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Fwd: (Final) Migration of the website to from CVS to Git, and from Alioth to Salsa (Bug #846297)

데비안 웹사이트가 cvs에서 git 로,
Alioth 에서 Salsa 로 옮겨집니다. 자세한 내용은 아래 글 보셔요

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Laura Arjona Reina" <larjona@debian.org>
Date: May 30, 2018 19:49
Subject: (Final) Migration of the website to from CVS to Git, and from Alioth to Salsa (Bug #846297)
To: <debian-www@lists.debian.org>, "Debian I18n" <debian-i18n@lists.debian.org>, <846297@bugs.debian.org>

Dear all

* Today (in 1-2 hours) we'll migrate the Debian website repo from CVS to Git,
and from Alioth to Salsa
* CVS commits (to cvs.debian.org:/cvs/webwml) will be disabled
* The migration will probably take the whole day. Please be patient
* The resulting repo will be in https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml
(we'll send another mail when it's ready)
* The translation workflow will be mostly the same, but still needs work
* Stay tuned in #debian-www IRC and/or subscribe to Bug #846297 for details or
reporting issues.
* Thanks to everybody involved!

Long version

We have been working in migrating the website to Git, trying to keep the usual
workflows of this team (and translators), and although some things still need
work, I think we are ready for the final migration (on the other hand, CVS will
be disabled on May 31st so we have not much possibility of delaying this).

This is the current status of things and the plan:

0.- For working on this, we have been used (and we are still using):

* bug report #846297
* the wiki page https://wiki.debian.org/WebsiteGitTransition
* The migration test repos under https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/tests

If you want more details about anything explained here, you probably will find
them in the above links.

1.- The proposal is to disable CVS commits (turn the webwml repo read-only)
TODAY 30 May 2018 around 12:00 UTC.
If you have pending work to commit to the website, please hurry up, or wait for
the migration to be complete (we estimate between 12 and 24h later), and then
commit to the resulting git repo in Salsa.

2.- After the CVS repo is set read-only, we will run the script cvs2git (thanks
Paul Wise for providing it!) to convert it to git.

This step takes around 13h to complete.

The script also produces a file cvs-revisions which lists, for each file and CVS
revision, the corresponding commit hash. The script also includes in the commit
messages the list of changed files and CVS revisions.

The resultant git repo will be uploaded to:

3.- Then we will run another script, switch_to_git_translations.pl (thanks Steve
McIntyre for providing it!) to change, in every translated file, the
"translation-check" header to use a commit hash instead of the old CVS revision
numbers. We will commit that changes to

This step takes some minutes to complete.

Note that this is a massive change across the website, touching many files. We
may get build errors in the following days, not related to the migration itself,
but to the fact that some pages are being built now after a long time, and we
may find problems in their wml/Perl code (e.g. using syntax that is deprecated
in Debian stretch).

4.- At that point, our git repo https://salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml
should be mostly usable, and people should be able to continue their work
committing to salsa.

However, there are some things to take into account:

* We'll need to change our cron scripts to use the git repo instead of the old CVS
* The script stattrans.pl that is run daily to produce the language statistics
webpages (e.g. https://www.debian.org/devel/website/stats/es ) runs correctly
but it still needs work to produce a useful output
* The script copypage.pl should work well and we encourage to use it for new
* We have a *NEW* implementation of smart_change.pl which is limited to
supporting git commit hashes.
* We still need to update the documentation (www.debian.org/devel/website)

We'll send another mail (with more details about the steps post migration and
how can you help), when the git repo is ready.

Thanks to everybody that contributed in the past and in the last weeks to
create, improve and adapt the scripts that support the Debian website

Kind regards,

Laura Arjona Reina

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