-"
"specific tools to create packages"
msgstr ""
"включает зависимость от \\textbf{dpkg-dev}, который содержит базовые "
"инструменты Debian для создания пакетов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:153
msgid ""
"\\textbf{devscripts}: contains many useful scripts for Debian maintainers"
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{devscripts}: содержит множество полезных сценариев для "
"сопровождающих Debian"

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:161
msgid ""
"Many other tools will also be mentioned later, such as \\textbf{debhelper}, "
"\\textbf{cdbs}, \\textbf{quilt}, \\textbf{pbuilder}, \\textbf{sbuild}, "
"\\textbf{lintian}, \\textbf{svn-buildpackage}, \\textbf{git-buildpackage}, "
"\\ldots\\\\ Install them when you need them."
msgstr ""
"Множество других инструментов, которые также будут упомянуты в дальнейшем, "
"такие как \\textbf{debhelper}, \\textbf{cdbs}, \\textbf{quilt}, "
"\\textbf{pbuilder}, \\textbf{sbuild}, \\textbf{lintian}, \\textbf{svn-"
"buildpackage}, \\textbf{git-buildpackage}, \\ldots\\\\ Установите их, если "
"они вам нужны."

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:168
msgid "General packaging workflow"
msgstr "Общая структура работы над созданием пакета"

#. 	\draw[arr,->] (bin) -- (-1,-6) node[pos=0.5,left] {upload (\textttc{dput})};
#.  hack hack hack
#. type: tikzpicture
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:188
msgid ""
"\\node[node1] (www) at (0, 0) {Web}; \\node[node1] (us) at (2.5, 0) "
"{upstream source}; \\node[node1] (da) at (-2.5, 0) {Debian mirror}; "
"\\node[node1] (sp) at (0, -2) {source package}; \\draw[arr,<-,dashed,thick] "
"(sp) -- (2.5,-2) node[right=0cm,text width=2.98cm,text centered,font=\\small"
"\\sl] {where most of the manual work is done}; \\node[node1] (bin) at (0, "
"-4) {one or several binary packages}; \\draw[arr,<-,dashed,thick] (bin) -- "
"(3.5,-4) node[right,text centered,font=\\small\\ttfamily\\sl] {.deb"
"\\normalfont}; \\draw[arr,->] (us) -- (sp) node[pos=0.5,right,command] {dh"
"\\_make}; \\draw[arr,->] (da) -- (sp) node[pos=0.5,left,command] {apt-get "
"source}; \\draw[arr,->] (www) -- (sp) node[pos=0.5,left,command] {dget}; "
"\\draw[arr,->] (sp) -- (bin) node[pos=0.5,right,text width=6cm] "
"{\\textttc{debuild} (build and test with \\textttc{lintian}) or "
"\\textttc{dpkg-buildpackage}}; \\draw[arr,->] (bin) -- (1,-6) node[pos=0.5,"
"right] {install (\\textttc{debi})}; \\draw[transparent] (bin) -- (-1,-6) "
"node[pos=0.5,left,opaque] {upload (\\textttc{dput})}; \\draw[arr,->,rounded "
"corners] (bin) -- (-1,-6) -- (-4.5,-6) -- (-4.5,0) -- (da); "
"\\useasboundingbox (-4,-6) rectangle (6,0);"
msgstr ""
"\\node[node1] (www) at (0, 0) {Веб}; \\node[node1] (us) at (2.5, 0) "
"{исходный код основной ветки разработки}; \\node[node1] (da) at (-2.5, 0) "
"{зеркало Debian}; \\node[node1] (sp) at (0, -2) {пакет с исходным кодом}; "
"\\draw[arr,<-,dashed,thick] (sp) -- (2.5,-2) node[right=0cm,text "
"width=2.98cm,text centered,font=\\small\\sl] {большая часть ручной работы}; "
"\\node[node1] (bin) at (0, -4) {один или несколько двоичных пакетов}; "
"\\draw[arr,<-,dashed,thick] (bin) -- (3.5,-4) node[right,text centered,font="
"\\small\\ttfamily\\sl] {.deb\\normalfont}; \\draw[arr,->] (us) -- (sp) "
"node[pos=0.5,right,command] {dh\\_make}; \\draw[arr,->] (da) -- (sp) "
"node[pos=0.5,left,command] {apt-get source}; \\draw[arr,->] (www) -- (sp) "
"node[pos=0.5,left,command] {dget}; \\draw[arr,->] (sp) -- (bin) node[pos=0.5,"
"right,text width=6cm] {\\textttc{debuild} (сборка и тестирование при помощи "
"\\textttc{lintian}) или \\textttc{dpkg-buildpackage}}; \\draw[arr,->] (bin) "
"-- (1,-6) node[pos=0.5,right] {установка (\\textttc{debi})}; "
"\\draw[transparent] (bin) -- (-1,-6) node[pos=0.5,left,opaque] {загрузка "
"(\\textttc{dput})}; \\draw[arr,->,rounded corners] (bin) -- (-1,-6) -- "
"(-4.5,-6) -- (-4.5,0) -- (da); \\useasboundingbox (-4,-6) rectangle (6,0);"

#. type: subsection{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:205
msgid "Rebuilding dash"
msgstr "Пересборка dash"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:205
msgid "Example: rebuilding dash"
msgstr "Пример: пересборка dash"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:205
msgid ""
"Install packages needed to build dash, and devscripts\\\\ {\\texttt{sudo apt-"
"get build-dep dash}\\\\ (requires \\texttt{deb-src} lines in \\texttt{/etc/"
"apt/sources.list})}\\\\ {\\texttt{sudo apt-get install -{}-no-install-"
"recommends devscripts fakeroot}}"
msgstr ""
"Установите пакеты, необходимые для сборки dash, а также devscripts\\\\ "
"{\\texttt{sudo apt-get build-dep dash}\\\\ (требуются строки \\texttt{deb-"
"src} в \\texttt{/etc/apt/sources.list})}\\\\ {\\texttt{sudo apt-get install -"
"{}-no-install-recommends devscripts fakeroot}}"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:205
msgid ""
"Create a working directory, and get in it:\\\\ \\texttt{mkdir /tmp/debian-"
"tutorial ; cd /tmp/debian-tutorial}"
msgstr ""
"Создайте рабочий каталог, и перейдите в него:\\\\ \\texttt{mkdir /tmp/debian-"
"tutorial ; cd /tmp/debian-tutorial}"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:205
msgid ""
"Grab the \\texttt{dash} source package\\\\ \\texttt{apt-get source dash}\\\\ "
"{\\small (This needs you to have \\texttt{deb-src} lines in your \\texttt{/"
msgstr ""
"Загрузите пакет с исходным кодом \\texttt{dash}\\\\ \\texttt{apt-get source "
"dash}\\\\ {\\small (Для этого требуются строки \\texttt{deb-src} в вашем "
"файле \\texttt{/etc/apt/sources.list})}"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:205
msgid ""
"Build the package\\\\ {\\texttt{cd dash-*\\\\ debuild -us -uc}} "
"~~~(\\texttt{-us -uc} disables signing the package with GPG)"
msgstr ""
"Соберите пакет\\\\ {\\texttt{cd dash-*\\\\ debuild -us -uc}} ~~~(\\texttt{-"
"us -uc} отключают подписывание пакета с помощью GPG)"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:218
msgid "Check that it worked"
msgstr "Проверьте, что всё работает"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:218
msgid "There are some new \\texttt{.deb} files in the parent directory"
msgstr "В родительском каталоге присутствуют новые файлы \\texttt{.deb}"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:218
msgid "Look at the \\texttt{debian/} directory"
msgstr "Посмотрите каталог \\texttt{debian/}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:218
msgid "That's where the packaging work is done"
msgstr "Здесь и осуществляется работа по созданию пакетов"

#. type: section{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:256
msgid "Creating source packages"
msgstr "Создание пакетов с исходным кодом"

#. type: subsection{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:256
msgid "Source packages basics"
msgstr "Базовые знания о пакетах с исходным кодом"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:256
msgid "Source package"
msgstr "Пакет с исходным кодом"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:256
msgid ""
"One source package can generate several binary packages\\\\ {\\small e.g. "
"the \\texttt{\\bfseries libtar} source generates the \\texttt{\\bfseries "
"libtar0} and \\texttt{\\bfseries libtar-dev} binary packages}"
msgstr ""
"Один пакет с исходным кодом может создавать несколько двоичных пакетов\\\\ "
"{\\small напр., исходный код \\texttt{\\bfseries libtar} создаёт двоичные "
"пакеты \\texttt{\\bfseries libtar0} и \\texttt{\\bfseries libtar-dev}}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:256
msgid "Two kinds of packages: (if unsure, use non-native)"
msgstr "Два вида пакетов: (если не уверены, используйте non-native)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:256
msgid ""
"Native packages: normally for Debian specific software (\\textsl{dpkg}, "
msgstr ""
"Пакеты native: обычно это ПО, специфичное для Debian (\\textsl{dpkg}, "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:256
msgid "Non-native packages: software developed outside Debian"
msgstr "Пакеты non-native: ПО, разрабатываемое за пределами Debian"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:256
msgid "Main file: \\texttt{.dsc} (meta-data)"
msgstr "Основной файл: \\texttt{.dsc} (метаданные)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:256
msgid "Other files depending on the version of the source format"
msgstr "Другие файлы, зависящие от версии формата исходного кода"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:256
msgid "1.0 or 3.0 (native): \\texttt{package\\_version.tar.gz}"
msgstr "1.0 или 3.0 (native): \\texttt{package\\_version.tar.gz}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:256
msgid "1.0 (non-native):"
msgstr "1.0 (non-native):"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:256
msgid "\\texttt{pkg\\_ver.orig.tar.gz}: upstream source"
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{pkg\\_ver.orig.tar.gz}: исходный код основной ветки разработки"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:256
msgid "\\texttt{pkg\\_debver.diff.gz}: patch to add Debian-specific changes"
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{pkg\\_debver.diff.gz}: заплата для добавления специфичных для "
"Debian изменений"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:256
msgid "3.0 (quilt):"
msgstr "3.0 (quilt):"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:256
msgid "\\texttt{pkg\\_debver.debian.tar.gz}: tarball with the Debian changes"
msgstr "\\texttt{pkg\\_debver.debian.tar.gz}: tarball с изменениями Debian"

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:256
msgid "(See \\texttt{dpkg-source(1)} for exact details)"
msgstr "(Детали см. в \\texttt{dpkg-source(1)})"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:280
msgid "Source package example (wget\\_1.12-2.1.dsc)"
msgstr "Пример пакета с исходным кодом (wget\\_1.12-2.1.dsc)"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:280
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Format: 3.0 (quilt)\n"
"Source: wget\n"
"Binary: wget\n"
"Architecture: any\n"
"Version: 1.12-2.1\n"
"Maintainer: Noel Kothe <noel@debian.org>\n"
"Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/\n";
"Standards-Version: 3.8.4\n"
"Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 5.0.0), gettext, texinfo,\n"
" libssl-dev (>= 0.9.8), dpatch, info2man\n"
"Checksums-Sha1: \n"
" 50d4ed2441e67[..]1ee0e94248 2464747 wget_1.12.orig.tar.gz\n"
" d4c1c8bbe431d[..]dd7cef3611 48308 wget_1.12-2.1.debian.tar.gz\n"
"Checksums-Sha256: \n"
" 7578ed0974e12[..]dcba65b572 2464747 wget_1.12.orig.tar.gz\n"
" 1e9b0c4c00eae[..]89c402ad78 48308 wget_1.12-2.1.debian.tar.gz\n"
"Files: \n"
" 141461b9c04e4[..]9d1f2abf83 2464747 wget_1.12.orig.tar.gz\n"
" e93123c934e3c[..]2f380278c2 48308 wget_1.12-2.1.debian.tar.gz"
msgstr ""
"Format: 3.0 (quilt)\n"
"Source: wget\n"
"Binary: wget\n"
"Architecture: any\n"
"Version: 1.12-2.1\n"
"Maintainer: Noel Kothe <noel@debian.org>\n"
"Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/\n";
"Standards-Version: 3.8.4\n"
"Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 5.0.0), gettext, texinfo,\n"
" libssl-dev (>= 0.9.8), dpatch, info2man\n"
"Checksums-Sha1: \n"
" 50d4ed2441e67[..]1ee0e94248 2464747 wget_1.12.orig.tar.gz\n"
" d4c1c8bbe431d[..]dd7cef3611 48308 wget_1.12-2.1.debian.tar.gz\n"
"Checksums-Sha256: \n"
" 7578ed0974e12[..]dcba65b572 2464747 wget_1.12.orig.tar.gz\n"
" 1e9b0c4c00eae[..]89c402ad78 48308 wget_1.12-2.1.debian.tar.gz\n"
"Files: \n"
" 141461b9c04e4[..]9d1f2abf83 2464747 wget_1.12.orig.tar.gz\n"
" e93123c934e3c[..]2f380278c2 48308 wget_1.12-2.1.debian.tar.gz"

#. type: subsection{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:308
msgid "Retrieving source packages"
msgstr "Получение пакетов с исходным кодом"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:308
msgid "Retrieving an existing source package"
msgstr "Получение существующего пакета с исходным кодом"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:308
msgid "From the Debian archive:"
msgstr "Из архива Debian:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:308
msgid "\\texttt{apt-get source \\textsl{package}}"
msgstr "\\texttt{apt-get source \\textsl{пакет}}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:308
msgid "\\texttt{apt-get source \\textsl{package=version}}"
msgstr "\\texttt{apt-get source \\textsl{пакет=версия}}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:308
msgid "\\texttt{apt-get source \\textsl{package/release}}"
msgstr "\\texttt{apt-get source \\textsl{пакет/выпуск}}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:308
msgid "(You need \\texttt{deb-src} lines in \\texttt{sources.list})"
msgstr "(Требуются строки \\texttt{deb-src} в \\texttt{sources.list})"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:308
msgid "From the Internet:"
msgstr "Из Интернет:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:308
msgid "\\texttt{dget \\textsl{url-to.dsc}}"
msgstr "\\texttt{dget \\textsl{адрес.dsc}}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:308
msgid ""
"\\texttt{dget http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian-archive/\\";
"\\20090802T004153Z/debian/dists/bo/main/source/web/\\\\ wget\\_1.4.4-6.dsc}\\"
"\\ (\\href{http://snapshot.debian.org/}{\\ttfamily snapshot.d.o} provides "
"all packages from Debian since 2005)"
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{dget http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian-archive/\\";
"\\20090802T004153Z/debian/dists/bo/main/source/web/\\\\ wget\\_1.4.4-6.dsc}\\"
"\\ (\\href{http://snapshot.debian.org/}{\\ttfamily snapshot.d.o} "
"предоставляет все пакеты из Debian с 2005 года)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:308
msgid "From the (declared) version control system:"
msgstr "Из (объявленной) системы контроля версий:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:308
msgid "\\texttt{debcheckout \\textsl{package}}"
msgstr "\\texttt{debcheckout \\textsl{пакет}}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:308
msgid ""
"Once downloaded, extract with \\texttt{dpkg-source -x \\textsl{file.dsc}}"
msgstr ""
"Когда пакет будет загружен, разверните его с помощью \\texttt{dpkg-source -x "

