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Your message was discarded ( [my bill]

Your message was discarded by the receiving mail system because it
contained an attachment type that is forbidden there, either because
it is a type that often carries viruses or because it is not likely
to be a business communication.

Sent to:    sshardwick@ra.rockwell.com
File name:  "bill.exe"

The Rockwell mail system is intended for business use only.  If this
is a business-related file, please ZIP or rename it before resending.

If you do not remember sending this file, it is possible that a
virus-infected system sent the message using your address as the sender.
The IP address in the Subject line of this message is the system that
originated the infected message.  If that is not your IP address, then 
you can safely ignore this message, and please accept our apologies for
the inconvenience.

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