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Validation failed

*** Errors validating
	/srv/www.debian.org/www/security/2015/dsa-3311.ru.html: ***
Line 1, character 1:  no document type declaration; will parse without
Line 1, character 13:  "TAG" is not a member of a group specified for any
Line 1, character 20:  "SECREFS" is not a member of a group specified for
	any attribute
Line 1, character 228:	end tag for element "DEFINE-TAG" which is not open
Line 2, character 3:  "DOCTYPE" declaration not allowed in instance
Line 16, character 7:  end tag for "LINK" omitted, but its declaration does
	not permit this
Line 16, character 7:  end tag for "LINK" omitted, but its declaration does
	not permit this
Line 16, character 7:  end tag for "LINK" omitted, but its declaration does
	not permit this
Line 16, character 7:  end tag for "META" omitted, but its declaration does
	not permit this
Line 16, character 7:  end tag for "META" omitted, but its declaration does
	not permit this
Line 16, character 7:  end tag for "META" omitted, but its declaration does
	not permit this
Line 16, character 7:  end tag for "META" omitted, but its declaration does
	not permit this
Line 16, character 7:  end tag for "META" omitted, but its declaration does
	not permit this
Line 16, character 7:  end tag for "LINK" omitted, but its declaration does
	not permit this
Line 16, character 7:  end tag for "META" omitted, but its declaration does
	not permit this
Line 21, character 107:  end tag for "IMG" omitted, but its declaration
	does not permit this
Line 29, character 6:  end tag for "INPUT" omitted, but its declaration
	does not permit this
Line 29, character 6:  end tag for "INPUT" omitted, but its declaration
	does not permit this
Line 29, character 6:  end tag for "INPUT" omitted, but its declaration
	does not permit this
Line 93, character 94:	general entity "ccedil" not defined and no default
Line 102, character 26:  general entity "nbsp" not defined and no default
Line 167, character 20:  general entity "copy" not defined and no default
Line 170, character 4:	end tag for "BR" omitted, but its declaration does
	not permit this
Line 170, character 4:	end tag for "BR" omitted, but its declaration does
	not permit this
Line 172, character 6:	end tag for "HR" omitted, but its declaration does
	not permit this
Line 172, character 6:	end tag for "HR" omitted, but its declaration does
	not permit this
Line 174, character 9:	end tag for "DEFINE" omitted, but its declaration
	does not permit this

 You received this mail for the language code ru.
 Please edit webwml/english/devel/website/validation.data if this is not accurate
 Please also update webwml/english/devel/website/ with the new coordinator(s) data

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