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:331
msgid "Creating a basic source package"
msgstr "Создание простого пакета с исходным кодом"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:331
msgid ""
"Download the upstream source\\\\ (\\textsl{upstream source} = the one from "
"the software's original developers)"
msgstr ""
"Загрузите исходный код основной ветки разработки\\\\ (\\textsl{исходный код "
"основной ветки разработки} = исходный код от исходных разработчиков ПО)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:331
msgid ""
"Rename to \\texttt{<\\textsl{source\\_package}>\\_<\\textsl{upstream"
"\\_version}>.orig.tar.gz}\\\\ (example: \\texttt{simgrid\\_3.6.orig.tar.gz})"
msgstr ""
"Переименуйте его в \\texttt{<\\textsl{пакет\\_с\\_исходным\\_кодом}>\\_<"
"\\textsl{версия\\_основной\\_ветки}>.orig.tar.gz}\\\\ (пример: "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:331
msgid "Untar it"
msgstr "Разверните его"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:331
msgid ""
"Rename the directory to \\texttt{<\\textsl{source\\_package}>-<"
"\\textsl{upstream\\_version}>}\\\\ (example: \\texttt{simgrid-3.6})"
msgstr ""
"Переименуйте каталог в \\texttt{<\\textsl{пакет\\_с\\_исходным\\_кодом}>-<"
"\\textsl{версия\\_основной\\_ветки}>}\\\\ (пример: \\texttt{simgrid-3.6})"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:331
msgid ""
"\\texttt{cd \\texttt{<\\textsl{source\\_package}>-<\\textsl{upstream"
"\\_version}>} \\&\\& dh\\_make}\\\\ (from the \\textbf{dh-make} package)"
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{cd \\texttt{<\\textsl{пакет\\_с\\_исходным\\_кодом}>-<"
"\\textsl{версия\\_основной\\_ветки}>} \\&\\& dh\\_make}\\\\ (из пакета "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:331
msgid ""
"There are some alternatives to \\texttt{dh\\_make} for specific sets of "
"packages: \\textbf{dh-make-perl}, \\textbf{dh-make-php}, \\ldots"
msgstr ""
"Для \\texttt{dh\\_make} имеются некоторые альтернативы для конкретных "
"наборов пакетов: \\textbf{dh-make-perl}, \\textbf{dh-make-php}, \\ldots"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:331
msgid "\\texttt{debian/} directory created, with a lot of files in it"
msgstr "Будет создан каталог \\texttt{debian/} с множеством файлов в нём"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:360
msgid "Files in debian/"
msgstr "Файлы в debian/"

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:360
msgid ""
"All the packaging work should be made by modifying files in \\texttt{debian/}"
msgstr ""
"Вся работа по созданию пакетов должна осуществляться путём изменения файлов "
"в \\texttt{debian/}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:360
msgid "Main files:"
msgstr "Основные файлы:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:360
msgid "\\textbf{control} -- meta-data about the package (dependencies, etc.)"
msgstr "\\textbf{control} -- метаданные о пакете (зависимости и т.д.)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:360
msgid "\\textbf{rules} -- specifies how to build the package"
msgstr "\\textbf{rules} -- определяет то, как собирать пакет"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:360
msgid "\\textbf{copyright} -- copyright information for the package"
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{copyright} -- информация об авторских правах для данного пакета"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:360
msgid "\\textbf{changelog} -- history of the Debian package"
msgstr "\\textbf{changelog} -- история пакета Debian"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:360
msgid "Other files:"
msgstr "Другие файлы:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:360
msgid "compat"
msgstr "compat"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:360
msgid "watch"
msgstr "watch"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:360
msgid "dh\\_install* targets\\\\ {\\small *.dirs, *.docs, *.manpages, \\ldots}"
msgstr "цели dh\\_install* \\\\ {\\small *.dirs, *.docs, *.manpages, \\ldots}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:360
msgid "maintainer scripts\\\\ {\\small *.postinst, *.prerm, \\ldots}"
msgstr "сценарии сопровождающего\\\\ {\\small *.postinst, *.prerm, \\ldots}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:360
msgid "source/format"
msgstr "source/format"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:360
msgid "patches/ -- if you need to modify the upstream sources"
msgstr "patches/ -- если вам нужно изменить исходный код основной ветки"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:360
msgid "Several files use a format based on RFC 822 (mail headers)"
msgstr ""
"Некоторые файлы используют формат на основе RFC 822 (почтовые заголовки)"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:372
msgid "debian/changelog"
msgstr "debian/changelog"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:372
msgid "Lists the Debian packaging changes"
msgstr "Содержит список изменений пакета Debian"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:372
msgid "Gives the current version of the package"
msgstr "Содержит текущую версию пакета"

#. type: tikzpicture
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:372
msgid ""
"\\draw (0,0) node[above right] {\\large}; \\draw [decorate,"
"decoration={brace}] (2,0) -- (1.45,0) node[at start,below,text width=1.6cm,"
"text centered] {\\small Debian revision}; \\draw [decorate,"
"decoration={brace}] (1.4,0) -- (0,0) node[midway,below,text width=1.6cm,text "
"centered] { \\small Upstream version};"
msgstr ""
"\\draw (0,0) node[above right] {\\large}; \\draw [decorate,"
"decoration={brace}] (2,0) -- (1.45,0) node[at start,below,text width=1.6cm,"
"text centered] {\\small Debian-ревизия}; \\draw [decorate,"
"decoration={brace}] (1.4,0) -- (0,0) node[midway,below,text width=1.6cm,text "
"centered] { \\small Основная версия};"

#. %
#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:386
msgid "Edited manually or with \\textttc{dch}"
msgstr "Редактируется вручную или с помощью \\textttc{dch}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:386
msgid "Create a changelog entry for a new release: \\textttc{dch -i}"
msgstr "Создать запись об изменении для нового выпуска: \\textttc{dch -i}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:386
msgid ""
"Special format to automatically close Debian or Ubuntu bugs\\\\ Debian: "
"\\texttt{Closes:~\\#595268}; Ubuntu: \\texttt{LP:~\\#616929}"
msgstr ""
"Специальный формат для автоматического закрытия ошибок Debian или Ubuntu\\\\ "
"Debian: \\texttt{Closes:~\\#595268}; Ubuntu: \\texttt{LP:~\\#616929}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:386
msgid ""
"Installed as \\texttt{/usr/share/doc/\\textit{package}/changelog.Debian.gz}"
msgstr ""
"Устанавливается как \\texttt{/usr/share/doc/\\textit{package}/changelog."

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:386
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"mpich2 ( unstable; urgency=low\n"
msgstr ""
"mpich2 ( unstable; urgency=low\n"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:392
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"  * Use /usr/bin/python instead of /usr/bin/python2.5. Allow\n"
"    to drop dependency on python2.5.  Closes: #595268\n"
"  * Make /usr/bin/mpdroot setuid. This is the default after\n"
"    the installation of mpich2 from source, too. LP: #616929\n"
"    + Add corresponding lintian override.\n"
msgstr ""
"  * Use /usr/bin/python instead of /usr/bin/python2.5. Allow\n"
"    to drop dependency on python2.5.  Closes: #595268\n"
"  * Make /usr/bin/mpdroot setuid. This is the default after\n"
"    the installation of mpich2 from source, too. LP: #616929\n"
"    + Add corresponding lintian override.\n"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:394
#, no-wrap
msgid " -- Lucas Nussbaum <lucas@debian.org>  Wed, 15 Sep 2010 18:13:44 +0200"
msgstr " -- Lucas Nussbaum <lucas@debian.org>  Wed, 15 Sep 2010 18:13:44 +0200"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:421
msgid "debian/control"
msgstr "debian/control"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:421
msgid "Package metadata"
msgstr "Метаданные пакета"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:421
msgid "For the source package itself"
msgstr "Для самого пакета с исходным кодом"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:421
msgid "For each binary package built from this source"
msgstr "Для каждого двоичного пакета, собираемого из исходного кода"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:421
msgid ""
"Package name, section, priority, maintainer, uploaders, build-dependencies, "
"dependencies, description, homepage, \\ldots"
msgstr ""
"Имя, раздел, приоритет, сопровождающий, загружающие, сборочные зависимости, "
"зависимости, описание, домашняя страница, \\ldots"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:421
msgid ""
"Documentation: Debian Policy chapter 5\\\\ \\url{https://www.debian.org/doc/";
msgstr ""
"Документация: Политика Debian, глава 5\\\\ \\url{https://www.debian.org/doc/";

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:421
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Source: wget\n"
"Section: web\n"
"Priority: important\n"
"Maintainer: Noel Kothe <noel@debian.org>\n"
"Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 5.0.0), gettext, texinfo,\n"
" libssl-dev (>= 0.9.8), dpatch, info2man\n"
"Standards-Version: 3.8.4\n"
"Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/\n";
msgstr ""
"Source: wget\n"
"Section: web\n"
"Priority: important\n"
"Maintainer: Noel Kothe <noel@debian.org>\n"
"Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 5.0.0), gettext, texinfo,\n"
" libssl-dev (>= 0.9.8), dpatch, info2man\n"
"Standards-Version: 3.8.4\n"
"Homepage: http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/\n";

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:427
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Package: wget\n"
"Architecture: any\n"
"Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}\n"
"Description: retrieves files from the web\n"
" Wget is a network utility to retrieve files from the Web"
msgstr ""
"Package: wget\n"
"Architecture: any\n"
"Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}\n"
"Description: retrieves files from the web\n"
" Wget is a network utility to retrieve files from the Web"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:456
msgid "Architecture: all or any"
msgstr "Архитектура: все или какие-то"

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:456
msgid "Two kinds of binary packages:"
msgstr "Два типа двоичных пакетов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:456
msgid "Packages with different contents on each Debian architecture"
msgstr "Пакеты с разным содержимым на каждой архитектуре Debian"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:456
msgid "Example: C program"
msgstr "Пример: программа на C"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:456
msgid "\\texttt{Architecture:\\ any} in \\texttt{debian/control}"
msgstr "\\texttt{Architecture:\\ any} в \\texttt{debian/control}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:456
msgid ""
"Or, if it only works on a subset of architectures:\\\\ \\texttt{Architecture:"
"\\ amd64 i386 ia64 hurd-i386}"
msgstr ""
"Либо, если она работает только на некоторых архитектурах:\\\\ "
"\\texttt{Architecture:\\ amd64 i386 ia64 hurd-i386}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:456
msgid "buildd.debian.org: builds all the other architectures for you on upload"
msgstr ""
"buildd.debian.org: собирает для вас все остальные архитектуры при загрузке"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:456
msgid ""
"Named \\texttt{\\textsl{package}\\_\\textsl{version}\\_"
msgstr ""
"Имеет имя \\texttt{\\textsl{пакет}\\_\\textsl{версия}\\_"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:456
msgid "Packages with the same content on all architectures"
msgstr "Пакеты с одним и тем же содержимым на всех архитектурах"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:456
msgid "Example: Perl library"
msgstr "Пример: библиотека Perl"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:456
msgid "\\texttt{Architecture:\\ all} in \\texttt{debian/control}"
msgstr "\\texttt{Architecture:\\ all} в \\texttt{debian/control}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:456
msgid ""
"Named \\texttt{\\textsl{package}\\_\\textsl{version}\\_\\textbf{all}.deb}"
msgstr ""
"Имеет имя \\texttt{\\textsl{пакет}\\_\\textsl{версия}\\_\\textbf{all}.deb}"

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:456
msgid ""
"A source package can generate a mix of \\texttt{Architecture:\\ any} and "
"\\texttt{Architecture:\\ all} binary packages"
msgstr ""
"Пакет с исходным кодом может создавать двоичные пакеты и с "
"\\texttt{Architecture:\\ какая-то}, и с \\texttt{Architecture:\\ all}"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:482
msgid "debian/rules"
msgstr "debian/rules"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:482
msgid "Makefile"
msgstr "Makefile"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:482
msgid "Interface used to build Debian packages"
msgstr "Интерфейс, используемый для сборки пакетов Debian"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:482
msgid ""
"Documented in Debian Policy, chapter 4.8\\\\ {\\small \\url{https://www.";
msgstr ""
"Документирован в Политике Debian, глава 4.8\\\\ {\\small \\url{https://www.";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:482
msgid "Required targets:"
msgstr "Требуемые цели:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:482
msgid ""
"\\texttt{build, build-arch, build-indep}: should perform all the "
"configuration and compilation"
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{build, build-arch, build-indep}: должны выполнить все настройки и "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:482
msgid "\\texttt{binary, binary-arch, binary-indep}: build the binary packages"
msgstr "\\texttt{binary, binary-arch, binary-indep}: сборка двоичных пакетов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:482
msgid ""
"\\texttt{dpkg-buildpackage} will call \\texttt{binary} to build all the "
"packages, or \\texttt{binary-arch} to build only the \\texttt{Architecture:"
"~any} packages"
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{dpkg-buildpackage} вызовет \\texttt{binary} для сборки всех "
"пакетов, либо \\texttt{binary-arch} для сборки \\texttt{Architecture:~какая-"
"то} пакетов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:482
msgid "\\texttt{clean}: clean up the source directory"
msgstr "\\texttt{clean}: очищает каталог с исходным кодом"

