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Fw: Release announcement for Etch -- help needed by translators

Salutare tuturor și să pașteți fericiți :)

Posibil luni să pot face traducerea asta, mai devreme doar revizii.


Begin forwarded message:

Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 19:10:27 +0200
From: Alexander Schmehl <tolimar@debian.org>
To: debian-www@lists.debian.org
Subject: Release announcement for Etch -- help needed by translators

<debwww@sci.fi>, Kåre Thor Olsen <kaare@nightcall.dk>, Luk Claes
<luk@debian.org>, Miroslav Kure <kurem@upcase.inf.upol.cz>, Mohammed
Adnène Trojette <adn+deb@diwi.org>, Peter Karlsson
<peter@softwolves.pp.se>, Recai Oktas <roktas@omu.edu.tr>, Ruslan
Batdalov <linnando@tolkien.ru>, Tapio Lehtonen <tale@iki.fi>, Tommi
Vainikainen <thv+debian@iki.fi> Subject: release announcement for etch

[ Bcc'ing people involved with the sarge announcement;  sorry if you get
  that mail twice ]


As you might know, we are really short before releasing etch.  Since
Joey is on vacation, I have the pleasure to send out the announcement :)

An annoucement has been written with the help of the people on the
-publicity and -l10n-english mailing list.  I think it would be ready to
be translated to other languages as well.

The announcement is available at
http://people.debian.org/~tolimar/release.txt (and soon .wml).
It would be great if you could translate it in time so the anouncement
would be in all kind of languages in place.

Talking about "in time"... well... actually I can't tell you what "in
time" means exactly.  It will be "really, really soon now", but I can't
give you an exact timestamp (yet).

So I think the best way to do it, would be to translate it, and let me
do the work regarding commit and send out work when etch is finally

Sorry, I know it's not the best "timeline", especially since many of you
might be celebrating eastern with your families, but so far I have no
better idea :(

Yours sincerely,

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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