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Re: Debian Release 8 - Press Text frozen - Please translate

W dniu 24.04.2015 o 21:53, Paweł Sadkowski pisze:
> On 4/24/15, Paweł Sadkowski <azhag.debian@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> the Debian 8 (Jessie) release is approaching very fast and we have just
>>> frozen the release announcement! Can you please translate
>>> http://deb.li/jessiePR as soon as possible.
>> Thanks for the info, already working on Polish translation.
> Wstępnie gotowe:
> http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/publicity/announcements/pl/drafts/jessie-release.wml?view=markup
> Byłbym wdzięczny jakbyście mogli przejrzeć czy nie ma jakichś baboli,
> z góry dzięki.

Super :)

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Extensible Firmware Interface</q>) wprowadzone (…)"
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Michał Kułach

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