#. type: subsection{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:516
msgid "Packaging helpers"
msgstr "Утилиты, упрощающие создание пакетов"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:516
msgid "Packaging helpers -- debhelper"
msgstr "Утилиты, упрощающие создание пакетов -- debhelper"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:516
msgid "You could write shell code in \\texttt{debian/rules} directly"
msgstr "Вы можете добавить код оболочки напрямую в \\texttt{debian/rules}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:516
msgid "See the \\texttt{rsync} package for example"
msgstr "Пример см. в пакете \\texttt{rsync}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:516
msgid ""
"Better practice (used by most packages): use a \\textsl{Packaging helper}"
msgstr ""
"Лучше всего (используется большинством пакетов): использовать "
"\\textsl{утилиту, упрощающую создание пакетов}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:516
msgid "Most popular one: \\textbf{debhelper} (used by 98\\% of packages)"
msgstr "Наиболее популярен: \\textbf{debhelper} (используется в 98\\% пакетов)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:516
msgid "Goals:"
msgstr "Цели:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:516
msgid "Factor the common tasks in standard tools used by all packages"
msgstr "Решить общие задачи стандартными средствами, для всех пакетов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:516
msgid "Fix some packaging bugs once for all packages"
msgstr "Исправить ряд ошибок при создании пакетов, для всех пакетов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:516
msgid ""
"{\\footnotesize dh\\_installdirs, dh\\_installchangelogs, dh\\_installdocs, "
"dh\\_installexamples, dh\\_install, dh\\_installdebconf, dh\\_installinit, dh"
"\\_link, dh\\_strip, dh\\_compress, dh\\_fixperms, dh\\_perl, dh"
"\\_makeshlibs, dh\\_installdeb, dh\\_shlibdeps, dh\\_gencontrol, dh"
"\\_md5sums, dh\\_builddeb, \\ldots}"
msgstr ""
"{\\footnotesize dh\\_installdirs, dh\\_installchangelogs, dh\\_installdocs, "
"dh\\_installexamples, dh\\_install, dh\\_installdebconf, dh\\_installinit, dh"
"\\_link, dh\\_strip, dh\\_compress, dh\\_fixperms, dh\\_perl, dh"
"\\_makeshlibs, dh\\_installdeb, dh\\_shlibdeps, dh\\_gencontrol, dh"
"\\_md5sums, dh\\_builddeb, \\ldots}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:516
msgid "Called from \\texttt{debian/rules}"
msgstr "Вызывается из \\texttt{debian/rules}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:516
msgid "Configurable using command parameters or files in \\texttt{debian/}"
msgstr "Настройка через параметры команды или файлы в \\texttt{debian/}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:516
msgid ""
"{\\footnotesize \\ttfamily \\textsl{package}.docs, \\textsl{package}."
"examples, \\textsl{package}.install, \\textsl{package}.manpages, \\ldots}"
msgstr ""
"{\\footnotesize \\ttfamily \\textsl{пакет}.docs, \\textsl{пакет}.examples, "
"\\textsl{пакет}.install, \\textsl{пакет}.manpages, \\ldots}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:516
msgid ""
"Third-party helpers for sets of packages: \\textbf{python-support}, "
"\\textbf{dh\\_ocaml}, \\ldots"
msgstr ""
"Сторонние утилиты для ряда пакетов: \\textbf{python-support}, \\textbf{dh"
"\\_ocaml}, \\ldots"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:516
msgid ""
"Gotcha: \\texttt{debian/compat}: Debhelper compatibility version (use \"7\")"
msgstr ""
"Попался: \\texttt{debian/compat}: версия совместимости debhelper "
"(используйте \"7\")"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:520
msgid "debian/rules using debhelper (1/2)"
msgstr "debian/rules, использующий debhelper (1/2)"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:520
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
msgstr ""
"#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:523
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.\n"
"#export DH_VERBOSE=1\n"
msgstr ""
"# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.\n"
"#export DH_VERBOSE=1\n"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:527
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"build: \n"
"        $(MAKE)\n"
"        #docbook-to-man debian/packagename.sgml > packagename.1\n"
msgstr ""
"build: \n"
"        $(MAKE)\n"
"        #docbook-to-man debian/packagename.sgml > packagename.1\n"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:534
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"clean: \n"
"        dh_testdir\n"
"        dh_testroot\n"
"        rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp\n"
"        $(MAKE) clean\n"
"        dh_clean \n"
msgstr ""
"clean: \n"
"        dh_testdir\n"
"        dh_testroot\n"
"        rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp\n"
"        $(MAKE) clean\n"
"        dh_clean \n"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:542
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"install: build\n"
"        dh_testdir\n"
"        dh_testroot\n"
"        dh_clean -k \n"
"        dh_installdirs\n"
"        # Add here commands to install the package into debian/packagename.\n"
"        $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/packagename install"
msgstr ""
"install: build\n"
"        dh_testdir\n"
"        dh_testroot\n"
"        dh_clean -k \n"
"        dh_installdirs\n"
"        # Add here commands to install the package into debian/packagename.\n"
"        $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/packagename install"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:547
msgid "debian/rules using debhelper (2/2)"
msgstr "debian/rules, использующий debhelper (2/2)"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:547
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:550
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# Build architecture-independent files here.\n"
"binary-indep: build install\n"
msgstr ""
"# Build architecture-independent files here.\n"
"binary-indep: build install\n"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:569
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# Build architecture-dependent files here.\n"
"binary-arch: build install\n"
"        dh_testdir\n"
"        dh_testroot\n"
"        dh_installchangelogs \n"
"        dh_installdocs\n"
"        dh_installexamples\n"
"        dh_install\n"
"        dh_installman\n"
"        dh_link\n"
"        dh_strip\n"
"        dh_compress\n"
"        dh_fixperms\n"
"        dh_installdeb\n"
"        dh_shlibdeps\n"
"        dh_gencontrol\n"
"        dh_md5sums\n"
"        dh_builddeb\n"
msgstr ""
"# Build architecture-dependent files here.\n"
"binary-arch: build install\n"
"        dh_testdir\n"
"        dh_testroot\n"
"        dh_installchangelogs \n"
"        dh_installdocs\n"
"        dh_installexamples\n"
"        dh_install\n"
"        dh_installman\n"
"        dh_link\n"
"        dh_strip\n"
"        dh_compress\n"
"        dh_fixperms\n"
"        dh_installdeb\n"
"        dh_shlibdeps\n"
"        dh_gencontrol\n"
"        dh_md5sums\n"
"        dh_builddeb\n"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:572
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"binary: binary-indep binary-arch\n"
".PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install configure"
msgstr ""
"binary: binary-indep binary-arch\n"
".PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install configure"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:603
msgid "CDBS"
msgstr "CDBS"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:603
msgid "With debhelper, still a lot of redundancy between packages"
msgstr "С debhelper всё равно остаётся много лишней работы"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:603
msgid "Second-level helpers that factor common functionality"
msgstr "Второпорядковые утилиты с большей функциональностью"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:603
msgid ""
"E.g. building with \\texttt{./configure \\&\\& make \\&\\& make install} or "
msgstr ""
"Напр., сборка с \\texttt{./configure \\&\\& make \\&\\& make install} или "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:603
msgid "CDBS:"
msgstr "CDBS:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:603
msgid "Introduced in 2005, based on advanced \\textsl{GNU make} magic"
msgstr ""
"Представлен в 2005 году, основан на продвинутой магии \\textsl{GNU make}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:603
msgid "Documentation: \\texttt{/usr/share/doc/cdbs/}"
msgstr "Документация: \\texttt{/usr/share/doc/cdbs/}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:603
msgid "Support for Perl, Python, Ruby, GNOME, KDE, Java, Haskell, \\ldots"
msgstr "Поддержка Perl, Python, Ruby, GNOME, KDE, Java, Haskell, \\ldots"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:603
msgid "But some people hate it:"
msgstr "Но некоторым она не нравится:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:603
msgid ""
"Sometimes difficult to customize package builds:\\\\ \"\\textsl{twisty maze "
"of makefiles and environment variables}\""
msgstr ""
"Иногда трудно настраивать сборку пакетов:\\\\ \"\\textsl{лабиринт make-"
"файлов и переменных окружения}\""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:603
msgid "Slower than plain debhelper (many useless calls to \\texttt{dh\\_*})"
msgstr ""
"Медленнее, чем обычный debhelper (множество бесполезных вызовов \\texttt{dh"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:603
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
"include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk\n"
"include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/autotools.mk\n"
msgstr ""
"#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
"include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk\n"
"include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/autotools.mk\n"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:607
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# add an action after the build\n"
"    /bin/bash debian/scripts/foo.sh\n"
"      "
msgstr ""
"# add an action after the build\n"
"    /bin/bash debian/scripts/foo.sh\n"
"      "

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:628
msgid "Dh (aka Debhelper 7, or dh7)"
msgstr "Dh (также известный как Debhelper 7, либо dh7)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:628
msgid "Introduced in 2008 as a \\textsl{CDBS killer}"
msgstr "Представлен в 2008 году как \\textsl{убийца CDBS}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:628
msgid "\\textbf{dh} command that calls \\texttt{dh\\_*}"
msgstr "Команда \\textbf{dh}, вызывающая \\texttt{dh\\_*}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:628
msgid "Simple \\textsl{debian/rules}, listing only overrides"
msgstr ""
"Простой файл \\textsl{debian/rules}, содержащий только список отклонений"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:628
msgid "Easier to customize than CDBS"
msgstr "Проще настраивать, чем CDBS"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:628
msgid ""
"Doc: manpages (\\texttt{debhelper(7)}, \\texttt{dh(1)}) + slides from "
"DebConf9 talk\\\\ \\url{http://kitenet.net/~joey/talks/debhelper/debhelper-";
msgstr ""
"Документация: справочные страницы (\\texttt{debhelper(7)}, \\texttt{dh(1)}) "
"+ слайды с выступления на DebConf9\\\\ \\url{http://kitenet.net/~joey/talks/";

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:628
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
"    dh $@\n"
msgstr ""
"#!/usr/bin/make -f\n"
"    dh $@\n"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:631
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"     dh_auto_configure -- --with-kitchen-sink\n"
msgstr ""
"     dh_auto_configure -- --with-kitchen-sink\n"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:634
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"     make world\n"
msgstr ""
"     make world\n"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:635
#, no-wrap
msgid "    "
msgstr "    "

#.  source for stats: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-qa/dhistory.git/
#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:657
msgid "Classic debhelper vs CDBS vs dh"
msgstr "Классический debhelper против CDBS и dh"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:657
msgid ""
"Mind shares:\\\\ Classic debhelper: 15\\% \\hskip 1em CDBS: 15\\% \\hskip "
"1em dh: 68\\%"
msgstr ""
"Доля использования:\\\\ Классический debhelper: 15\\% \\hskip 1em CDBS: 15\\"
"% \\hskip 1em dh: 68\\%"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:657
msgid "Which one should I learn?"
msgstr "Что мне изучать?"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:657
msgid "Probably a bit of all of them"
msgstr "Вероятно, всё по чуть-чуть"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:657
msgid "You need to know debhelper to use dh and CDBS"
msgstr "Вам нужно знать debhelper для использования dh и CDBS"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:657
msgid "You might have to modify CDBS packages"
msgstr "Вам может потребоваться изменить пакеты CDBS"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:657
msgid "Which one should I use for a new package?"
msgstr "Что использовать для нового пакета?"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:657
msgid "\\textbf{dh} (only solution with an increasing mind share)"
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{dh} (единственное решение с увеличивающейся долей использования)"

#. type: axis[#1]
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:671
msgid ""
"small,label style={font=\\footnotesize},xlabel={\\small Time},"
"ylabel={\\small Market share (\\%)}, date coordinates in=x,height=4.85cm,"
"width=9cm,xticklabel={\\year}, legend style={font=\\footnotesize,"
"at={(1.02,1)},anchor=north west},max space between ticks=82,try min ticks=5,"
msgstr ""
"small,label style={font=\\footnotesize},xlabel={\\small Время},"
"ylabel={\\small Доля (\\%)}, date coordinates in=x,height=4.85cm,width=9cm,"
"xticklabel={\\year}, legend style={font=\\footnotesize,at={(1.02,1)},"
"anchor=north west},max space between ticks=82,try min ticks=5,ymin=0"

#. type: axis
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:671
msgid ""
"\\addplot[mark=none,blue,thick,style=densely dotted] table[x=date,y=dh] "
"{cdbs-dh7.txt}; \\addplot[mark=none,red,thick,style=dashed] table[x=date,"
"y=dh7] {cdbs-dh7.txt}; \\addplot[mark=none,green,thick] table[x=date,y=cdbs] "
"{cdbs-dh7.txt}; \\legend{debhelper, dh, CDBS}"
msgstr ""
"\\addplot[mark=none,blue,thick,style=densely dotted] table[x=date,y=dh] "
"{cdbs-dh7.txt}; \\addplot[mark=none,red,thick,style=dashed] table[x=date,"
"y=dh7] {cdbs-dh7.txt}; \\addplot[mark=none,green,thick] table[x=date,y=cdbs] "
"{cdbs-dh7.txt}; \\legend{debhelper, dh, CDBS}"

#. type: section{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:681
msgid "Building and testing packages"
msgstr "Сборка и тестирование пакетов"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:681
msgid "Building packages"
msgstr "Сборка пакетов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:681
msgid ""
"\\textttc{apt-get build-dep mypackage}\\\\ Installs the \\textsl{build-"
"dependencies} (for a package already in Debian)\\\\ Or \\textttc{mk-build-"
"deps -ir} (for a package not uploaded yet)"
msgstr ""
"\\textttc{apt-get build-dep мой\\_пакет}\\\\ Устанавливает зависимости для "
"сборки (\\textsl{build-dependencies}) (для пакета, уже включённого в "
"Debian)\\\\ Либо \\textttc{mk-build-deps -ir} (для пакета, который пока не "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737
msgid "\\textttc{debuild}: build, test with \\texttt{lintian}, sign with GPG"
msgstr ""
"\\textttc{debuild}: сборка, тестирование с помощью \\texttt{lintian}, "
"подпись GPG"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737
msgid "Also possible to call \\textttc{dpkg-buildpackage} directly"
msgstr "Также можно вызвать \\textttc{dpkg-buildpackage} напрямую"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737
msgid "Usually with \\texttt{dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc}"
msgstr "Обычно с помощью \\texttt{dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737
msgid "It is better to build packages in a clean \\& minimal environment"
msgstr "Лучше собирать пакеты в чистом минимальном окружении"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737
msgid ""
"\\textttc{pbuilder} -- helper to build packages in a \\textsl{chroot}\\\\ "
"Good documentation: \\url{https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto}\\\\ "
"(optimization: \\textttc{cowbuilder} \\textttc{ccache} \\textttc{distcc})"
msgstr ""
"\\textttc{pbuilder} -- утилита, облегчающая сборку пакетов в "
"\\textsl{chroot}\\\\ Хорошая документация: \\url{https://wiki.ubuntu.com/";
"PbuilderHowto}\\\\ (оптимизация: \\textttc{cowbuilder} \\textttc{ccache} "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737
msgid ""
"\\textttc{schroot} and \\textttc{sbuild}: used on the Debian build daemons\\"
"\\ (not as simple as \\texttt{pbuilder}, but allows LVM snapshots\\\\ see: "
"\\url{https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto} )"
msgstr ""
"\\textttc{schroot} и \\textttc{sbuild}: используются в службах сборки Debian"
"\\\\ (не так просты как \\texttt{pbuilder}, но позволяют делать снимки LVM\\"
"\\ см.: \\url{https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto} )"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737
msgid "Generates \\texttt{.deb} files and a \\texttt{.changes} file"
msgstr "Создаёт файлы \\texttt{.deb} и файл \\texttt{.changes}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737
msgid ""
"\\texttt{.changes}: describes what was built; used to upload the package"
msgstr "\\texttt{.changes}: описывает, что было собрано; для загрузки пакета"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737
msgid "Installing and testing packages"
msgstr "Установка и тестирование пакетов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737
msgid ""
"Install the package locally: \\textttc{debi} (will use \\texttt{.changes} to "
"know what to install)"
msgstr ""
"Установить пакет локально: \\textttc{debi} (будет использовать \\texttt{."
"changes} для того, чтобы определить, что устанавливать)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737
msgid ""
"List the content of the package: \\texttt{{\\color{rouge}debc} ../"
msgstr ""
"Список содержимого пакета: \\texttt{{\\color{rouge}debc} ../мой\\_пакет<TAB>."

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737
msgid ""
"Compare the package with a previous version:\\\\ \\texttt{{\\color{rouge}"
"debdiff} ../mypackage\\_1\\_*.changes ../mypackage\\_2\\_*.changes}\\\\ or "
"to compare the sources:\\\\ \\texttt{{\\color{rouge}debdiff} ../mypackage"
"\\_1\\_*.dsc ../mypackage\\_2\\_*.dsc}\\\\"
msgstr ""
"Сравнить пакет с предыдущей версией:\\\\ \\texttt{{\\color{rouge}debdiff} ../"
"мой\\_пакет\\_1\\_*.changes ../мой\\_пакет\\_2\\_*.changes}\\\\ или сравнить "
"с исходным кодом:\\\\ \\texttt{{\\color{rouge}debdiff} ../мой\\_пакет"
"\\_1\\_*.dsc ../мой\\_пакет\\_2\\_*.dsc}\\\\"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737
msgid ""
"Check the package with \\texttt{lintian} (static analyzer):\\\\ "
"\\texttt{{\\color{rouge}lintian} ../mypackage<TAB>.changes}\\\\ "
"\\texttt{lintian -i}: gives more information about the errors \\\\ "
"\\texttt{lintian -EviIL +pedantic}: shows more problems"
msgstr ""
"Проверить пакет с помощью \\texttt{lintian} (статический анализатор):\\\\ "
"\\texttt{{\\color{rouge}lintian} ../мой\\_пакет<TAB>.changes}\\\\ "
"\\texttt{lintian -i}: выдаёт дополнительную информацию об ошибках \\\\ "
"\\texttt{lintian -EviIL +pedantic}: показывает больше проблем"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737
msgid "Upload the package to Debian (\\textttc{dput}) (needs configuration)"
msgstr "Загрузить пакет в Debian (\\textttc{dput}) (требуется настройка)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737
msgid ""
"Manage a private Debian archive with \\textttc{reprepro} or "
"\\textttc{aptly}\\\\ Documentation: \\url{https://wiki.debian.org/";
msgstr ""
"Управлять частным архивом Debian с помощью \\textttc{reprepro} или \\"
"\\textttc{aptly}\\\\ Документация: \\url{https://wiki.debian.org/";

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737 packaging-tutorial.tex:1497
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1502
msgid "Practical session 1: modifying the grep package"
msgstr "Практика 1: изменение пакета grep"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737 packaging-tutorial.tex:1502
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1549
msgid ""
"Go to \\url{http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/grep/} and download "
"version 2.12-2 of the package"
msgstr ""
"Перейдите по адресу \\url{http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/grep/} и "
"загрузите версию 2.12-2 пакета"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:737
msgid ""
"If the source package is not unpacked automatically, unpack it with "
msgstr ""
"Если пакет с исходным кодом не распаковывается автоматически, распакуйте его "
"с помощью \\texttt{dpkg-source~-x~grep\\_*.dsc}"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:757 packaging-tutorial.tex:1522
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1568
msgid "Look at the files in \\texttt{debian/}."
msgstr "Посмотрите файлы в \\texttt{debian/}."

