Re: webwml failed
The last commit to webwml/russian/intro/help.wml did leave the file
with broken html:
* Debian Webmaster <> [2015-07-03 07:16:40 CEST]:
> make[2]: Entering directory '/srv/'
> wml -q -D CUR_YEAR=2015 -o help.wml
> mp4h: ERROR:help.wml:105: EOF when reading argument of the <a> tag
> ** WML:Break: Error in Pass 2 (rc=1).
> ../../Makefile.common:98: recipe for target '' failed
> make[2]: *** [] Error 1
I looked into the file and this line is the issue:
<li>Вы можете включить отправку отчётов о популярности пакетов, см.:
<a href="</li>
The english item looks like:
<li>You can enable <a
popularity-contest submissions</a>.</li>
As you can see, the <a href=" is never closed in the Russian version.
Can you kindly fix that?
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