An exceptional program...
The WIN 2017 Symposium will be dedicated to “Expediting Global Innovation in Precision Cancer Medicine”, and will develop the following themes:
Innovation in clinical trial design
New avenues for target discovery
Immunological approach to personalized medicine
Next great steps in cancer therapy
Predict: what and how?
Using new knowledge in clinical trials
... and great speakers
The WIN 2017 symposium will bring together the greatest experts in the field of personalized medicine and systems biology in oncology from academia, industry, cancer research and patient advocacy organizations.
Here is what they say:
René Bernards from The Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) will be one of the keynote speakers.
"I look forward to the meeting, the program is truly exciting!"
Other confirmed keynote speakers:
José Baselga, Memorial Sloan Kettering, USA Daniel F. Hayes, University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, USA Guido Kroemer, Gustave Roussy, France Martine J. Piccart-Gebhart, Institute Jules Bordet, Belgium Caroline Robert, Gustave Roussy, France
Take a look at the WIN 2017 program. The program, developed over two days, will be supplemented by poster viewing sessions, not overlapping with the plenary sessions, and the plenary poster awarding ceremony.