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:757 packaging-tutorial.tex:1522
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1568
msgid "How many binary packages are generated by this source package?"
msgstr "Сколько двоичных пакетов создаётся этим пакетом?"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:757 packaging-tutorial.tex:1522
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1568
msgid "Which packaging helper does this package use?"
msgstr "Какая утилита для создания пакетов используется?"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:757 packaging-tutorial.tex:1522
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1577 packaging-tutorial.tex:1921
msgid "Build the package"
msgstr "Соберите пакет"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:757 packaging-tutorial.tex:1522
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1598
msgid ""
"We are now going to modify the package. Add a changelog entry and increase "
"the version number."
msgstr ""
"Мы собираемся изменить пакет. Добавьте запись в журнал изменений и увеличьте "
"номер версии."

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:757 packaging-tutorial.tex:1522
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1618
msgid "Now disable perl-regexp support (it is a \\texttt{./configure} option)"
msgstr ""
"Теперь отключите поддержку регулярных выражений Perl (perl-regexp) (это "
"опция \\texttt{./configure})"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:757 packaging-tutorial.tex:1522
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1618
msgid "Rebuild the package"
msgstr "Соберите пакет заново"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:757 packaging-tutorial.tex:1522
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1643
msgid "Compare the original and the new package with debdiff"
msgstr "Сравните оригинальный и новый пакеты с помощью debdiff"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:757 packaging-tutorial.tex:1522
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1643
msgid "Install the newly built package"
msgstr "Установите собранный заново пакет"

#. type: section{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:773
msgid "Advanced packaging topics"
msgstr "Продвинутые темы в сборке пакетов"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:773
msgid "debian/copyright"
msgstr "debian/copyright"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:773
msgid "Copyright and license information for the source and the packaging"
msgstr ""
"Авторское право и лицензионная информация для исходного кода и создания "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:773
msgid "Traditionally written as a text file"
msgstr "Традиционно записывается в виде текстового файла"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:773
msgid ""
"New machine-readable format: {\\small\\url{https://www.debian.org/doc/";
msgstr ""
"Новый машиночитаемый формат: {\\small\\url{https://www.debian.org/doc/";

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:773
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/\n";
"Upstream-Name: X Solitaire\n"
"Source: ftp://ftp.example.com/pub/games\n";
msgstr ""
"Format: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/\n";
"Upstream-Name: X Solitaire\n"
"Source: ftp://ftp.example.com/pub/games\n";

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:783
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Files: *\n"
"Copyright: Copyright 1998 John Doe <jdoe@example.com>\n"
"License: GPL-2+\n"
" This program is free software; you can redistribute it\n"
" [...]\n"
" .\n"
" On Debian systems, the full text of the GNU General Public\n"
" License version 2 can be found in the file\n"
" `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.\n"
msgstr ""
"Files: *\n"
"Copyright: Copyright 1998 John Doe <jdoe@example.com>\n"
"License: GPL-2+\n"
" This program is free software; you can redistribute it\n"
" [...]\n"
" .\n"
" On Debian systems, the full text of the GNU General Public\n"
" License version 2 can be found in the file\n"
" `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.\n"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:788
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Files: debian/*\n"
"Copyright: Copyright 1998 Jane Smith <jsmith@example.net>\n"
msgstr ""
"Files: debian/*\n"
"Copyright: Copyright 1998 Jane Smith <jsmith@example.net>\n"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:819
msgid "Modifying the upstream source"
msgstr "Изменение исходного кода основной ветки разработки"

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:819
msgid "Often needed:"
msgstr "Зачастую требуется:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:819
msgid "Fix bugs or add customizations that are specific to Debian"
msgstr "Исправить ошибки или добавить изменения, специфичные для Debian"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:819
msgid "Backport fixes from a newer upstream release"
msgstr "Перенести исправления из более нового выпуска основной ветки"

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:819
msgid "Several methods to do it:"
msgstr "Несколько методов, чтобы сделать это:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:819
msgid "Modifying the files directly"
msgstr "Изменение файлов напрямую"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:819
msgid "Simple"
msgstr "Просто"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:819
msgid "But no way to track and document the changes"
msgstr "Нет возможность отследить и задокументировать изменения"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:819
msgid "Using patch systems"
msgstr "Использование систем заплат"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:819
msgid "Eases contributing your changes to upstream"
msgstr "Упрощает внесение ваших изменений в основную ветку"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:819
msgid "Helps sharing the fixes with derivatives"
msgstr "Помогает делиться исправлениями с производными дистрибутивами"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:819
msgid ""
"Gives more exposure to the changes\\\\ \\url{http://patch-tracker.debian.";
"org/} (down currently)"
msgstr ""
"Больше внимания изменениям\\\\ \\url{http://patch-tracker.debian.org/} (в "
"настоящее время выключен)"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:849
msgid "Patch systems"
msgstr "Системы заплат"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:849
msgid "Principle: changes are stored as patches in \\texttt{debian/patches/}"
msgstr ""
"Принцип: изменения сохраняются в виде заплат в \\texttt{debian/patches/}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:849
msgid "Applied and unapplied during build"
msgstr "Применяются или не применяются во время сборки"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:849
msgid ""
"Past: several implementations -- \\textsl{simple-patchsys} (\\textsl{cdbs}), "
"\\textsl{dpatch}, \\textbf{\\textsl{quilt}}"
msgstr ""
"В прошлом: несколько реализаций -- \\textsl{simple-patchsys} "
"(\\textsl{cdbs}), \\textsl{dpatch}, \\textbf{\\textsl{quilt}}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:849
msgid "Each supports two \\texttt{debian/rules} targets:"
msgstr "Каждая поддерживает две цели \\texttt{debian/rules}:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:849
msgid "\\texttt{debian/rules patch}: apply all patches"
msgstr "\\texttt{debian/rules patch}: применяет все заплаты"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:849
msgid "\\texttt{debian/rules unpatch}: de-apply all patches"
msgstr "\\texttt{debian/rules unpatch}: отменяет все заплаты"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:849
msgid "More documentation: \\url{https://wiki.debian.org/debian/patches}";
msgstr ""
"Дополнительная документация: \\url{https://wiki.debian.org/debian/patches}";

#. type: textbf{#1}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:849
msgid "New source package format with built-in patch system: 3.0 (quilt)"
msgstr ""
"Новый формат пакетов с исходным кодом со встроенной системой заплат: 3.0 "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:849
msgid "Recommended solution"
msgstr "Рекомендуемое решение"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:849
msgid ""
"You need to learn \\textsl{quilt}\\\\ \\url{http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.";
msgstr ""
"Вам необходимо изучить \\textsl{quilt}\\\\ \\url{http://pkg-perl.alioth.";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:849
msgid ""
"Patch-system-agnostic tool in \\texttt{devscripts}: \\texttt{edit-patch}"
msgstr ""
"Независимый от системы заплат инструмент в \\texttt{devscripts}: "

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:866
msgid "Documentation of patches"
msgstr "Документирование заплат"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:866
msgid "Standard headers at the beginning of the patch"
msgstr "Стандартные заголовки в начале заплаты"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:866
msgid ""
"Documented in DEP-3 - Patch Tagging Guidelines\\\\ \\url{http://dep.debian.";
msgstr ""
"Документированы в DEP-3 - Руководство по тегам заплат\\\\ \\url{http://dep.";

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:866
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Description: Fix widget frobnication speeds\n"
" Frobnicating widgets too quickly tended to cause explosions.\n"
"Forwarded: http://lists.example.com/2010/03/1234.html\n";
"Author: John Doe <johndoe-guest@users.alioth.debian.org>\n"
"Applied-Upstream: 1.2, http://bzr.foo.com/frobnicator/revision/123\n";
"Last-Update: 2010-03-29\n"
msgstr ""
"Description: Fix widget frobnication speeds\n"
" Frobnicating widgets too quickly tended to cause explosions.\n"
"Forwarded: http://lists.example.com/2010/03/1234.html\n";
"Author: John Doe <johndoe-guest@users.alioth.debian.org>\n"
"Applied-Upstream: 1.2, http://bzr.foo.com/frobnicator/revision/123\n";
"Last-Update: 2010-03-29\n"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:870
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"--- a/src/widgets.c\n"
"+++ b/src/widgets.c\n"
"@@ -101,9 +101,6 @@ struct {"
msgstr ""
"--- a/src/widgets.c\n"
"+++ b/src/widgets.c\n"
"@@ -101,9 +101,6 @@ struct {"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:890
msgid "Doing things during installation and removal"
msgstr "Сделать что-то во время установки или удаления"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:890
msgid "Decompressing the package is sometimes not enough"
msgstr "Иногда недостаточно просто распаковать пакет"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:890
msgid ""
"Create/remove system users, start/stop services, manage "
msgstr ""
"Создать/удалить системных пользователей, запустить/остановить службы, "
"обработать \\textsl{альтернативы}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:890
msgid ""
"Done in \\textsl{maintainer scripts}\\\\ \\texttt{preinst, postinst, prerm, "
msgstr ""
"Осуществляется в \\textsl{сценариях сопровождающего}\\\\ \\texttt{preinst, "
"postinst, prerm, postrm}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:890
msgid "Snippets for common actions can be generated by debhelper"
msgstr "Части общих действий могут быть созданы при помощи debhelper"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:890
msgid "Documentation:"
msgstr "Документация:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:890
msgid ""
"Debian Policy Manual, chapter 6\\\\ {\\footnotesize \\url{https://www.debian.";
msgstr ""
"Руководство по политике Debian, глава 6\\\\ {\\footnotesize \\url{https://";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:906
msgid ""
"Debian Developer's Reference, chapter 6.4\\\\ {\\scriptsize \\url{https://";
msgstr ""
"Справочник разработчика Debian, глава 6.4\\\\ {\\scriptsize \\url{https://";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:906
msgid ""
"{\\footnotesize \\url{https://people.debian.org/~srivasta/MaintainerScripts.";
msgstr ""
"{\\footnotesize \\url{https://people.debian.org/~srivasta/MaintainerScripts.";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:906
msgid "Prompting the user"
msgstr "Приглашение пользователя"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:906
msgid "Must be done with \\textbf{debconf}"
msgstr "Должно осуществляться с помощью \\textbf{debconf}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:906
msgid ""
"Documentation: \\texttt{debconf-devel(7)} (\\texttt{debconf-doc} package)"
msgstr "Документация: \\texttt{debconf-devel(7)} (пакет \\texttt{debconf-doc})"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:912
msgid "Monitoring upstream versions"
msgstr "Отслеживание версий основной ветки"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:912
msgid ""
"Specify where to look in \\texttt{debian/watch} (see \\texttt{uscan(1)})"
msgstr ""
"В файле \\texttt{debian/watch} укажите где искать (см. \\texttt{uscan(1)})"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:912
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:915
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"http://tmrc.mit.edu/mirror/twisted/Twisted/(\\d\\.\\d)/ \\\n"
"  Twisted-([\\d\\.]*)\\.tar\\.bz2\n"
"    "
msgstr ""
"http://tmrc.mit.edu/mirror/twisted/Twisted/(\\d\\.\\d)/ \\\n"
"  Twisted-([\\d\\.]*)\\.tar\\.bz2\n"
"    "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:924
msgid ""
"There are automated trackers of new upstream versions, that notify the "
"maintainer on various dashboards including \\url{https://tracker.debian.";
"org/} and \\url{https://udd.debian.org/dmd/}";
msgstr ""
"There are automated trackers of new upstream versions, that notify the "
"maintainer on various dashboards including \\url{https://tracker.debian.";
"org/} and \\url{https://udd.debian.org/dmd/}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:924
msgid "\\texttt{uscan}: run a manual check"
msgstr "\\texttt{uscan}: запустить ручную проверку"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:924
msgid ""
"\\texttt{uupdate}: try to update your package to the latest upstream version"
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{uupdate}: попытаться обновить ваш пакет до самой последней версии "
"основной ветки разработки"

#. type: subsection{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:963
msgid "Packaging with a Version Control System (SVN, Git)"
msgstr "Создание пакетов в системе контроля версий (SVN, Git)"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:963
msgid "Packaging with a Version Control System"
msgstr "Создание пакетов в системе контроля версий"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:963
msgid ""
"Several tools to help manage branches and tags for your packaging work:\\\\ "
"\\texttt{svn-buildpackage}, \\texttt{git-buildpackage}"
msgstr ""
"Инструменты, помогающие управлять ветками и тегам вашей работы по созданию "
"пакетов:\\\\ \\texttt{svn-buildpackage}, \\texttt{git-buildpackage}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:963
msgid "Example: \\texttt{git-buildpackage}"
msgstr "Пример: \\texttt{git-buildpackage}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:963
msgid ""
"\\texttt{upstream} branch to track upstream with \\texttt{upstream/"
"\\textsl{version}} tags"
msgstr ""
"Ветка \\texttt{upstream} для отслеживания основной ветки с тегами "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:963
msgid "\\texttt{master} branch tracks the Debian package"
msgstr "Ветка \\texttt{master} отслеживает пакет Debian"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:963
msgid "\\texttt{debian/\\textsl{version}} tags for each upload"
msgstr "Теги \\texttt{debian/\\textsl{version}} для каждой загрузки"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:963
msgid ""
"\\texttt{pristine-tar} branch to be able to rebuild the upstream tarball"
msgstr "Ветка \\texttt{pristine-tar} для сборки tarball из основной ветки"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:963
msgid ""
"Doc: \\url{http://honk.sigxcpu.org/projects/git-buildpackage/manual-html/gbp.";
msgstr ""
"Doc: \\url{http://honk.sigxcpu.org/projects/git-buildpackage/manual-html/gbp.";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:963
msgid ""
"\\texttt{Vcs-*} fields in \\texttt{debian/control} to locate the repository"
msgstr ""
"Поля \\texttt{Vcs-*} в \\texttt{debian/control} для определения репозитория"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:963
msgid "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Git}";
msgstr "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Git}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:963
msgid "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Svn}";
msgstr "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Svn}";

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:963
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/devscripts.git\n";
"Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/collab-maint/devscripts.git\n"
"  "
msgstr ""
"Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/devscripts.git\n";
"Vcs-Git: git://anonscm.debian.org/collab-maint/devscripts.git\n"
"  "

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:963
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libwww-perl/\n";
"Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-perl/trunk/libwww-perl\n"
"  "
msgstr ""
"Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-perl/trunk/libwww-perl/\n";
"Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-perl/trunk/libwww-perl\n"
"  "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:963
msgid ""
"VCS-agnostic interface: \\texttt{debcheckout}, \\texttt{debcommit}, "
msgstr ""
"Интерфейс, независящий от системы контроля версий: \\texttt{debcheckout}, "
"\\texttt{debcommit}, \\texttt{debrelease}\\\\"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:963
msgid ""
"\\texttt{debcheckout grep} $\\rightarrow$ checks out the source package from "
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{debcheckout grep} $\\rightarrow$ выгружает пакет с исходным кодом "
"из Git"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:986
msgid "Backporting packages"
msgstr "Обратный перенос пакетов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:986
msgid ""
"Goal: use a newer version of a package on an older system\\\\ e.g. use "
"\\textsl{mutt} from Debian \\textsl{unstable} on Debian \\textsl{stable}"
msgstr ""
"Цель: использовать более новую версию пакета на старой системе\\\\ напр., "
"использовать \\textsl{mutt} из Debian \\textsl{unstable} на Debian "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:986
msgid "General idea:"
msgstr "Общая идея:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:986
msgid "Take the source package from Debian unstable"
msgstr "Взять пакет с исходным кодом из Debian unstable"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:986
msgid "Modify it so that it builds and works fine on Debian stable"
msgstr ""
"Изменить его так, чтобы он собирался и нормально работал в Debian stable"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:986
msgid "Sometimes trivial (no changes needed)"
msgstr "Иногда тривиально (изменения не требуются)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:986
msgid "Sometimes difficult"
msgstr "Иногда сложно"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:986
msgid "Sometimes impossible (many unavailable dependencies)"
msgstr "Иногда невозможно (много недоступных зависимостей)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:986
msgid ""
"Some backports are provided and supported by the Debian project\\\\ "
msgstr ""
"Некоторые обратные переносы предоставляются и поддерживаются Проектом Debian"
"\\\\ \\url{http://backports.debian.org/}";

#. type: section{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1017
msgid "Maintaining packages in Debian"
msgstr "Сопровождение пакетов в Debian"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1017
msgid "Several ways to contribute to Debian"
msgstr "Несколько способов внести вклад в Debian"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1017
msgid "\\textbf{Worst} way to contribute:"
msgstr "\\textbf{Худший} способ участия:"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1017
msgid "Package your own application"
msgstr "Создать пакет для вашего собственного приложения"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1017
msgid "Get it into Debian"
msgstr "Добавить его в Debian"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1017
msgid "Disappear"
msgstr "Исчезнуть"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1017
msgid "\\textbf{Better} ways to contribute:"
msgstr "\\textbf{Лучшие} способы участия:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1017
msgid "Get involved in packaging teams"
msgstr "Подключиться к работе команд по созданию пакетов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1017
msgid "Many teams that focus on set of packages, and need help"
msgstr "Многие команды концентрируются на наборах пакетов, им нужна помощь"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1017
msgid "List available at \\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Teams}";
msgstr "Список доступен по адресу \\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Teams}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1017
msgid "An excellent way to learn from more experienced contributors"
msgstr "Отличный способ научиться у более опытных участников"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1017
msgid "Adopt existing unmaintained packages (\\textsl{orphaned packages})"
msgstr ""
"Усыновление существующих несопровождаемых пакетов (\\textsl{осиротевших "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1017
msgid "Bring new software to Debian"
msgstr "Привнести в Debian новое ПО"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1017
msgid "Only if it's interesting/useful enough, please"
msgstr "Пожалуйста, только если оно достаточно интересно/полезно"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1017
msgid "Are there alternatives already packaged in Debian?"
msgstr ""
"Существуют ли какие-либо альтернативы для которых уже созданы пакеты Debian?"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1056
msgid "Adopting orphaned packages"
msgstr "Усыновление осиротевших пакетов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1056
msgid "Many unmaintained packages in Debian"
msgstr "В Debian много несопровождаемых пакетов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1056
msgid "Full list + process: \\url{https://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/}";
msgstr "Полный список + процесс: \\url{https://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1056
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Installed on your machine: \\texttt{wnpp-alert}"
msgid ""
"Installed on your machine: \\texttt{wnpp-alert}\\\\ Or better: \\texttt{how-"
msgstr "Установлены на вашей машине: \\texttt{wnpp-alert}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1056
msgid "Different states:"
msgstr "Различные состояния:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1056
msgid ""
"\\textbf{O}rphaned: the package is unmaintained\\\\ Feel free to adopt it"
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{O}rphaned (осиротевший): пакет не сопровождается\\\\ Усыновите его"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1056
msgid ""
"\\textbf{RFA}: \\textbf{R}equest \\textbf{F}or \\textbf{A}dopter\\\\ "
"Maintainer looking for adopter, but continues work in the meantime\\\\ Feel "
"free to adopt it. A mail to the current maintainer is polite"
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{RFA}: \\textbf{R}equest \\textbf{F}or \\textbf{A}dopter (Требуется "
"усыновитель)\\\\ Сопровождающий ищет усыновителя, но пока продолжает работать"
"\\\\ Усыновите его. Обратитесь к текущему сопровождающему"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1056
msgid ""
"\\textbf{ITA}: \\textbf{I}ntent \\textbf{T}o \\textbf{A}dopt\\\\ Someone "
"intends to adopt the package\\\\ You could propose your help!"
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{ITA}: \\textbf{I}ntent \\textbf{T}o \\textbf{A}dopt (Собираюсь "
"усыновить)\\\\ Кто-то намерен усыновить пакет\\\\ Помогите ему!"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1056
msgid ""
"\\textbf{RFH}: \\textbf{R}equest \\textbf{F}or \\textbf{H}elp\\\\ The "
"maintainer is looking for help"
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{RFH}: \\textbf{R}equest \\textbf{F}or \\textbf{H}elp (Запрос о "
"помощи)\\\\ Сопровождающий ищет помощь"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1056
msgid "Some unmaintained packages not detected \\arr not orphaned yet"
msgstr "Ряд несопровождаемых пакетов ещё не обнаружен \\arr не осиротели"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1056
msgid ""
"When in doubt, ask \\texttt{debian-qa@lists.debian.org} \\\\ or "
"\\texttt{\\#debian-qa} on \\texttt{irc.debian.org}"
msgstr ""
"Спрашивайте на \\texttt{debian-qa@lists.debian.org} \\\\ или в "
"\\texttt{\\#debian-qa} на \\texttt{irc.debian.org}"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1063
msgid "Adopting a package: example"
msgstr "Усыновление пакета: пример"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1063
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"From: You <you@yourdomain>\n"
"To: 640454@bugs.debian.org, control@bugs.debian.org\n"
"Cc: Francois Marier <francois@debian.org>\n"
"Subject: ITA: verbiste -- French conjugator\n"
msgstr ""
"From: You <you@yourdomain>\n"
"To: 640454@bugs.debian.org, control@bugs.debian.org\n"
"Cc: Francois Marier <francois@debian.org>\n"
"Subject: ITA: verbiste -- French conjugator\n"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1067
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"retitle 640454 ITA: verbiste -- French conjugator\n"
"owner 640454 !\n"
msgstr ""
"retitle 640454 ITA: verbiste -- French conjugator\n"
"owner 640454 !\n"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1069
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1071
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"I am using verbiste and I am willing to take care of the package.\n"
msgstr ""
"I am using verbiste and I am willing to take care of the package.\n"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1073
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1075
#, no-wrap
msgid "You"
msgstr "You"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1082
msgid ""
"Polite to contact the previous maintainer (especially if the package was "
"RFAed, not orphaned)"
msgstr ""
"Считается вежливым, если вы свяжитесь с предыдущим сопровождающим (особенно, "
"если пакет имеет статус RFA и пока не осиротел)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1082
msgid "Very good idea to contact the upstream project"
msgstr "Хорошо бы связаться с проектом основной ветки разработки"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1106
msgid "Getting your package in Debian"
msgstr "Добавление в Debian вашего пакета"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1106
msgid "You do not need any official status to get your package into Debian"
msgstr ""
"Для добавления вашего пакета в Debian вам не нужно иметь официальный статус"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1106
msgid ""
"Submit an \\textbf{ITP} bug (\\textbf{I}ntend \\textbf{T}o \\textbf{P}"
"ackage) using \\texttt{reportbug wnpp}"
msgstr ""
"Отправьте \\textbf{ITP} отчет (\\textbf{I}ntend \\textbf{T}o \\textbf{P}"
"ackage (Намерен создать пакет)) при помощи \\texttt{reportbug wnpp}"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1106
msgid "Prepare a source package"
msgstr "Подготовьте пакет с исходным кодом"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1106
msgid "Find a Debian Developer that will sponsor your package"
msgstr "Найдите разработчика Debian, который будет спонсировать ваш пакет"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1106
msgid "Official status (when you are an experienced package maintainer):"
msgstr ""
"Официальный статус (когда вы уже являетесь опытным сопровождающим пакетов):"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1106
msgid ""
"\\textbf{Debian Maintainer (DM):}\\\\ Permission to upload your own packages"
"\\\\ See \\url{https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMaintainer}";
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{Сопровождающий Debian (DM):}\\\\ Право на загрузку собственных "
"пакетов\\\\ См. \\url{https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMaintainer}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1106
msgid ""
"\\textbf{Debian Developer (DD):}\\\\ Debian project member; can vote and "
"upload any package"
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{Разработчик Debian (DD):}\\\\ Член Проекта Debian; может голосовать "
"и загружать любой пакет"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1134
msgid "Things to check before asking for sponsorship"
msgstr "Что проверить прежде чем просить о спонсорстве"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1134
msgid "Debian puts \\textbf{a lot of focus on quality}"
msgstr "Debian обращает \\textbf{большое внимание на качество}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1134
msgid "Generally, \\textbf{sponsors are hard to find and busy}"
msgstr "Обычно, \\textbf{спонсоров сложно найти, и они заняты}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1134
msgid "Make sure your package is ready before asking for sponsorship"
msgstr "До того, как просить о спонсорстве, убедитесь, что ваш пакет готов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1134
msgid "Things to check:"
msgstr "Что проверить:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1134
msgid ""
"Avoid missing build-dependencies: make sure that your package build fine in "
"a clean \\textsl{sid} \\textsl{chroot}"
msgstr ""
"Избегайте отсутствующих зависимостей для сборки: убедитесь, что ваш пакет "
"нормально собирается в чистом \\textsl{sid} \\textsl{chroot}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1134
msgid "Using \\texttt{pbuilder} is recommended"
msgstr "Рекомендуется использовать \\texttt{pbuilder}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1134
msgid "Run \\texttt{lintian -EviIL +pedantic} on your package"
msgstr "Проверьте ваш пакет с помощью \\texttt{lintian -EviIL +pedantic}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1134
msgid "Errors must be fixed, all other problems should be fixed"
msgstr ""
"Ошибки должны быть исправлены, все остальные проблемы тоже следует устранить"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1134
msgid "Do extensive testing of your package, of course"
msgstr "Конечно, хорошенько протестируйте ваш пакет"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1134
msgid "In doubt, ask for help"
msgstr "Если у вас возникли сомнения, попросите помощи"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1169
msgid "Where to find help?"
msgstr "Где искать помощь?"

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1169
msgid "Help you will need:"
msgstr "Помощь, которая вам потребуется:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1169
msgid "Advice and answers to your questions, code reviews"
msgstr "Советы и ответы на вопросы, отзывы о коде"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1169
msgid "Sponsorship for your uploads, once your package is ready"
msgstr "Спонсирование ваших загрузок, когда ваш пакет будет готов"

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1169
msgid "You can get help from:"
msgstr "Вы можете получить помощь от:"

#. type: textbf{#1}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1169
msgid "Other members of a packaging team"
msgstr "Других членов команды по созданию пакетов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1169
msgid "List of teams: \\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Teams}";
msgstr "Список команд: \\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Teams}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1169
msgid ""
"The \\textbf{Debian Mentors group} (if your package does not fit in a team)"
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{Группы наставников Debian} (если ваш пакет не подходит ни для одной "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1169
msgid "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMentorsFaq}";
msgstr "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMentorsFaq}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1169
msgid ""
"Mailing list: \\url{debian-mentors@lists.debian.org}\\\\ {\\small (also a "
"good way to learn by accident)}"
msgstr ""
"Список рассылки: \\url{debian-mentors@lists.debian.org}\\\\ {\\small (так же "
"хороший способ случайно чему-то научиться)}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1169
msgid "IRC: \\texttt{\\#debian-mentors} on \\texttt{irc.debian.org}"
msgstr "IRC: \\texttt{\\#debian-mentors} на \\texttt{irc.debian.org}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1169
msgid "\\url{http://mentors.debian.net/}";
msgstr "\\url{http://mentors.debian.net/}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1169
msgid "Documentation: \\url{http://mentors.debian.net/intro-maintainers}";
msgstr "Документация: \\url{http://mentors.debian.net/intro-maintainers}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1169
msgid "\\textbf{Localized mailing lists} (get help in your language)"
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{Локализованные списки рассылки} (получите помощь на вашем языке)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1169
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1169
msgid "Full list: \\url{https://lists.debian.org/devel.html}";
msgstr "Полный список: \\url{https://lists.debian.org/devel.html}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1169
msgid "Or users lists: \\url{https://lists.debian.org/users.html}";
msgstr ""
"Или пользовательские списки: \\url{https://lists.debian.org/users.html}";

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1187
msgid "More documentation"
msgstr "Дополнительная документация"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1187
msgid ""
"Debian Developers' Corner\\\\ \\url{https://www.debian.org/devel/}\\\\ "
"{\\small Links to many resources about Debian development}"
msgstr ""
"Уголок разработчика Debian\\\\ \\url{https://www.debian.org/devel/}\\\\ "
"{\\small Ссылки на множество ресурсов о разработке Debian}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1187
msgid ""
"Debian New Maintainers' Guide\\\\ \\url{https://www.debian.org/doc/maint-";
"guide/}\\\\ {\\small An introduction to Debian packaging, but could use an "
msgstr ""
"Руководство нового сопровождающего Debian\\\\ \\url{https://www.debian.org/";
"doc/maint-guide/}\\\\ {\\small Введение в создание пакетов Debian, можно "
"было бы использовать обновлённый вариант}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1187
msgid ""
"Debian Developer's Reference\\\\ \\url{https://www.debian.org/doc/developers-";
"reference/}\\\\ {\\small Mostly about Debian procedures, but also some best "
"packaging practices (part 6)}"
msgstr ""
"Справочник разработчика Debian\\\\ \\url{https://www.debian.org/doc/";
"developers-reference/}\\\\ {\\small По большей части о процедурах Debian, но "
"также о некоторых лучших практиках создания пакетов (часть 6)}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1187
msgid "Debian Policy\\\\ \\url{https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/}\\\\";
msgstr ""
"Политика Debian\\\\ \\url{https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/}\\\\";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1193
msgid ""
"{\\small \\begin{itemize} \\item \\small All the requirements that every "
"package must satisfy \\item \\small Specific policies for Perl, Java, "
"Python, \\ldots \\end{itemize}}"
msgstr ""
"{\\small \\begin{itemize} \\item \\small Все требования, которые должен "
"выполнять всякий пакет \\item \\small Определяет политики для Perl, Java, "
"Python, \\ldots \\end{itemize}}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1198
msgid ""
"Ubuntu Packaging Guide\\\\ \\url{http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/tools/";
msgstr ""
"Руководство по созданию пакетов Ubuntu\\\\ \\url{http://developer.ubuntu.com/";

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1212
msgid "Debian dashboards for maintainers"
msgstr "Панели Debian для сопровождающих"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1212
msgid ""
"\\textbf{Source package centric}:\\\\ \\url{https://tracker.debian.org/dpkg}";
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{Фокус на пакетах с исходным кодом}: \\url{https://tracker.debian.";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1212
msgid ""
"\\textbf{Maintainer/team centric}: Developer's Packages Overview (DDPO)\\\\ "
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{Фокус на сопровождающем/команде}: Обзор пакетов разработчика "
"(DDPO)\\\\ \\url{https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=pkg-ruby-extras-";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1212
msgid ""
"\\textbf{TODO-list oriented}: Debian Maintainer Dashboard (DMD)\\\\ "
msgstr ""
"\\textbf{Фокус на списке задач}: Панель сопровождающего Debian (DMD)\\\\ "

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1240
msgid "Using the Debian Bug Tracking System (BTS)"
msgstr "Использование системы отслеживания ошибок (BTS)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1240
msgid "A quite unique way to manage bugs"
msgstr "Уникальный способ управления ошибками"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1240
msgid "Web interface to view bugs"
msgstr "Веб-интерфейс для просмотра ошибок"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1240
msgid "Email interface to make changes to bugs"
msgstr "Интерфейс электронной почты для изменения ошибок"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1240
msgid "Adding information to bugs:"
msgstr "Добавление информации к ошибкам:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1240
msgid ""
"Write to \\texttt{123456@bugs.debian.org} (does not include the submitter, "
"you need to add \\texttt{123456-submitter@bugs.debian.org})"
msgstr ""
"Напишите на \\texttt{123456@bugs.debian.org} (не включает отправителя "
"ошибки, вам нужно добавить \\texttt{123456-submitter@bugs.debian.org})"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1240
msgid "Changing bug status:"
msgstr "Изменение статуса ошибки:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1240
msgid "Send commands to \\texttt{control@bugs.debian.org}"
msgstr "Отправьте команды на \\texttt{control@bugs.debian.org}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1240
msgid "Command-line interface: \\texttt{bts} command in \\texttt{devscripts}"
msgstr ""
"Интерфейс командной строки: команда \\texttt{bts} в \\texttt{devscripts}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1240
msgid "Documentation: \\url{https://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-control}";
msgstr "Документация: \\url{https://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-control}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1240
msgid "Reporting bugs: use \\texttt{reportbug}"
msgstr "Отправка отчётов об ошибках: используйте \\texttt{reportbug}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1240
msgid ""
"Normally used with a local mail server: install \\texttt{ssmtp} or "
msgstr ""
"Обычно используется с локальным почтовым сервером: install \\texttt{ssmtp} "
"или \\texttt{nullmailer}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1240
msgid ""
"Or use \\texttt{reportbug -\\@-template}, then send (manually) to "
msgstr ""
"Либо используйте \\texttt{reportbug -\\@-template}, затем отправьте "
"(вручную) по адресу \\texttt{submit@bugs.debian.org}"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1266
msgid "Using the BTS: examples"
msgstr "Использование BTS: примеры"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1266
msgid ""
"Sending an email to the bug and the submitter:\\\\ \\url{https://bugs.debian.";
msgstr ""
"Отправка сообщения ошибке и приславшему эту ошибку:\\\\ \\url{https://bugs.";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1266
msgid ""
"Tagging and changing the severity:\\\\ \\url{https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/";
msgstr ""
"Отметка тегом и изменение серьёзности:\\\\ \\url{https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1266
msgid ""
"Reassigning, changing the severity, retitling \\ldots: \\\\ \\url{https://";
msgstr ""
"Переназначение, изменение серьёзности, изменение заголовка \\ldots: \\\\ "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1266
msgid ""
"\\texttt{notfound}, \\texttt{found}, \\texttt{notfixed}, \\texttt{fixed} are "
"for \\textbf{version-tracking} \\\\ See \\url{https://wiki.debian.org/";
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{notfound}, \\texttt{found}, \\texttt{notfixed}, \\texttt{fixed} для "
"\\textbf{version-tracking} \\\\ См. \\url{https://wiki.debian.org/HowtoUseBTS";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1266
msgid ""
"Using usertags: \\url{https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?msg=42;";
"bug=642267}\\\\ See \\url{https://wiki.debian.org/bugs.debian.org/usertags}";
msgstr ""
"Использование пользовательских тегов: \\url{https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/";
"bugreport.cgi?msg=42;bug=642267}\\\\ См. \\url{https://wiki.debian.org/bugs.";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1266
msgid "BTS Documentation:"
msgstr "Документация по BTS:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1266
msgid "\\url{https://www.debian.org/Bugs/}";
msgstr "\\url{https://www.debian.org/Bugs/}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1266
msgid "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/HowtoUseBTS}";
msgstr "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/HowtoUseBTS}";

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1293
msgid "More interested in Ubuntu?"
msgstr "Больше заинтересованы в Ubuntu?"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1293
msgid "Ubuntu mainly manages the divergence with Debian"
msgstr "В случае Ubuntu в основном обрабатываются расхождения с Debian"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1293
msgid ""
"No real focus on specific packages\\\\ Instead, collaboration with Debian "
msgstr ""
"Не фокусирует внимание на конкретных пакетах\\\\ Сотрудничает с командами "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1293
msgid ""
"Usually recommend uploading new packages to Debian first\\\\ \\url{https://";
msgstr ""
"Обычно рекомендуется загружать новые пакеты сначала в Debian\\\\ "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1293
msgid "Possibly a better plan:"
msgstr "Вероятно, лучше:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1293
msgid "Get involved in a Debian team and act as a bridge with Ubuntu"
msgstr ""
"Принять участие в команде Debian и действовать в качестве моста с Ubuntu"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1293
msgid "Help reduce divergence, triage bugs in Launchpad"
msgstr "Помогать уменьшить расхождения, сортировать ошибки в Launchpad"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1293
msgid "Many Debian tools can help:"
msgstr "Вам могут помочь многие инструменты Debian:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1293
msgid "Ubuntu column on the Developer's packages overview"
msgstr "Колонка Ubuntu в обзоре пакетов для разработчика"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1293
msgid "Ubuntu box on the Package Tracking System"
msgstr "Бокс Ubuntu в системе отслеживания пакетов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1293
msgid "Receive launchpad bugmail via the PTS"
msgstr "Получайте почту об ошибках от Launchpad через PTS"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid "Conclusions"
msgstr "Заключение"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid "You now have a full overview of Debian packaging"
msgstr "Теперь у вас имеется полный обзор процесса создания пакетов Debian"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid "But you will need to read more documentation"
msgstr "Но вам нужно ознакомиться с дополнительной документацией"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid "Best practices have evolved over the years"
msgstr "Лучшие практики эволюционировали на протяжении нескольких лет"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid ""
"If not sure, use the \\textbf{dh} packaging helper, and the \\textbf{3.0 "
"(quilt)} format"
msgstr ""
"Если вы не уверены, используйте утилиту для создания пакетов \\textbf{dh}, а "
"также формат \\textbf{3.0 (quilt)}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid "Things that were not covered in this tutorial:"
msgstr "То, что не было упомянуто в настоящем руководстве:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid "UCF -- manage user changes to configuration files when upgrading"
msgstr ""
"UCF -- управляет пользовательскими изменения файлов настройки при обновлении"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid "dpkg triggers -- group similar maintainer scripts actions together"
msgstr ""
"переключатели dpkg -- группируют вместе схожие сценарии действий "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid "Debian development organization:"
msgstr "Организация разработки Debian:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid ""
"Suites: stable, testing, unstable, experimental, security, *-updates, "
"backports, \\ldots"
msgstr ""
"Наборы: stable, testing, unstable, experimental, security, *-updates, "
"backports, \\ldots"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid "Debian Blends -- subsets of Debian targeting specific groups"
msgstr "Смести Debian -- подмножества Debian, нацеленные на конкретные группы"

#. type: centerline{#1}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1323
msgid "\\large Feedback: \\textbf{packaging-tutorial@packages.debian.org}"
msgstr ""
"\\large Обратная связь: \\textbf{packaging-tutorial@packages.debian.org}"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1326
msgid "Legal stuff"
msgstr "Правовые вопросы"

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1329
msgid "Copyright \\copyright 2011--2016 Lucas Nussbaum -- lucas@debian.org"
msgstr "Copyright \\copyright 2011--2016 Лукас Нуссбаум -- lucas@debian.org"

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1345
msgid ""
"{\\small \\textbf{This document is free software}: you can redistribute it "
"and/or modify it under either (at your option): \\hbr \\begin{itemize} "
"\\item The terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
"Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) "
"any later version.\\\\ \\url{http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html} \\br "
"\\item The terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported "
"License.\\\\ \\url{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/} "
"\\end{itemize} }"
msgstr ""
"{\\small \\textbf{This document is free software}: you can redistribute it "
"and/or modify it under either (at your option): \\hbr \\begin{itemize} "
"\\item The terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
"Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) "
"any later version.\\\\ \\url{http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html} \\br "
"\\item The terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported "
"License.\\\\ \\url{http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/} "
"\\end{itemize} }"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1374
msgid "Contribute to this tutorial"
msgstr "Принять участие в развитии этого руководства"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1374
msgid "Contribute:"
msgstr "Принять участие:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1374
msgid "{\\small \\texttt{apt-get source packaging-tutorial}}"
msgstr "{\\small \\texttt{apt-get source packaging-tutorial}}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1374
msgid "{\\small \\texttt{debcheckout packaging-tutorial}}"
msgstr "{\\small \\texttt{debcheckout packaging-tutorial}}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1374
msgid ""
"{\\small \\texttt{git clone\\\\ git://git.debian.org/collab-maint/packaging-"
msgstr ""
"{\\small \\texttt{git clone\\\\ git://git.debian.org/collab-maint/packaging-"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1374
msgid ""
"{\\small \\url{http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/packaging-tutorial.git}}";
msgstr ""
"{\\small \\url{http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/packaging-tutorial.git}}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1374
msgid "{\\small Open bugs: \\url{bugs.debian.org/src:packaging-tutorial}}"
msgstr ""
"{\\small Открытые ошибки: \\url{bugs.debian.org/src:packaging-tutorial}}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1374
msgid "Provide feedback:"
msgstr "Обратная связь:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1374
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1374
msgid "{\\small What should be added to this tutorial?}"
msgstr "{\\small Что следует добавить в это руководство?}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1374
msgid "{\\small What should be improved?}"
msgstr "{\\small Что следует улучшить?}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1374
msgid "{\\small \\texttt{reportbug packaging-tutorial}}"
msgstr "{\\small \\texttt{reportbug packaging-tutorial}}"

#. type: section{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1376
msgid "Additional practical sessions"
msgstr "Дополнительные практические задания"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1395 packaging-tutorial.tex:1661
msgid "Practical session 2: packaging GNUjump"
msgstr "Практика 2: создание пакета GNUjump"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1395 packaging-tutorial.tex:1661
msgid ""
"Download GNUjump 1.0.8 from \\url{http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnujump/";
msgstr ""
"Загрузите GNUjump 1.0.8 по адресу \\url{http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnujump/";

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1395 packaging-tutorial.tex:1661
msgid "Create a Debian package for it"
msgstr "Создайте для него пакет Debian"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1395 packaging-tutorial.tex:1661
msgid "Install build-dependencies so that you can build the package"
msgstr "Установите зависимости для сборки, чтобы вы смогли собрать пакет"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1395
msgid "Fix bugs"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1395 packaging-tutorial.tex:1661
msgid "Get a basic working package"
msgstr "Получите простой работающий пакет"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1395 packaging-tutorial.tex:1661
msgid "Finish filling \\texttt{debian/control} and other files"
msgstr "Закончите заполнение \\texttt{debian/control} и других файлов"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1395 packaging-tutorial.tex:1661
msgid "Enjoy"
msgstr "Наслаждайтесь"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1421
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Practical session 2: packaging GNUjump"
msgid "Practical session 2: packaging GNUjump (tips)"
msgstr "Практика 2: создание пакета GNUjump"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1421
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Create a basic source package: \\texttt{jh\\_makepkg}"
msgid "To get a basic working package, use \\texttt{dh\\_make}"
msgstr "Создайте простой пакет с исходным кодом: \\texttt{jh\\_makepkg}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1421
msgid ""
"To start with, creating a \\textsl{1.0} source package is easier than "
"\\textsl{3.0 (quilt)} (change that in \\texttt{debian/source/format})"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1421
msgid ""
"To search for missing build-dependencies, find a missing file, and use "
"\\texttt{apt-file} to find the missing package"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1421
msgid "If you encounter that error:"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1421
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "[basicstyle=\\ttfamily\\scriptsize]\n"
#| "/usr/bin/ld: SDL_rotozoom.o: undefined reference to symbol 'ceil@@GLIBC_2.2.5'\n"
#| "//lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line\n"
#| "collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status\n"
#| "Makefile:376: recipe for target 'gnujump' failed"
msgid ""
"/usr/bin/ld: SDL_rotozoom.o: undefined reference to symbol 'ceil@@GLIBC_2.2.5'\n"
"//lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line\n"
"collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status\n"
"Makefile:376: recipe for target 'gnujump' failed"
msgstr ""
"/usr/bin/ld: SDL_rotozoom.o: undefined reference to symbol 'ceil@@GLIBC_2.2.5'\n"
"//lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line\n"
"collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status\n"
"Makefile:376: recipe for target 'gnujump' failed"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1421
msgid ""
"You need to add \\texttt{-lm} to the linker command line:\\\\ Edit "
"\\texttt{src/Makefile.am} and replace"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1421 packaging-tutorial.tex:1747
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1776
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"gnujump_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries)"
msgstr ""
"gnujump_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1421 packaging-tutorial.tex:1747
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1776
msgid "by"
msgstr "на"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1421 packaging-tutorial.tex:1747
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1776
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"gnujump_LDFLAGS = -Wl,--as-needed\n"
"gnujump_LDADD = $(all_libraries) -lm"
msgstr ""
"gnujump_LDFLAGS = -Wl,--as-needed\n"
"gnujump_LDADD = $(all_libraries) -lm"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1421 packaging-tutorial.tex:1747
msgid "Then run \\texttt{autoreconf -i}"
msgstr ""

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1446 packaging-tutorial.tex:1841
msgid "Practical session 3: packaging a Java library"
msgstr "Практика 3: создание пакета библиотеки Java"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1446 packaging-tutorial.tex:1841
msgid "Take a quick look at some documentation about Java packaging:\\\\"
msgstr "Просмотрите документацию о создании пакетов Java:\\\\"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1446 packaging-tutorial.tex:1841
msgid "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Java}";
msgstr "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Java}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1446 packaging-tutorial.tex:1841
msgid "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Java/Packaging}";
msgstr "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Java/Packaging}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1446 packaging-tutorial.tex:1841
msgid "\\url{https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/java-policy/}";
msgstr "\\url{https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/java-policy/}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1446 packaging-tutorial.tex:1841
msgid "\\url{http://pkg-java.alioth.debian.org/docs/tutorial.html}";
msgstr "\\url{http://pkg-java.alioth.debian.org/docs/tutorial.html}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1446 packaging-tutorial.tex:1841
msgid ""
"Paper and slides from a Debconf10 talk about javahelper:\\\\ {\\footnotesize "
"pdf}\\\\ \\url{http://pkg-java.alioth.debian.org/docs/debconf10-javahelper-";
msgstr ""
"Статья и слайды с выступления на Debconf10 о javahelper:\\\\ {\\footnotesize "
"pdf}\\\\ \\url{http://pkg-java.alioth.debian.org/docs/debconf10-javahelper-";

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1446 packaging-tutorial.tex:1841
msgid "Download IRClib from \\url{http://moepii.sourceforge.net/}";
msgstr "Загрузите IRClib по адресу \\url{http://moepii.sourceforge.net/}";

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1446 packaging-tutorial.tex:1841
msgid "Package it"
msgstr "Создайте пакет"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1467 packaging-tutorial.tex:1883
msgid "Practical session 4: packaging a Ruby gem"
msgstr "Практика 4: создание пакета с gem-пакетом Ruby"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1467 packaging-tutorial.tex:1883
msgid "Take a quick look at some documentation about Ruby packaging:\\\\"
msgstr "Просмотрите документацию о создании пакетов Ruby:\\\\"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1467 packaging-tutorial.tex:1883
msgid "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Ruby}";
msgstr "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Ruby}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1467 packaging-tutorial.tex:1883
msgid "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Ruby}";
msgstr "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Ruby}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1467 packaging-tutorial.tex:1883
msgid "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Ruby/Packaging}";
msgstr "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Ruby/Packaging}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1467 packaging-tutorial.tex:1883
msgid ""
"\\texttt{gem2deb(1)}, \\texttt{dh\\_ruby(1)} (in the \\texttt{gem2deb} "
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{gem2deb(1)}, \\texttt{dh\\_ruby(1)} (in the \\texttt{gem2deb} "

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1467 packaging-tutorial.tex:1883
msgid ""
"Create a basic Debian source package from the \\texttt{peach} gem:\\\\ "
"\\texttt{gem2deb peach}"
msgstr ""
"Создайте простой Debian пакет с исходным кодом из \\texttt{peach} gem:\\\\ "
"\\texttt{gem2deb peach}"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1467 packaging-tutorial.tex:1486
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1883 packaging-tutorial.tex:1940
msgid "Improve it so that it becomes a proper Debian package"
msgstr "Улучшите его так, чтобы он стал правильным пакетом Debian"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1486 packaging-tutorial.tex:1940
msgid "Practical session 5: packaging a Perl module"
msgstr "Практика 5: создание пакета с модулем Perl"

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1486 packaging-tutorial.tex:1940
msgid "Take a quick look at some documentation about Perl packaging:\\\\"
msgstr "Просмотрите документацию о создании пакетов Perl:\\\\"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1486 packaging-tutorial.tex:1940
msgid "\\url{http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/}";
msgstr "\\url{http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1486 packaging-tutorial.tex:1940
msgid "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianPerlGroup}";
msgstr "\\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianPerlGroup}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1486 packaging-tutorial.tex:1940
msgid ""
"\\texttt{dh-make-perl(1)}, \\texttt{dpt(1)} (in the \\texttt{pkg-perl-tools} "
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{dh-make-perl(1)}, \\texttt{dpt(1)} (in the \\texttt{pkg-perl-tools} "

#. type: enumerate
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1486 packaging-tutorial.tex:1940
msgid ""
"Create a basic Debian source package from the \\texttt{Acme} CPAN "
"distribution:\\\\ \\verb|dh-make-perl --cpan Acme|"
msgstr ""
"Создайте простой Debian пакет с исходным кодом из \\texttt{Acme} CPAN:\\\\ "
"\\verb|dh-make-perl --cpan Acme|"

#. type: section{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1488
msgid "Answers to practical sessions"
msgstr "Ответы на практические задания"

#. type: center
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1494
msgid "\\LARGE Answers to"
msgstr "\\LARGE Ответы на"

#. type: center
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1494
msgid "[0.5em] practical sessions"
msgstr "[0.5em] практические задания"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1549
msgid "Fetching the source"
msgstr "Загрузка исходного кода"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1549
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "Use dget to download the \\texttt{.dsc} file:\\\\ {\\small \\texttt{dget "
#| "http://cdn.debian.net/debian/pool/main/g/grep/grep\\_2.6.3-3.dsc}}";
msgid ""
"Use dget to download the \\texttt{.dsc} file:\\\\ {\\small \\texttt{dget "
msgstr ""
"Используйте dget, чтобы загрузить файл \\texttt{.dsc}:\\\\ {\\small "
"\\texttt{dget http://cdn.debian.net/debian/pool/main/g/grep/grep\\_2.6.3-3.";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1549
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "According to \\url{https://tracker.debian.org/grep}, \\texttt{grep} "
#| "version 2.12-2 is currently in \\textsl{stable} (\\textsl{wheezy}). If "
#| "you have \\texttt{deb-src} lines for \\textsl{squeeze} in your \\texttt{/"
#| "etc/apt/sources.list}, you can use:\\\\ \\texttt{apt-get source "
#| "grep=2.12-2}\\\\ or \\texttt{apt-get source grep/stable}\\\\ or, if you "
#| "feel lucky: \\texttt{apt-get source grep}"
msgid ""
"If you have \\texttt{deb-src} for a Debian release that has \\texttt{grep} "
"version 2.12-2 (find out on \\url{https://tracker.debian.org/grep}), you can "
"use: \\texttt{apt-get source grep=2.12-2}\\\\ or \\texttt{apt-get source "
"grep/release} (e.g. \\texttt{grep/stable}\\\\ or, if you feel lucky: "
"\\texttt{apt-get source grep}"
msgstr ""
"Согласно \\url{https://tracker.debian.org/grep}, \\texttt{grep} версии "
"2.12-2 в настоящее время находится в \\textsl{stable} (\\textsl{wheezy}). "
"Если у вас имеются строки \\texttt{deb-src} для \\textsl{squeeze} в вашем "
"файле \\texttt{/etc/apt/sources.list}, вы можете использовать:\\\\ "
"\\texttt{apt-get source grep=2.12-2}\\\\ или \\texttt{apt-get source grep/"
"stable}\\\\ или, если считаете, что вам повезёт: \\texttt{apt-get source "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1549
msgid "The \\texttt{grep} source package is composed of three files:"
msgstr "Пакет с исходным кодом \\texttt{grep} содержит три файла:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1549
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "\\texttt{grep\\_2.6.3-3.dsc}"
msgid "\\texttt{grep\\_2.12-2.dsc}"
msgstr "\\texttt{grep\\_2.6.3-3.dsc}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1549
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "\\texttt{grep\\_2.6.3-3.debian.tar.bz2}"
msgid "\\texttt{grep\\_2.12-2.debian.tar.bz2}"
msgstr "\\texttt{grep\\_2.6.3-3.debian.tar.bz2}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1549
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "\\texttt{grep\\_2.6.3.orig.tar.bz2}"
msgid "\\texttt{grep\\_2.12.orig.tar.bz2}"
msgstr "\\texttt{grep\\_2.6.3.orig.tar.bz2}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1549
msgid "This is typical of the \"3.0 (quilt)\" format."
msgstr "Это обычный формат \"3.0 (quilt)\"."

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1549
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "If needed, uncompress the source with\\\\ \\texttt{dpkg-source -x grep"
#| "\\_2.6.3-3.dsc}"
msgid ""
"If needed, uncompress the source with\\\\ \\texttt{dpkg-source -x grep"
msgstr ""
"Если это необходимо, распакуйте исходный код при помощи\\\\ \\texttt{dpkg-"
"source -x grep\\_2.6.3-3.dsc}"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1568
msgid "Looking around and building the package"
msgstr "Осматриваем и собираем пакет"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1568
msgid ""
"According to \\texttt{debian/control}, this package only generates one "
"binary package, named \\texttt{grep}."
msgstr ""
"Согласно \\texttt{debian/control}, этот пакет создаёт только один двоичный "
"пакет, а именно \\texttt{grep}."

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1568
msgid ""
"According to \\texttt{debian/rules}, this package is typical of "
"\\textsl{classic} debhelper packaging, without using \\textsl{CDBS} or "
"\\textsl{dh}. One can see the various calls to \\texttt{dh\\_*} commands in "
msgstr ""
"Согласно \\texttt{debian/rules}, этот пакет представляет собой типичный "
"пакет для \\textsl{классического} debhelper, без использования "
"\\textsl{CDBS} или \\textsl{dh}. Можно видеть различные вызовы команд "
"\\texttt{dh\\_*} в \\texttt{debian/rules}."

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1577
msgid "Use \\texttt{apt-get build-dep grep} to fetch the build-dependencies"
msgstr ""
"Используйте \\texttt{apt-get build-dep grep} для загрузки сборочных "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1577
msgid ""
"Then \\texttt{debuild} or \\texttt{dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc} (Takes about 1 "
msgstr ""
"Далее, \\texttt{debuild} или \\texttt{dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc} (Занимает 1 "

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1581
msgid "Editing the changelog"
msgstr "Редактирование журнала изменений"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1598
msgid ""
"\\texttt{debian/changelog} is a text file. You could edit it and add a new "
"entry manually."
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{debian/changelog} является текстовым файлом. Можно отредактировать "
"его и добавить новую запись вручную."

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1598
msgid ""
"Or you can use \\texttt{dch -i}, which will add an entry and open the editor"
msgstr ""
"Либо можно использовать \\texttt{dch -i}, который добавит запись и откроет "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1598
msgid ""
"The name and email can be defined using the \\texttt{DEBFULLNAME} and "
"\\texttt{DEBEMAIL} environment variables"
msgstr ""
"Имя и адрес электронной почты могут быть определены при помощи переменных "
"окружения \\texttt{DEBFULLNAME} и \\texttt{DEBEMAIL}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1598
msgid "After that, rebuild the package: a new version of the package is built"
msgstr "После этого соберите пакет заново: будет собрана новая версия пакета"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1598
msgid ""
"Package versioning is detailed in section 5.6.12 of the Debian policy\\\\ "
msgstr ""
"Присвоение версий пакетам описывается в разделе 5.6.12 Политики Debian\\\\ "

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1602
msgid "Disabling Perl regexp support and rebuilding"
msgstr "Отключение регулярных выражений Perl"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1618
msgid ""
"Check with \\texttt{./configure -{}-help}: the option to disable Perl regexp "
"is \\texttt{-{}-disable-perl-regexp}"
msgstr ""
"Посмотрите \\texttt{./configure -{}-help}: опция для отключения регулярных "
"выражений Perl -- \\texttt{-{}-disable-perl-regexp}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1618
msgid "Edit \\texttt{debian/rules} and find the \\texttt{./configure} line"
msgstr ""
"Откройте для редактирования \\texttt{debian/rules} и найдите строку "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1618
msgid "Add \\texttt{-{}-disable-perl-regexp}"
msgstr "Добавьте \\texttt{-{}-disable-perl-regexp}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1618
msgid "Rebuild with \\texttt{debuild} or \\texttt{dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc}"
msgstr ""
"Соберите заново при помощи \\texttt{debuild} или \\texttt{dpkg-buildpackage -"
"us -uc}"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1622
msgid "Comparing and testing the packages"
msgstr "Сравнение и тестирование пакетов"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1643
msgid "Compare the binary packages: \\texttt{debdiff ../*changes}"
msgstr "Сравните двоичные пакеты: \\texttt{debdiff ../*changes}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1643
msgid "Compare the source packages: \\texttt{debdiff ../*dsc}"
msgstr "Сравните пакеты с исходным кодом: \\texttt{debdiff ../*dsc}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1643
msgid ""
"Install the newly built package: \\texttt{debi}\\\\ Or \\texttt{dpkg -i ../"
msgstr ""
"Установите заново собранный пакет: \\texttt{debi}\\\\ Или \\texttt{dpkg -"
"i ../grep\\_<TAB>}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1643
msgid "\\texttt{grep -P foo} no longer works!"
msgstr "\\texttt{grep -P foo} больше не работает!"

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1643
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Or not: reinstall the previous version of the package:"
msgid "Reinstall the previous version of the package:"
msgstr "Или нет: переустановите предыдущую версию пакета:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1643
msgid ""
"\\texttt{apt-get install -{}-reinstall grep=2.6.3-3} \\textit{(= previous "
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{apt-get install -{}-reinstall grep=2.6.3-3} \\textit{(= предыдущая "

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1690 packaging-tutorial.tex:1862
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1904 packaging-tutorial.tex:1952
msgid "Step by step\\ldots"
msgstr "Шаг за шагом\\ldots"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1690
msgid "\\texttt{wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnujump/gnujump-1.0.8.tar.gz}";
msgstr "\\texttt{wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnujump/gnujump-1.0.8.tar.gz}";

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1690
msgid "\\texttt{mv gnujump-1.0.8.tar.gz gnujump\\_1.0.8.orig.tar.gz}"
msgstr "\\texttt{mv gnujump-1.0.8.tar.gz gnujump\\_1.0.8.orig.tar.gz}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1690
msgid "\\texttt{tar xf gnujump\\_1.0.8.orig.tar.gz}"
msgstr "\\texttt{tar xf gnujump\\_1.0.8.orig.tar.gz}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1690
msgid "\\texttt{cd gnujump-1.0.8/}"
msgstr "\\texttt{cd gnujump-1.0.8/}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1690
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "\\texttt{tar xf gnujump\\_1.0.8.orig.tar.gz}"
msgid "\\texttt{dh\\_make -f ../gnujump-1.0.8.tar.gz}"
msgstr "\\texttt{tar xf gnujump\\_1.0.8.orig.tar.gz}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1690
msgid "Type of package: single binary (for now)"
msgstr "Тип пакета: один двоичный (сейчас)"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1690
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"gnujump-1.0.8$ ls debian/\n"
"changelog           gnujump.default.ex   preinst.ex\n"
"compat              gnujump.doc-base.EX  prerm.ex\n"
"control             init.d.ex            README.Debian\n"
"copyright           manpage.1.ex         README.source\n"
"docs                manpage.sgml.ex      rules\n"
"emacsen-install.ex  manpage.xml.ex       source\n"
"emacsen-remove.ex   menu.ex              watch.ex\n"
"emacsen-startup.ex  postinst.ex\n"
"gnujump.cron.d.ex   postrm.ex"
msgstr ""
"gnujump-1.0.8$ ls debian/\n"
"changelog           gnujump.default.ex   preinst.ex\n"
"compat              gnujump.doc-base.EX  prerm.ex\n"
"control             init.d.ex            README.Debian\n"
"copyright           manpage.1.ex         README.source\n"
"docs                manpage.sgml.ex      rules\n"
"emacsen-install.ex  manpage.xml.ex       source\n"
"emacsen-remove.ex   menu.ex              watch.ex\n"
"emacsen-startup.ex  postinst.ex\n"
"gnujump.cron.d.ex   postrm.ex"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1717 packaging-tutorial.tex:1921
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1963
msgid "Step by step\\ldots (2)"
msgstr "Шаг за шагом\\ldots (2)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1717
msgid ""
"Look at \\texttt{debian/changelog}, \\texttt{debian/rules}, \\texttt{debian/"
"control}\\\\ (auto-filled by \\textbf{dh\\_make})"
msgstr ""
"Посмотрите \\texttt{debian/changelog}, \\texttt{debian/rules}, "
"\\texttt{debian/control}\\\\ (заполняются автоматически при помощи "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1717
msgid ""
"In \\texttt{debian/control}:\\\\ \\texttt{Build-Depends: debhelper (>= "
"7.0.50~), autotools-dev}\\\\ Lists the \\textsl{build-dependencies} = "
"packages needed to build the package"
msgstr ""
"В \\texttt{debian/control}:\\\\ \\texttt{Build-Depends: debhelper (>= "
"7.0.50~), autotools-dev}\\\\ Приведён список \\textsl{сборочных "
"зависимостей} = пакетов, необходимых для сборки пакета"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1717
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Try to build the package as-is (thanks to \\textbf{dh} magic)"
msgid ""
"Try to build the package as-is with \\texttt{debuild} (thanks to "
"\\textbf{dh} magic)"
msgstr "Попробуйте собрать пакет как есть (благодаря магии \\textbf{dh})"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1717
msgid "And add build-dependencies, until it builds"
msgstr "Добавляйте сборочные зависимости, пока он не будет собираться"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1717
msgid ""
"Hint: use \\texttt{apt-cache search} and \\texttt{apt-file} to find the "
msgstr ""
"Подсказка: используйте \\texttt{apt-cache search} и \\texttt{apt-file}, "
"чтобы найти пакеты"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1717
msgid "Example:"
msgstr "Пример:"

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1717
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"checking for sdl-config... no\n"
"checking for SDL - version >= 1.2.0... no\n"
"configure: error: *** SDL version 1.2.0 not found!"
msgstr ""
"checking for sdl-config... no\n"
"checking for SDL - version >= 1.2.0... no\n"
"configure: error: *** SDL version 1.2.0 not found!"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1717
msgid ""
"$\\rightarrow$ Add \\textbf{libsdl1.2-dev} to Build-Depends and install it."
msgstr ""
"$\\rightarrow$ Добавьте \\textbf{libsdl1.2-dev} в поле Build-Depends и "
"установите этот пакет."

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1717
msgid "Better: use \\textbf{pbuilder} to build in a clean environment"
msgstr "Лучше: используйте \\textbf{pbuilder} для сборки в чистом окружении"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1721
msgid "Step by step\\ldots (3)"
msgstr "Шаг за шагом\\ldots (3)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1721
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "After installing \\texttt{libsdl1.2-dev, libsdl-image1.2-dev, libsdl-"
#| "mixer1.2-dev}, you probably run into another error:"
msgid ""
"Required build-dependencies are \\texttt{libsdl1.2-dev, libsdl-image1.2-dev, "
msgstr ""
"После установки \\texttt{libsdl1.2-dev, libsdl-image1.2-dev, libsdl-mixer1.2-"
"dev} вы столкнётесь со следующей ошибкой:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1747
msgid "Then, you will probably run into another error:"
msgstr ""

#. type: lstlisting
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1747
#, fuzzy, no-wrap
#| msgid ""
#| "[basicstyle=\\ttfamily\\scriptsize]\n"
#| "/usr/bin/ld: SDL_rotozoom.o: undefined reference to symbol 'ceil@@GLIBC_2.2.5'\n"
#| "//lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line\n"
#| "collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status\n"
#| "Makefile:376: recipe for target 'gnujump' failed"
msgid ""
"\t/usr/bin/ld: SDL_rotozoom.o: undefined reference to symbol 'ceil@@GLIBC_2.2.5'\n"
"\t//lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line\n"
"\tcollect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status\n"
"\tMakefile:376: recipe for target 'gnujump' failed\n"
msgstr ""
"/usr/bin/ld: SDL_rotozoom.o: undefined reference to symbol 'ceil@@GLIBC_2.2.5'\n"
"//lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line\n"
"collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status\n"
"Makefile:376: recipe for target 'gnujump' failed"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1747
#, fuzzy
#| msgid ""
#| "This problem is caused by bitrot: gnujump has not been adjusted following "
#| "linker changes. It requires a patch in the Debian package, which can be "
#| "created with the following commands:"
msgid ""
"This problem is caused by bitrot: gnujump has not been adjusted following "
"linker changes."
msgstr ""
"Эта проблема вызвана bitrot: gnujump не был настроен в соответствии с "
"изменениями компоновщика. Для этого требуется использовать заплату в пакете "
"Debian, которую можно создать следующим образом:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1747
msgid ""
"If you are using source format version \\textbf{1.0}, you can directly "
"change upstream sources."
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1747 packaging-tutorial.tex:1776
msgid "Edit \\texttt{src/Makefile.am} and replace"
msgstr "Отредактируйте \\texttt{src/Makefile.am} и замените"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1776
msgid "Step by step\\ldots (4)"
msgstr "Шаг за шагом\\ldots (4)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1776
msgid ""
"If you are using source format version \\textbf{3.0 (quilt)}, use "
"\\texttt{quilt} to prepare a patch. (see \\url{https://wiki.debian.org/";
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1776
msgid "\\texttt{export QUILT\\_PATCHES=debian/patches}"
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1776
msgid ""
"\\texttt{mkdir debian/patches}\\\\ \\texttt{quilt new linker-fixes.patch}\\"
"\\ \\texttt{quilt add src/Makefile.am}\\\\"
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{mkdir debian/patches}\\\\ \\texttt{quilt new linker-fixes.patch}\\"
"\\ \\texttt{quilt add src/Makefile.am}\\\\"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1776
msgid "\\texttt{quilt refresh}"
msgstr "\\texttt{quilt refresh}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1776
msgid ""
"Since \\texttt{src/Makefile.am} was changed, autoreconf must be called "
"during the build. To do that automatically with \\texttt{dh}, change the "
"\\texttt{dh} call in \\texttt{debian/rules} from: \\texttt{dh \\$\\@ -{}-"
"with autotools-dev}\\\\ to: \\texttt{dh \\$\\@ -{}-with autotools-dev -{}-"
"with autoreconf}"
msgstr ""
"Поскольку \\texttt{src/Makefile.am} был изменён, во время сборки следует "
"вызвать autoreconf. Чтобы сделать это автоматически с помощью \\texttt{dh}, "
"измените вызов \\texttt{dh} в \\texttt{debian/rules} с \\texttt{dh \\$\\@ -"
"{}-with autotools-dev}\\\\ на \\texttt{dh \\$\\@ -{}-with autotools-dev -{}-"
"with autoreconf}"

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1803
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Step by step\\ldots (2)"
msgid "Step by step\\ldots (5)"
msgstr "Шаг за шагом\\ldots (2)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1803
msgid "The package should now build fine."
msgstr ""

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1803
msgid ""
"Use \\texttt{debc} to list the content of the generated package, and "
"\\texttt{debi} to install it and test it."
msgstr ""
"Используйте \\texttt{debc} для получения списка содержимого созданного "
"пакета и \\texttt{debi} для его установки и тестирования."

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1803
msgid "Test the package with \\texttt{lintian}"
msgstr "Протестируйте пакет при помощи \\texttt{lintian}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1803
msgid ""
"While not a strict requirement, it is recommended that packages uploaded to "
"Debian are \\textsl{lintian-clean}"
msgstr ""
"Хотя это не является строгим требованием, рекомендуется, чтобы пакеты, "
"загружаемые в Debian были \\textsl{lintian-clean}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1803
msgid "More problems can be listed using \\texttt{lintian -EviIL +pedantic}"
msgstr ""
"Дополнительные проблемы могут быть просмотрены при помощи \\texttt{lintian -"
"EviIL +pedantic}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1803
msgid "Some hints:"
msgstr "Несколько подсказок:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1803
msgid "Remove the files that you don't need in \\texttt{debian/}"
msgstr "Удалите ненужные вам файлы в \\texttt{debian/}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1803
msgid "Fill in \\texttt{debian/control}"
msgstr "Заполните \\texttt{debian/control}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1803
msgid ""
"Install the executable to \\texttt{/usr/games} by overriding \\texttt{dh"
msgstr ""
"Установите выполняемые файлы в \\texttt{/usr/games}, изменив \\texttt{dh"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1803
msgid ""
"Use \\textsl{hardening} compiler flags to increase security.\\\\ See "
msgstr ""
"Используйте флаги \\textsl{hardening} компилятора для увеличения "
"безопасности.\\\\ См. \\url{https://wiki.debian.org/Hardening}";

#. type: frame{#2}
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1816
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Step by step\\ldots (2)"
msgid "Step by step\\ldots (6)"
msgstr "Шаг за шагом\\ldots (2)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1816
msgid "Compare your package with the one already packaged in Debian:"
msgstr "Сравните ваш пакет с пакетом в Debian:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1816
msgid ""
"It splits the data files to a second package, that is the same across all "
"architectures ($\\rightarrow$ saves space in the Debian archive)"
msgstr ""
"Это выделит файлы с данными во второй пакет, который одинаков для всех "
"архитектур ($\\rightarrow$ сохраняет место в архиве Debian)"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1816
msgid ""
"It installs a .desktop file (for the GNOME/KDE menus) and also integrates "
"into the Debian menu"
msgstr ""
"Это установит файл .desktop (для меню GNOME/KDE), а также интегрирует в меню "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1816
msgid "It fixes a few minor problems using patches"
msgstr "Это исправит несколько небольших проблем при использовании заплат"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1862
msgid "\\texttt{apt-get install javahelper}"
msgstr "\\texttt{apt-get install javahelper}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1862
msgid "Create a basic source package: \\texttt{jh\\_makepkg}"
msgstr "Создайте простой пакет с исходным кодом: \\texttt{jh\\_makepkg}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1862
msgid "Library"
msgstr "Библиотека"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1862
msgid "None"
msgstr "Нет"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1862
msgid "Default Free compiler/runtime"
msgstr "Свободный компилятор/время выполнения по умолчанию"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1862
msgid "Look at and fix \\texttt{debian/*}"
msgstr "Посмотрите и исправьте \\texttt{debian/*}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1862
msgid "\\texttt{dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc} or \\texttt{debuild}"
msgstr "\\texttt{dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc} или \\texttt{debuild}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1862
msgid "\\texttt{lintian}, \\texttt{debc}, etc."
msgstr "\\texttt{lintian}, \\texttt{debc} и т.д."

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1862
msgid "Compare your result with the \\texttt{libirclib-java} source package"
msgstr ""
"Сравните ваш результат с пакетом с исходным кодом \\texttt{libirclib-java}"

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1904
msgid "\\texttt{gem2deb peach}:"
msgstr "\\texttt{gem2deb peach}:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1904
msgid "Downloads the gem from rubygems.org"
msgstr "Загрузите gem-пакет с rubygems.org"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1904
msgid "Creates a suitable .orig.tar.gz archive, and untar it"
msgstr "Создаёт подходящий архив .orig.tar.gz, и распаковывает его"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1904
msgid "Initializes a Debian source package based on the gem's metadata"
msgstr ""
"Инициализирует пакет Debian с исходным кодом на основе метаданных gem-пакета"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1904
msgid "Named \\texttt{ruby-\\textsl{gemname}}"
msgstr "Имеет имя \\texttt{ruby-\\textsl{имя\\_gem}}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1904
msgid "Tries to build the Debian binary package (this might fail)"
msgstr "Пытается собрать двоичных пакет Debian (это может не сработать)"

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1904
msgid ""
"\\texttt{dh\\_ruby} (included in \\textsl{gem2deb}) does the Ruby-specific "
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{dh\\_ruby} (включён в \\textsl{gem2deb}) выполняет специфичные для "
"Ruby задачи:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1904
msgid "Build C extensions for each Ruby version"
msgstr "Собирает расширения C для каждой версии Ruby"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1904
msgid "Copy files to their destination directory"
msgstr "Копирует файлы в их каталоги назначения"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1904
msgid "Update shebangs in executable scripts"
msgstr "Обновляет shebang-и в исполняемых сценариях"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1904
msgid ""
"Run tests defined in \\texttt{debian/ruby-tests.rb}, \\texttt{debian/ruby-"
"tests.rake}, or \\texttt{debian/ruby-test-files.yaml}, as well as various "
"other checks"
msgstr ""
"Запускает тесты, определённые в \\texttt{debian/ruby-tests.rb}, "
"\\texttt{debian/ruby-tests.rake} или \\texttt{debian/ruby-test-files.yaml}, "
"а также другие проверки"

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1921 packaging-tutorial.tex:1963
msgid "Improve the generated package:"
msgstr "Улучшить созданный пакет:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1921
msgid ""
"Run \\texttt{debclean} to clean the source tree. Look at \\texttt{debian/}."
msgstr ""
"Запустите \\texttt{debclean} для очистки дерева исходного кода. Посмотрите "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1921
msgid "\\texttt{changelog} and \\texttt{compat} should be correct"
msgstr "\\texttt{changelog} и \\texttt{compat} должны быть верны"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1921
msgid "Edit \\texttt{debian/control}: improve \\texttt{Description}"
msgstr ""
"Отредактируйте \\texttt{debian/control}: улучшите \\texttt{Description}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1921
msgid "Write a proper \\texttt{copyright} file based on the upstream files"
msgstr ""
"Напишите правильный файл \\texttt{copyright} на основе файлов из основной "
"ветки разработки"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1921
msgid ""
"Compare your package with the \\texttt{ruby-peach} package in the Debian "
msgstr "Сравните ваш пакет с пакетом \\texttt{ruby-peach} в архиве Debian"

#. type: frame
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1952
msgid "\\verb|dh-make-perl --cpan Acme|:"
msgstr "\\verb|dh-make-perl --cpan Acme|:"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1952
msgid "Downloads the tarball from the CPAN"
msgstr "Загрузите tarball с CPAN"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1952
msgid "Creates a suitable .orig.tar.gz archive, and untars it"
msgstr "Создаёт подходящий архив .orig.tar.gz и распаковывает его"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1952
msgid ""
"Initializes a Debian source package based on the distribution's metadata"
msgstr ""
"Инициализирует пакет Debian с исходным кодом на основе метаданных "

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1952
msgid "Named \\texttt{lib\\textsl{distname}-perl}"
msgstr "Имеет имя \\texttt{lib\\textsl{distname}-perl}"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1963
msgid ""
"\\texttt{debian/changelog}, \\texttt{debian/compat}, \\texttt{debian/libacme-"
"perl.docs}, and \\texttt{debian/watch} should be correct"
msgstr ""
"\\texttt{debian/changelog}, \\texttt{debian/compat}, \\texttt{debian/libacme-"
"perl.docs} и \\texttt{debian/watch} должны быть правильными"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1963
msgid ""
"Edit \\texttt{debian/control}: improve \\texttt{Description}, and remove "
"boilerplate at the bottom"
msgstr ""
"Отредактируйте \\texttt{debian/control}: улучшите \\texttt{Description} и "
"удалите шаблон снизу"

#. type: itemize
#: packaging-tutorial.tex:1963
msgid ""
"Edit \\texttt{debian/copyright}: remove boilerplate paragraph at the top, "
"add years of copyright to the \\texttt{Files:\\hspace{0.3em}*} stanza"
msgstr ""
"Отредактируйте \\texttt{debian/copyright}: удалите шаблон сверху, добавьте "
"годы действия авторского права в строку \\texttt{Files:\\hspace{0.3em}*}"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Go to \\url{http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/grep/} and download "
#~ "version 2.6.3-3 of the package"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Перейдите по адресу \\url{http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/grep/} "
#~ "и загрузите версию 2.6.3-3 пакета"

#~ msgid "\\texttt{dh\\_make}"
#~ msgstr "\\texttt{dh\\_make}"

#~ msgid "Cry if you messed up ;)"
#~ msgstr "Покричите, если что-то испортили ;)"

Reply to: