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Re: welcom.po.ko입니다.

2005-04-17 (일), 16:55 +0900, David Choi 쓰시길:
> welcom.po.ko를 보내드립니다.

PO 파일 형식이 틀린 부분이 많네요.  일단 형식이 틀린 부분만 고쳤습니다.

보내 주시기 전에 msgfmt --check <파일이름> 명령으로 검사해 주세요.  전용
에디터를 쓰시면 포맷 맞추는 것 정도는 자동으로 처리합니다.

Changwoo Ryu <cwryu@debian.org>
# welcome.po
# ByungHyun Choi<byunghyun.choi@gmail.com>, 2005.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: welcome.po\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2001-02-09 01:25+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-03-28 10:18+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: ByungHyun Choi<byunghyun.choi@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Korean <debian-l10n-korean@lists.debian.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: application/x-xml2pot; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: welcome.xml:4
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: title
msgid "Welcome to Debian"
msgstr "λ뜲鍮꾩•덉— μ삤μ‹  寃껋„ ν™섏˜곹빀λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:5
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "This chapter provides an overview of the Debian Project and &debian;. If you already know about the Debian Project's history and the &debian; distribution, feel free to skip to the next chapter."
msgstr "μ씠 μ옣μ—먯„쒕Š” λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ ν”꾨‘쒖 앺듃와 &debian;에 λŒ€ν•섏뿬 媛꾨왂히 μ꽕紐낇•섎젮怨  "
"ν빀λ‹덈떎. λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ ν”꾨‘쒖 앺듃와 &debian; 諛고룷에 λŒ€ν•섏뿬 μ씠誘Έ μ•뚭³  μž덈Š” 遺꾨뱾은 "
"λ떎음 μ옣을 μ씫μ쑝μ…붾„ λ맗λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:19
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: title
msgid "What is Debian?"
msgstr "λ뜲鍮꾩•덉씠λž€?"

#: welcome.xml:20
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Debian is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to developing free software and promoting the ideals of the Free Software Foundation. The Debian Project began in 1993, when Ian Murdock issued an open invitation to software developers to contribute to a complete and coherent software distribution based on the relatively new Linux kernel. That relatively small band of dedicated enthusiasts, originally funded by the <ulink url=\"&url-fsf-intro;\">Free Software Foundation</ulink> and influenced by the <ulink url=\"&url-gnu-intro;\">GNU</ulink> philosophy, has grown over the years into an organization of around &num-of-debian-developers; <firstterm>Debian Developers</firstterm>."
msgstr ""
"λ뜲鍮꾩•덉€ μž먯œ좎†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱瑜Ό 媛쒕°쒗•섍³  μž먯œ  μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱 μ옱λ떒(FSF)의 μ씠μƒ곸„ μ떎ν˜꾪•섍린 "
"μœ꾪•섏뿬 μ 꾨…먰•섎Š” μž먯› 遊됱궗 議곗§곸ž낅‹덈떎. "
"λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ ν”꾨‘쒖 앺듃λŠ” 1993λ…„, Ian Murdockμ씠 鍮꾧΅먯  μƒ덈‘쒖슫 由щˆ낆뒪 而ㅻ„먯— "
"湲곕°섏„ λ‘” μ™꾨꼍ν•섍³  μ씪愿€λœ μ†뚰”꾪듃 μ썾μ뼱 諛고룷에 怨듯—뚰•  수 μž덈꾨‘ "
"μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱 媛쒕°쒖ž먮뱾을 怨듦°쒖 곸쑝濡œ 紐⑥쑝硫댁„œ μ‹쒖ž묐섏—덉뒿λ‹덈떎."
"理쒖΄덉—먮Š” FSF의 吏€μ›먯„ 諛쏄³  GNU 泥좏•숈— μ˜곹뼢을 諛쏆€ 鍮꾧΅먯  μ†뚯ˆ섏˜ "
"μ뿴μ 뺤 곸씤 吏묐떒μ씠μ—덉§€留Œ,  ν빐瑜Ό 嫄곕벊ν•  μˆ섎‘ &num-of-debian-developers;μ뿬 紐낆˜ "
"<firstterm>Debian Developer(DD:λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ 媛쒕°쒖ž)</firstterm>媛€ 李몄뿬ν•섎Š”"
"議곗§곸쑝濡œ μ꽦μ옣ν빐 μ™붿뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:35
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#. Tag: para
msgid "Debian Developers are involved in a variety of activities, including <ulink url=\"&url-debian-home;\">Web</ulink> and <ulink url=\"&url-debian-ftp;\">FTP</ulink> site administration, graphic design, legal analysis of software licenses, writing documentation, and, of course, maintaining software packages."
msgstr ""
"λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ 媛쒕°쒖ž먮Š” <ulink url=\"&url-debian-home;\">Web</ulink>怨Ό "
"<ulink url=\"&url-debian-ftp;\">FTP</ulink> μ궗μ씠ν듃 愿€由¬, "
"洹몃ž섑뵿 λ”붿ž먯씤, μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱 λ씪μ씠μ„좎뒪의 踰뺣₯좎  ν빐석, 臾몄„œ μž묒꽦, 諛 "
"μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱 ν뙣ν궎吏€ 愿€由щ? ν룷ν븿ν•섏뿬 λ떎μ–묓•œ ν™쒕숈— 李몄뿬ν빀λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:44
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#. Tag: para
msgid "In the interest of communicating our philosophy and attracting developers who believe in the principles that Debian stands for, the Debian Project has published a number of documents that outline our values and serve as guides to what it means to be a Debian Developer:"
msgstr ""
"μ슦由ъ˜ 泥좏•숈„ μ 꾪•섍³  λ뜲鍮꾩•덉씠 吏€吏€ν•섎Š” μ›먯Ή숈„ 誘용Š” 媛쒕°쒖ž먮뱾을 "
"λ뚯뼱 紐⑥쑝湲° μœ꾪•섏뿬, λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ ν”꾨‘쒖 앺듃λŠ” λ떎μˆ섏˜ 臾몄„쒕? 諛쒗‘쒗•섏˜€μ쑝硫° "
"μ씠λŠ” μ슦由ъ˜ 媛€移섏— λŒ€ν•섏뿬 媛쒕왂μ 곸쑝濡œ μ„쒖ˆ좏•섍³  λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ 媛쒕°쒖ž먭°€ "
"λ섎Š” 寃껋씠 臾댁—뉗„ 留먰•섎Š” 寃껋씤吏€μ— λŒ€ν•œ 吏€移⑥씠 λ맗λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:52
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "The <ulink url=\"&url-social-contract;\">Debian Social Contract</ulink> is a statement of Debian's commitments to the Free Software Community. Anyone who agrees to abide to the Social Contract may become a <ulink url=\"&url-new-maintainer;\">maintainer</ulink>. Any maintainer can introduce new software into Debian &mdash; provided that the software meets our criteria for being free, and the package follows our quality standards."
msgstr ""
"<ulink url=\"&url-social-contract;\">Debian Social Contract(λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ μ궗회 "
"洹쒖빟)</ulink>μ씠λ씪怨  ν•섎Š” 寃껋€ μž먯œ좎†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱 怨듬숈껜(Free Software "
"Community)에 λŒ€ν•œ λ뜲鍮꾩•덉˜ 愿€μ뿬瑜Ό 吏€移?•섎Š” 寃껋ž낅떎. "
"μ궗νš뚭·쒖빟을 吏€ν궎湲곕‘œ λ숈섑•œ μ궗λž뚯€ λˆ꾧뎄λ‚˜ "
"<ulink url=\"&url-new-maintainer;\">maintainer(硫붿씤ν꽣λ„ˆ)</ulink>媛€ 될 수"
"μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. μ뼱λ뼡 硫붿씤ν꽣λ„덈“좎§€ μƒ덈‘쒖슫 μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱瑜Ό λ뜲鍮꾩•덉— 異붽°€ν•  수 "
"μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. &mdash; 洹Έ μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱媛€ μž먯œ좎씠怨 , ν뙣ν궎吏€媛€ μ슦由ъ˜ ν’덉§ˆ 湲곗€€μ— "
"μ 곹빀ν빐μ빞 ν•쒕떎λŠ” 湲곗€€μ„ 留뚯”ν빐μ빞 ν빀λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:64
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "The <ulink url=\"&url-dfsg;\">Debian Free Software Guidelines</ulink> are a clear and concise statement of Debian's criteria for free software. The DFSG is a very influential document in the Free Software Movement, and was the foundation of the <ulink url=\"&url-osd;\">The Open Source Definition</ulink>."
msgstr ""
"<ulink url=\"&url-dfsg;\">Debian Free Software Guidelines</ulink>λŠ” "
"μž먯œ좎†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱에 λŒ€ν•œ λ뜲鍮꾩•덉˜ 湲곗€€μ„ λ떒μˆ쒕ͺ낅£뚰•섍²Œ μ„쒖ˆ좏•œ 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎. "
"DFSGλŠ” μž먯œ좎†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱 μ슫λ숈— μž덉뼱μ„œ 留ㅼ슦 μ˜곹뼢λ젰 μž덈Š” 臾몄„쒕‘œ, "
"<ulink url=\"&url-osd;\">The Open Source Definition(μ삤ν”ˆ μ†뚯뒪의 "
"μ 뺤˜)</ulink>에 λŒ€ν•œ 洹쇨°꾩씠 λ섏—덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:74
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "The <ulink url=\"&url-debian-policy;\">Debian Policy Manual</ulink> is an extensive specification of the Debian Project's standards of quality."
msgstr ""
"<ulink url=\"&url-debian-policy;\">λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ μ 뺤±… 留ㅻ돱μ뼹</ulink>은 "
"λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ ν”꾨‘쒖 앺듃의 ν’덉§ˆ ν‘쒖€€μ„ μƒ곸꽭ν•섍²Œ μ 뺤섑•œ 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:82
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Debian developers are also involved in a number of other projects; some specific to Debian, others involving some or all of the Linux community. Some examples include:"
msgstr ""
"DDλŠ” λ떎μˆ섏˜ ν”꾨‘쒖 앺듃에 李멸°€ν•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. 利‰, μ씪遺€λŠ” λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ 怨좎œ좎—, 또 λ떎瑜Έ "
"μ궗λž뚮뱾은 μ씪遺€ λ˜먮Š” 紐⑤“  由щˆ낆뒪 怨듬숈껜에 李멸°€ν•섍린도 ν빀λ‹덈떎. μ˜덈? λ뱾μ뼱 蹂대㈃, "

#: welcome.xml:89
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "The <ulink url=\"&url-lsb-org;\">Linux Standard Base</ulink> (LSB) is a project aimed at standardizing the basic GNU/Linux system, which will enable third-party software and hardware developers to easily design programs and device drivers for Linux-in-general, rather than for a specific GNU/Linux distribution."
msgstr ""
"<ulink url=\"&url-lsb-org;\">Linux Standard Base(LSB)</ulink>λŠ” "
"湲곕낯 GNU/Linux μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖„ ν‘쒖€€ν™뷀•섍린 μœ꾪•œ ν”꾨‘쒖 앺듃濡œ, "
"3rd party μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱와 ν•섎“쒖썾μ뼱 媛쒕°쒖ž먮뱾μ씠 ν듅μ • GNU/Linux 諛고룷νŒ먯씠 μ•꾨‹Œ "
"μ씪諛섏 곸씤 Linux에 λŒ€ν•œ ν”꾨‘쒓렇λ옩怨Ό λ”붾°붿씠μ뒪 λ“쒕씪μ씠踰꾨? μ돺寃Œ μ꽕怨꾪•섎꾨‘ "
"ν•섍린 μœ꾪•œ 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:99
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msgid "The <ulink url=\"&url-fhs-home;\">Filesystem Hierarchy Standard</ulink> (FHS) is an effort to standardize the layout of the Linux file system. The FHS will allow software developers to concentrate their efforts on designing programs, without having to worry about how the package will be installed in different GNU/Linux distributions."
msgstr ""
"<ulink url=\"&url-fhs-home;\">Filesystem Hierarchy "
"Standard(FHS)</ulink>λŠ” 由щˆ낆뒪 ν™붿씪 μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖˜ λ 덉씠μ•꾩›껋„ " 
"ν‘쒖€€ν™뷀•섍린 μœ꾪•œ 寃껋쑝濡œ, μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱 媛쒕°쒖ž먮뱾μ씠 媛쒕°쒗•œ ν뙣ν궎吏€媛€ "
"μ„쒕‘œ λ떎瑜Έ GNU/Linux 諛고룷νŒ먯— μ뼱λ뼸寃Œ μ꽕移섎섎Š” 吏€μ— λŒ€ν빐 "
"怨좊?ν•  ν•꾩š” μ—놁씠 媛쒕°쒖ž μž먯‹좎€ ν”꾨‘쒓렇λ옩 μ꽕怨꾩—먮§Œ μ 꾨…먰•  "
"수 μž덈꾨‘ ν•섍린 μœ꾪•œ 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:109
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "<ulink url=\"&url-debian-jr;\">Debian Jr.</ulink> is an internal project, aimed at making sure Debian has something to offer to our youngest users."
msgstr ""
"<ulink url=\"&url-debian-jr;\">Debian Jr.</ulink>λŠ” λ궡遺€ ν”꾨‘쒖 앺듃濡œ "
"μ뼱由° μ궗μ슜μž먮뱾μ—먭²Œ μ 쒓났ν•섍린 μœ꾪•œ 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:118
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "For more general information about Debian, see the <ulink url=\"&url-debian-faq;\">Debian FAQ</ulink>."
msgstr "λ뜲鍮꾩•덉— λŒ€ν•섏뿬 蹂대떎 μ씪諛섏 곸씤 寃껋€ "
"<ulink url=\"&url-debian-faq;\">λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ FAQ</ulink>瑜Ό 李멸³좏•섍린 諛붾ž띾‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:133
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: title
msgid "What is GNU/Linux?"
msgstr "GNU/Linuxλ씪λŠ” 寃껋€?"

#: welcome.xml:134
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Linux is an operating system: a series of programs that let you interact with your computer and run other programs."
msgstr ""
"由щˆ낆뒪λŠ” μ슫영 泥닿³꾨‘œ, μ궗μ슜μž먭°€ μž먯‹좎˜ 而댄벂ν꽣와 μƒ곹샇μž묒슜을 ν•섎꾨‘ "
"ν•섎ʼn 또, λ떎瑜Έ ν”꾨‘쒓렇λ옩을 μ떎ν–됱‹쒗궎λŠ” μ씪λ젴의 ν”꾨‘쒓렇λ옩μž낅‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:139
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "An operating system consists of various fundamental programs which are needed by your computer so that it can communicate and receive instructions from users; read and write data to hard disks, tapes, and printers; control the use of memory; and run other software. The most important part of an operating system is the kernel. In a GNU/Linux system, Linux is the kernel component. The rest of the system consists of other programs, many of which were written by or for the GNU Project. Because the Linux kernel alone does not form a working operating system, we prefer to use the term <quote>GNU/Linux</quote> to refer to systems that many people casually refer to as <quote>Linux</quote>."
msgstr ""
"μ슫μ˜곸껜怨꾨Š” μ궗μ슜μž먯˜ 而댄벂ν꽣에 ν•꾩š뷀•œ λ떎μˆ섏˜ 湲곕낯μ 곸씤 ν”꾨‘쒓렇λ옩μ쑝濡œ "
"援ъ꽦λ섏뼱 μž덇린 λ•뚮Ц에, μ궗μ슜μž먯™€ μ섏궗μ†뚰넻을 ν•섍굅λ‚˜ μ궗μ슜μž먮‘쒕Ά€ν꽣 "
"吏€μ‹쒕? 諛쏆뒿λ‹덈떎. μ씠瑜Ό ν…뚮㈃, ν•섎“œ λ”붿뒪ν겕, ν…뚯씠ν”„ λ˜먮Š” ν”꾨┛ν꽣濡œ λ뜲μ씠ν꽣瑜Ό "
"λ궡蹂대궡嫄곕‚˜ μ씫μ뼱λ뱾μ씠硫°, 硫붾え由ъ˜ μ궗μ슜을 μ 쒖뼱ν•섎ʼn, λ떎瑜Έ ν”꾨‘쒓렇λ옩을 湲곕숈‹쒗궢λ‹덈떎. "
"μ씠λ윭ν•œ μ슫μ˜곸껜μ 쒖˜ 媛€μ옣 以묒š뷀•œ 遺€遺꾩씠 諛붾‘œ 而ㅻ„먯씠硫°, GNU/Linux μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖— "
"μž덉뼱μ„œ LinuxλŠ” 而ㅻ„먯ž낅‹덈떎. μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖˜ λ‚섎㉧吏€ 遺€遺꾩€ λ떎瑜Έ ν”꾨‘쒓렇λ옩μ쑝濡œ "
"援ъ꽦λ섎ʼn, λŒ€遺€遺„ GNU ν”꾨‘쒖 앺듃에 μ섑빐 μž묒꽦된 寃껊뱾μž낅‹덈떎. "
"Linux 而ㅻ„ 洹Έ μž먯껜濡쒕Š” μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖„ 援ъ꽦ν•  수 μ—녾린 λ•뚮Ц에, "
"ν뷀ž덈뱾 Linuxλ씪怨  ν샇移?•섎Š” μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖„ GNU/Linuxλ씪λŠ” 紐낆묶μ쑝濡œ μ궗μ슜ν•섏‹쒓린瑜Ό "
"諛붾ž띾‹덈떎. "

#: welcome.xml:153
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#. Tag: para
msgid "Linux is modelled on the Unix operating system. From the start, Linux was designed to be a multi-tasking, multi-user system. These facts are enough to make Linux different from other well-known operating systems. However, Linux is even more different than you might imagine. In contrast to other operating systems, nobody owns Linux. Much of its development is done by unpaid volunteers."
msgstr ""
"LinuxλŠ” Unix μ슫μ˜곸껜怨꾨? 紐⑤뜽濡œ ν•œ 寃껋쑝濡œ, μ•좎΄덈Ά€ν꽣 由щˆ낆뒪λŠ” "
"硫€ν떚 νƒ쒖뒪ν궧, 硫€ν떚 μœ좎 € μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖쑝濡œ μ꽕怨꾨섏—덉뒿λ‹덈떎. μ씠λ윭ν•œ μ궗μ떎濡œ "
"由щˆ낆뒪瑜Ό μ뿬νƒ€μ˜ μœ좊ͺ낇•œ μ슫μ˜곸껜怨꾩™€ 異⑸Ά꾪žˆ 李⑤³꾪™” μ‹쒗궗수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. "
"洹몃윭λ‚˜, LinuxλŠ” μ뿬λ윭遺꾩씠 μƒ앷°곹•섎Š” 寃껊낫λ떎 ν썾μ뵮 λ떎由낅‹덈떎. "
"λ떎瑜Έ μ슫μ˜곸껜怨꾩™€ λ떖由¬, μ뼱느 λˆ꾧뎄도 Linux瑜Ό μ†뚯œ좏•섏§€ μ•딆쑝硫° "
"洹Έ λŒ€遺€遺꾩씠 μž먯› 遊됱궗μž먮뱾에 μ섑빐 媛쒕°쒕섏—덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:162
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msgid "Development of what later became GNU/Linux began in 1984, when the <ulink url=\"http://www.gnu.org/\";>Free Software Foundation</ulink> began development of a free Unix-like operating system called GNU."
msgstr ""
"ν›꾩— GNU/Linuxλ씪怨  遺덈━寃Œ 된 μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖˜ 媛쒕°쒖€ 1984λ…꾩— μ‹쒖ž묐섏—덉쑝硫°, "
"μ씠 λ•Œ, <ulink url=\"http://www.gnu.org/\";>μž먯œ  μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱 "
"μ옱λ떒(FSF)</ulink>은 Unix와 μœ좎궗ν•œ μ슫μ˜곸껜怨꾩˜ 媛쒕°쒖„ μ‹쒖ž묓•섎㈃μ„œ "
"μ씠瑜Ό GNUλ씪怨  紐낅ͺ낇•섏˜€μ뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:168
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msgid "The GNU Project has developed a comprehensive set of free software tools for use with Unix&trade; and Unix-like operating systems such as Linux. These tools enable users to perform tasks ranging from the mundane (such as copying or removing files from the system) to the arcane (such as writing and compiling programs or doing sophisticated editing in a variety of document formats)."
msgstr ""
"GNU ν”꾨‘쒖 앺듃λŠ” Unix&trade; 洹몃━怨  Linux泥섎읆 Unix와 μœ좎궗ν•œ μ슫μ˜곸껜怨꾩—먯„œ "
"怨듯넻μ쑝濡œ μ궗μ슜ν•섍린 μœ꾪•œ μ씪λ젴의 μž먯œ  μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱 λ꾧뎄瑜Ό 媛쒕°쒗빐 μ™붿뒿λ‹덈떎. "
"μ씠λ윭ν•œ λ꾧뎄瑜Ό μ씠μ슜ν•섏뿬 μ궗μ슜μž먮Š” ν™붿씪을 蹂듭궗 λ˜먮Š” μ궘μ 쒗•섎Š” μ•꾩< μ씪μƒ곸 곸씤 "
"μž묒—낅Ά€ν꽣, ν”꾨‘쒓렇λ옩을 μž묒꽦ν•섍³  而댄Œ뚯씪ν•섍굅λ‚˜ μ뿬λ윭 ν˜뺥ƒ쒖˜ 臾몄„쒖— λŒ€ν•œ "
"ν렪吏묒— μ씠瑜닿린源뚯§€ λ떎μ–묓•œ μž묒—낆„ ν•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:177
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msgid "While many groups and individuals have contributed to Linux, the largest single contributor is still the Free Software Foundation, which created not only most of the tools used in Linux, but also the philosophy and the community that made Linux possible."
msgstr "수 留롮€ 洹몃9怨Ό 媛쒖씤λ뱾μ씠 Linux에 怨듯—뚰–덉§€留Œ, 理쒕Œ€μ˜ λ떒독 怨듯—뚯ž먮Š” "
"μž먯œ좎†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱 μ옱λ떒μ쑝濡œ, Linuxμ—먯„œ μ궗μ슜ν•섎Š” λ꾧뎄의 λŒ€遺€遺꾩„ 媛쒕°쒗•섍³  "
"λ숈‹쒖— Linuxλ씪λŠ” 寃껋씠 媛€λ뒫ν•섎꾨‘ ν•œ 泥좏•숆낵 怨듬숈껜瑜Ό 留뚮뱾μ뼱λ궦 "
"μž먯œ좎†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱 μ옱λ떒μž낅‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:184
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msgid "The <ulink url=\"&url-kernel-org;\">Linux kernel</ulink> first appeared in 1991, when a Finnish computing science student named Linus Torvalds announced an early version of a replacement kernel for Minix to the Usenet newsgroup <userinput>comp.os.minix</userinput>. See Linux International's <ulink url=\"&url-linux-history;\">Linux History Page</ulink>."
msgstr ""
"<ulink url=\"&url-kernel-org;\">Linux kernel</ulink>은, "
"Linuz Torvaldsλ씪λŠ” ν•€λž€λ“쒖˜ 而댄벂ν꽣 怨듯•숆낵 "
"ν•숈ƒ앹씠 μœ좎¦덈꽬 λ돱μ뒪洹몃9μ씤 <userinput>comp.os.minix</userinput>에 "
"Minix瑜Ό μœ꾪•œ λŒ€泥΄ 而ㅻ„먯˜ 珥덇린 踰꾩 꾩„ 諛쒗‘쒗•œ "
"1991λ…„ 泥섏뚯쑝濡œ μ꽭μƒ곸— 洹Έ 紐⑥뒿을 λ‚섑ƒ€λƒ덉뒿λ‹덈떎. "
"μž먯꽭ν•œ 寃껋€ Linux International의 <ulink url=\"&url-linux-history;\">"
"Linux History Page</ulink>瑜Ό 李멸³좏•섍린 諛붾ž띾‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:193
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msgid "Linus Torvalds continues to coordinate the work of several hundred developers with the help of a few trusty deputies. An excellent weekly summary of discussions on the <userinput>linux-kernel</userinput> mailing list is <ulink url=\"&url-kernel-traffic;\">Kernel Traffic</ulink>. More information about the <userinput>linux-kernel</userinput> mailing list can be found on the <ulink url=\"&url-linux-kernel-list-faq;\">linux-kernel mailing list FAQ</ulink>."
msgstr ""
"Linus TorvaldsλŠ” μ‹좊ːν•  수 μž덈Š” μ†뚯ˆ˜ ν˜묐젰μž먮뱾의 λ꾩›€μ쑝濡œ μˆ섎갚紐낆씠λ‚˜ λ섎Š” "
"媛쒕°쒖ž먮뱾의 μ씪을 議곗 뺥•섍³  μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. "
"<ulink url=\"&url-kernel-traffic;\">Kernel Traffic</ulink>은 "
"<userinput>linux-kernel</userinput> 硫붿씪留 由ъ뒪ν듃의 ν†좊‘좎„ 二쇰떒μœ꾨‘œ "
"ν›뚮?ν•섍²Œ μš붿빟ν빐 λ†볦•섏뒿λ‹덈떎. <userinput>linux-kernel</userinput> "
"硫붿씪留 由ъ뒪ν듃에 λŒ€ν•œ μž먯꽭ν•œ μ 뺣낫λŠ” "
"<ulink url=\"&url-linux-kernel-list-faq;\">linux-kernel "
"mailing list FAQ</ulink>μ—먯„œ 李얠•„ 蹂닿린 諛붾ž띾‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:204
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msgid "Linux users have immense freedom of choice in their software. For example, Linux users can choose from a dozen different command line shells and several graphical desktops. This selection is often bewildering to users of other operating systems, who are not used to thinking of the command line or desktop as something that they can change."
msgstr ""
"Linux μ궗μ슜μž먮Š” μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱 μ„좏ƒ앹— μž덉뼱μ„œ μƒ곷떦ν•œ μž먯œ좊? 媛뽮³  μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. μ˜덈? λ뱾μ뼱, "
"Linux μ궗μ슜μž먮Š” 12媛쒖˜ λ떎瑜Έ 而ㅻ㎤λ“œ λ씪μ씤 μ‰섍낵 λ떎μˆ섏˜ 洹몃ž섑뵿 λ뜲μ뒪ν겕 νƒ묒„ μ„좏ƒ앺•  "
"수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. μ씠와 媛숈€ λ떎μ–묓•œ μ„좏ƒ앹˜ ν룺 λ•뚮Ц에, μ‰섏씠λ‚˜ λ뜲μ뒪ν겕탑 媛숈씠 "
"μž먯‹좊뱾μ씠 蹂€寃쏀•  수 μž덈Š” 寃껋— λŒ€ν•섏뿬 μ 꾪˜€ μƒ앷°곹•섏§€ 紐» ν–덈˜ μ궗μ슜μž먮뱾μ씠 "
"λ떦ν솴μ뒪λ윭μ›Œ ν•섍린도 ν빀λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:213
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msgid "Linux is also less likely to crash, better able to run more than one program at the same time, and more secure than many operating systems. With these advantages, Linux is the fastest growing operating system in the server market. More recently, Linux has begun to be popular among home and business users as well."
msgstr "λ˜먰•œ μ뿬타 μ슫μ˜곸껜怨꾩— 鍮꾪빐 LinuxλŠ” "
"μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖씠 二쎈Š” 寃쎌슦媛€ μ 곸쑝硫°, "
"λ숈‹쒖— ν•섎‚˜ μ씠μƒ곸˜ ν”꾨‘쒓렇λ옩을 μ떎ν–됲•  수 μž덈Š” μ꽦λ뒫μ씠 μ›붾벑ν•섍³ , "
"蹂댁•덉꽦μ씠 媛뺥빀λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:231
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#. Tag: title
msgid "What is &debian;?"
msgstr "&debian;μ씠λž€?"

#: welcome.xml:232
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msgid "The combination of Debian's philosophy and methodology and the GNU tools, the Linux kernel, and other important free software, form a unique software distribution called &debian;. This distribution is made up of a large number of software <emphasis>packages</emphasis>. Each package in the distribution contains executables, scripts, documentation, and configuration information, and has a <emphasis>maintainer</emphasis> who is primarily responsible for keeping the package up-to-date, tracking bug reports, and communicating with the upstream author(s) of the packaged software. Our extremely large user base, combined with our bug tracking system ensures that problems are found and fixed quickly."
msgstr "Debian의 泥좏•™ 諛 諛⑸²뺣‘좉낵 GNU λ꾧뎄, Linux 而ㅻ„, 洹몃━怨  μ뿬타 以묒š뷀•œ "
"μž먯œ좎†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱의 議고빀은 &debina;μ씠λ씪 遺덈━λŠ” λ낇듅ν•œ 諛고룷諛⑹‹앹„ ν˜뺤꽦ν빀λ‹덈떎. "
"μ씠 諛고룷諛⑹‹앹€ 수 留롮€ μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱 <emphasis>ν뙣ν궎吏€</emphasis>濡œ 援ъ꽦λ맗λ‹덈떎. "
"諛고룷νŒ먯˜ 媛 ν뙣ν궎吏€λŠ” μ떎ν–됲™붿씪, μ뒪ν겕由쏀듃, 臾몄„œ, 洹몃━怨  μ꽕μ • μ 뺣낫瑜Ό "
"ν룷ν븿ν•섎ʼn, 硫붿씤ν꽣λ„덇°€ 愿€由ы빀λ‹덈떎.  <emphasis>硫붿씤ν꽣λ„ˆ</emphasis>λŠ” 媛 "
"ν뙣ν궎吏€瑜Ό ν빆상 理쒖§꾩쑝濡œ μœ좎§€ν•섍³ , 踰꾧렇 由ы룷ν듃瑜Ό 異붿 곹•섍³ , ν뙣ν궎吏뺣œ "
"μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱의 μ›먯 €μž먮뱾怨Ό μ뿰λ씫을 ν•섍³  μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. 踰꾧렇 異붿  μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒓낵 "
"議고빀된 嫄곕Œ€ν•œ μ궗μ슜자 湲곕°섏쑝濡œ μ씤ν빐 臾몄 쒕? 鍮⑤━ 李얠•„ λ궡怨  "
"μˆ섏 뺥•섎Š” 寃껋씠 鍮좊Ⅴ寃Œ μ씠猷⑥뼱 吏묐‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:246
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msgid "Debian's attention to detail allows us to produce a high-quality, stable, and scalable distribution. Installations can be easily configured to serve many roles, from stripped-down firewalls to desktop scientific workstations to high-end network servers."
msgstr "μ–묒§덉˜, μ•덉 뺣œ, 洹몃━怨  scaleable 諛고룷λŠ” λ뜲鍮꾩•덉˜ μ꽭μ꽭ν•œ "
"愿€μ떖λ•뚮Цμž낅‹덈떎. μ꽕移섎꾧뎄瑜Ό μ씠μ슜ν•섏뿬  諛⑺™붾꼍遺€ν꽣 λ뜲μ뒪ν겕탑 μ›뚰겕μ뒪ν…뚯씠μ…˜, "
"λ꽕ν듃μ›뚰겕 μ„쒕²꾧Ή뚯§€ λ떎μ–묓•œ 湲곕뒫을 ν•섎Š” μ„쒕²꾨? 媛꾨떒히 援ъ꽦ν•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. "

#: welcome.xml:253
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msgid "Debian is especially popular among advanced users because of its technical excellence and its deep commitment to the needs and expectations of the Linux community. Debian also introduced many features to Linux that are now commonplace."
msgstr "λ뜲鍮꾩•덉€ 怨좉Έ됱궗μ슜μž먮뱾μ—먭²Œ μƒ곷떦히 μ씤湲곌°€ μž덉쑝硫°, 洹Έ μ씠μœ좊Š” λ뜲鍮꾩•덉˜ "
"湲곗ˆ좎  μ옣μ 먭낵 ν•꾩š붿— μ섑•œ 李몄뿬, 洹몃━怨  由щˆ낆뒪 怨듬숈껜의 湲곕Œ€ λ•뚮Цμž낅‹덈떎. "
"λ˜먰•œ λ뜲鍮꾩•덉€ μ씠μ 쒕Š” ν됰²뷀빐吏„ 由щˆ낆뒪에 λ떎μ–묓•œ 湲곕뒫을 μ 쒓났ν–덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:260
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msgid "For example, Debian was the first Linux distribution to include a package management system for easy installation and removal of software. It was also the first Linux distribution that could be upgraded without requiring reinstallation."
msgstr "μ˜덈? λ뱾μ뼱蹂대㈃, μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱의 μ꽕移섏™€ μ 쒓굅瑜Ό μ돺寃뚰•  수 μž덈Š” ν뙣ν궎吏€ 愿€由¬ "
"μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖„ ν룷ν븿ν•œ 理쒖΄덉˜ 由щˆ낆뒪 諛고룷νŒ먯씠 λ뜲鍮꾩•덉ž낅‹덈떎. λ˜먰•œ, μ옱μ꽕移섑•섏§€ μ•딄³  "
"μ—낃렇λ 덉씠λ“œ ν•  수 μž덈Š” 理쒖΄덉˜ 諛고룷νŒ먯ž낅‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:267
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msgid "Debian continues to be a leader in Linux development. Its development process is an example of just how well the Open Source development model can work &mdash; even for very complex tasks such as building and maintaining a complete operating system."
msgstr "λ뜲鍮꾩•덉€ 由щˆ낆뒪 媛쒕°쒖— μž덉뼱 μ뿬μ 꾪žˆ 吏€λ꾩ž μ뿭ν•좎„ ν•섍³  μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. "
"λ뜲鍮꾩•덉˜ 媛쒕°œ 怨쇱 뺤€ μ삤ν”ˆ μ†뚯뒪 媛쒕°œ 紐⑤뜽, μ떖吏€μ뼱 μ™꾩 꾪•œ μ슫μ˜곸껜μ 쒖˜ 媛쒕°œ 諛 "
"愿€由¬ 媛숈€ 蹂듭옟ν•œ μ씪μ씠 μ뼹留덈‚˜ 잘 吏꾪–됰섎Š” 吏€瑜Ό 蹂댁뿬二쇰Š” ν•œ μ˜덉ž낅‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:274
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msgid "The feature that most distinguishes Debian from other Linux distributions is its package management system. These tools give the administrator of a Debian system complete control over the packages installed on that system, including the ability to install a single package or automatically update the entire operating system. Individual packages can also be protected from being updated. You can even tell the package management system about software you have compiled yourself and what dependencies it fulfills."
msgstr "λ뜲鍮꾩•덇낵 λ떎瑜Έ 由щˆ낆뒪 諛고룷νŒ먯„ 援щΆ꾪•섎Š” 媛€μ옣 ν겙 ν듅吏뺤€ ν뙣ν궎吏€ 愿€由¬ "
"μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖ž낅‹덈떎. μ씠λ윭ν•œ λ꾧뎄瑜Ό μ씠μ슜ν•섏뿬, λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖˜ 愿€由ъž먮Š” λ떒 ν•쒓°쒖˜ "
"ν뙣ν궎吏€瑜Ό μ꽕移섑•섍굅λ‚˜ μ 꾩껜 μ슫μ˜곸껜μ 쒕? μž먮숈쑝濡œ μ—낅뜲μ씠ν듃ν•  수 μž덈Š” λ뒫λ젰을 "
"ν룷ν븿ν•섏뿬, μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖— μ꽕移섎œ ν뙣ν궎吏€μ— λŒ€ν•œ μ™꾨꼍ν•œ μ 쒖뼱沅뚯„ μ뼸을 수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. "

#: welcome.xml:285
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msgid "To protect your system against <quote>Trojan horses</quote> and other malevolent software, Debian's servers verify that uploaded packages come from their registered Debian maintainers. Debian packagers also take great care to configure their packages in a secure manner. When security problems in shipped packages do appear, fixes are usually available very quickly. With Debian's simple update options, security fixes can be downloaded and installed automatically across the Internet."
msgstr "μ뿬λ윭遺꾩˜ μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖„ <quote>ν듃濡쒖씠 紐⑸§ˆ</quote>諛 μ뿬타 μ•낆섏 곸씤 "
"μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱濡œ 遺€ν꽣 蹂댄샇ν•섍린 μœ꾪•섏뿬, λ뜲鍮꾩•덉˜ μ„쒕²꾨Š” ν빐λ떦 ν뙣ν궎吏€μ— λ벑濡앸œ "
"λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ 硫붿씤ν꽣λ„덈뱾μ씠 μ—낅‘쒕“쒗•œ ν뙣ν궎吏€瑜Ό 寃€μ궗ν빀λ‹덈떎. λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ ν뙣ν궎μ €λ뱾은 μ•덉 꾪•œ "
"諛⑸²뺤쑝濡œ μž먯‹좊뱾의 ν뙣ν궎吏€瑜Ό μ꽕μ 뺥•섍린 μœ꾪•섏뿬 μƒ곷떦ν•œ 二쇱섎? 湲곗슱μž낅‹덈떎. 諛고룷된 "
"ν뙣ν궎吏€μ— 蹂댁•ˆ 臾몄 쒓°€ 諛쒖ƒ앺•섎㈃, μƒ곷떦히 鍮⑤━ μˆ섏 뺥Œ먯씠 λ‚섏샃λ‹덈떎. λ뜲鍮꾩•덉˜ "
"媛꾨떒ν•œ μ—낅뜲μ씠ν듃 μ샃μ…섏„ μ씠μ슜ν•섏뿬, μ씤ν꽣λ꽬을 ν넻ν•섏뿬 蹂댁•ˆ μˆ섏 뺥Œ먯„ μž먮숈쑝濡œ "
"λ떎μ슫濡쒕“쒗•섍³  μ꽕移섑•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:295
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#. Tag: para
msgid "The primary, and best, method of getting support for your &debian; system and communicating with Debian Developers is through the many mailing lists maintained by the Debian Project (there are more than &num-of-debian-maillists; at this writing). The easiest way to subscribe to one or more of these lists is visit <ulink url=\"&url-debian-lists-subscribe;\"> Debian's mailing list subscription page</ulink> and fill out the form you'll find there."
msgstr "μ뿬λ윭遺꾩˜ &debian; μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖— λŒ€ν•섏뿬 吏€μ›먯„ 諛쏄³  λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ 媛쒕°쒖ž먮뱾怨Ό "
"μ뿰λ씫을 ν•  수 μž덈Š” μ›먯‹쒖 곸씠怨  또 理쒖ƒ곸˜ 諛⑸²뺤€ λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ ν”꾨‘쒖 앺듃μ—먯„œ 愿€由ы•섎Š” "
"留롮€ 硫붿씪留 由ъ뒪ν듃(湲€μ씠 μž묒꽦된 μ‹쒖 먯—먯„œ μ빟 &num-of-debian-maillists; μ씠상)瑜Ό "
"μ씠μ슜ν•섎Š” 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎. ν•섎‚˜ μ씠μƒ곸˜ 硫붿씪留 由ъ뒪ν듃에 媛€μž낇•섎Š” 媛€μ옣 μ돩μ슫 諛⑸²뺤€ "
"<ulink url=\"&url-debian-lists-subscribe;\">λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ 硫붿씪留 由ъ뒪ν듃 媛€μž… "
"νŽ섏씠吏€</ulink>瑜Ό 諛⑸Цν•섏뿬 嫄곌린에 λ‚섑ƒ€λ‚œ μ–묒‹앹„ 梨꾩슦硫΄ λ맗λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:317
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: title
msgid "What is Debian GNU/Hurd?"
msgstr "λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ GNU/Hurdλž€?"

#: welcome.xml:319
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Debian GNU/Hurd is a Debian GNU system that replaces the Linux monolithic kernel with the GNU Hurd &mdash; a set of servers running on top of the GNU Mach microkernel. The Hurd is still unfinished, and is unsuitable for day-to-day use, but work is continuing. The Hurd is currently only being developed for the i386 architecture, although ports to other architectures will be made once the system becomes more stable."
msgstr "λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ GNU/HurdλŠ” 由щˆ낆뒪 紐⑤끂由щ”• 而ㅻ„먯„ GNU Hurd濡œ λŒ€移섑•섎Š” λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ "
"GNU μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖쑝濡œ, GNU 留덊겕 留덉씠ν겕濡œ 而ㅻ„먯—먯„œ λ숈ž묓•섎Š” μ„쒕²꾩˜ 紐⑥뚯ž낅‹덈떎. "
"HurdλŠ” μ•꾩§곴Ή뚯§€ 媛쒕°쒖씠 λ앸‚섏§€ μ•딆•섍³ , 留ㅼ씪 μ궗μ슜ν•섍린μ—먮Š” μ 곹빀ν•섏§€ μ•딆뒿λ‹덈떎留Œ, "
"媛쒕°쒖€ 怨꾩† 吏꾪–‰ 以묒ž낅‹덈떎. ν˜꾩옱 HurdλŠ” i386 μ•꾪궎ν…띿떠瑜Ό λŒ€μƒ곸쑝濡쒕§Œ "
"媛쒕°쒖€묒ž낅‹덈떎留Œ, μ씪λ떒 μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖씠 더 μ•덉 뺣섎㈃ λ떎瑜Έ μ•꾪궎ν…띿떠濡œ ν룷νŒ낅  寃껋ž낅‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:329
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "For more information, see the <ulink url=\"http://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/\";> Debian GNU/Hurd ports page</ulink> and the <email>debian-hurd@lists.debian.org</email> mailing list."
msgstr "蹂대떎 μž먯꽭ν•œ μ 뺣낫λŠ” "
"<ulink url=\"http://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/\";>"
"Debian GNU/Hurd ports page</ulink>와 "
"<email>debian-hurd@lists.debian.org</email> 硫붿씪留 由ъ뒪ν듃瑜Ό 李멸³좏•섏‹쒓린 "

#: welcome.xml:346
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: title
msgid "Getting Debian"
msgstr "λ뜲鍮꾩•덉„ 援ы•섎Š” 諛⑸²•"

#: welcome.xml:348
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "For information on how to download &debian; from the Internet or from whom official Debian CDs can be purchased, see the <ulink url=\"&url-debian-distrib;\">distribution web page</ulink>. The <ulink url=\"&url-debian-mirrors;\">list of Debian mirrors</ulink> contains a full set of official Debian mirrors, so you can easily find the nearest one."
msgstr "μ씤ν꽣λ꽬 λ˜먮Š”  怨듭‹앹 곸씤 λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ CD νŒ먮ℓ泥섎‘œ 遺€ν꽣 &debian;을 λ떎μ슫濡쒕“쒗•섎Š” "
"諛⑸²뺤— λŒ€ν빐μ„쒕Š” "
"<ulink url=\"&url-debian-distrib;\">諛고룷판 μ쎒 νŽ섏씠吏€</ulink>瑜Ό 李멸³좏•섏‹쒓린 "
"諛붾ž띾‹덈떎. "
"<ulink url=\"&url-debian-mirrors;\">list of Debian mirrors</ulink>에 "
"怨듭‹앹 곸씤 λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ 誘몃윭 μ궗μ씠ν듃媛€ 紐⑤‘ 留앸씪λ섏뼱 μž덉쑝λ‹ˆ, μ뿬λ윭遺꾩—먭²Œ 媛€μ옣 "
"媛€源뚯슫 怨녹„ μ돺寃Œ 李얠„ 수 μž덉„ 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:357
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Debian can be upgraded after installation very easily. The installation procedure will help set up the system so that you can make those upgrades once installation is complete, if need be."
msgstr "λ뜲鍮꾩•덉€ μ꽕移˜ ν›꾩—먮„ μ돺寃Œ μ—낃렇λ 덉씠λ“œ ν•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. "
"μ꽕移˜ 怨쇱 뺤€ μ‹쒖뒪ν…œ μ…뗭—낆„ λ꾩슱 寃껋씠誘€濡œ μ꽕移섍°€ μ™꾩 뺥žˆ λ앸‚섎붾씪도 ν•꾩š뷀•œ "
"寃쎌슦μ—먮Š” μ—낃렇λ 덉씠λ“쒗•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:372
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: title
msgid "Getting the Newest Version of This Document"
msgstr "μ씠 臾몄„쒖˜ 理쒖‹  踰꾩 꾩„ μ뼸λŠ” 諛⑸²•"

#: welcome.xml:374
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "This document is constantly being revised. Be sure to check the <ulink url=\"&url-release-area;\"> Debian &release; pages</ulink> for any last-minute information about the &release; release of the &debian; system. Updated versions of this installation manual are also available from the <ulink url=\"&url-install-manual;\">official Install Manual pages</ulink>."
msgstr "μ씠 臾몄„쒕Š” μˆ섏‹쒕‘œ 援먯 뺣맗λ‹덈떎. &debian; μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖˜ &release; 由대━利덉— "
"λŒ€ν•œ 理쒖‹  μ 뺣낫에 λŒ€ν빐μ„쒕Š” "
"<ulink url=\"&url-release-area;\">Debian &release; pages</ulink>瑜Ό "
"ν™뺤씤ν•섍린 諛붾ž띾‹덈떎. μ씠 μ꽕移섎Цμ„쒖˜ 理쒖‹  踰꾩 꾩€ "
"<ulink url=\"&url-install-manual;\">official Install Manual pages</ulink>을 "
"ν넻ν빐μ„쒕„ 援ы•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:392
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: title
msgid "Organization of This Document"
msgstr "μ씠 臾몄„쒖˜ 援ъ꽦"

#: welcome.xml:394
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "This document is meant to serve as a manual for first-time Debian users. It tries to make as few assumptions as possible about your level of expertise. However, we do assume that you have a general understanding of how the hardware in your computer works."
msgstr "μ씠 臾몄„쒕Š” λ뜲鍮꾩•덉„ 泥섏Œ μ궗μ슜ν•섎Š” 遺꾨뱾μ—먭²Œ  μ꽕紐낆„쒕‘œ μ 쒓났ν•섍³좎ž "
"ν•섎Š” 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎. μ뿬λ윭遺꾩˜ 寃쏀—˜ μˆ섏€€μ— λŒ€ν빐μ„쒕Š” 媛€λ뒫ν•œ 理쒖†뚰•쒖˜ 媛€μ 뺤„ "
"ν•섍³좎ž ν–덉뒿λ‹덈떎. ν•섏§€留Œ, μ뿬λ윭遺꾨뱾μ씠 μ뿬λ윭遺„ 而댄뫖ν꽣에 μ옣李⑸œ ν•섎“쒖썾μ뼱媛€ λ숈ž묓•섎Š” "
"諛⑸²뺤— λŒ€ν빐 蹂댄렪μ 곸씤 μ씠ν빐瑜Ό ν•섍³  μž덈떎怨  媛€μ 뺥–덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:401
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Expert users may also find interesting reference information in this document, including minimum installation sizes, details about the hardware supported by the Debian installation system, and so on. We encourage expert users to jump around in the document."
msgstr "μˆ숇젴된 μ궗μ슜μž먮뱾도 μ씠 臾몄„쒖—먯„œ 理쒖†Œ μ꽕移˜ ν겕湲곕‚˜ "
"λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ μ꽕移˜ μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖—먯„œ 吏€μ›먰•섎Š” ν•섎“쒖썾μ뼱 μ 뺣낫 λ벑λ벑 "
"ν씎誘몃‘쒖슫 μ 뺣낫瑜Ό 李얠„ μˆ섎„ μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:408
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "In general, this manual is arranged in a linear fashion, walking you through the installation process from start to finish. Here are the steps in installing &debian;, and the sections of this document which correlate with each step:"
msgstr "μ 꾨°섏 곸쑝濡œ μ씠 臾몄„쒕Š” μ꽕移섍낵μ 뺤„ 嫄곗³ 泥섏뚮Ά€ν꽣 λ앷Ή뚯§€ λ뵲λ씪ν•섎꾨‘ "
"援ъ꽦λ섏뼱 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. λ떎μ뚯€ &debian;을 μ꽕移섑•섎Š” 怨쇱 •, 洹몃━怨  媛 λ떒怨꾩— 愿€λ젴ν•œ "
"μ씠 臾몄„쒖˜ 媛 μ 덉„ 蹂댁씤 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:416
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Determine whether your hardware meets the requirements for using the installation system, in <xref linkend=\"hardware-req\"/>."
msgstr "μ꽕移˜ μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖„ μ궗μ슜ν븿에 μž덉뼱 μ뿬λ윭遺꾩˜ ν•섎“쒖썾μ뼱媛€ μš붽뎄μ궗ν빆을 "
"留뚯”ν•섎Š” μ뿬遺€瑜Ό <xref linkend=\"hardware-req\"/>μ—먯„œ νŒ먮떒ν•섏떗μ‹쒖삤. "

#: welcome.xml:422
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Backup your system, perform any necessary planning and hardware configuration prior to installing Debian, in <xref linkend=\"preparing\"/>. If you are preparing a multi-boot system, you may need to create partition-able space on your hard disk for Debian to use."
msgstr "<xref linkend=\"preparing\"/>μ—먯„œ, λ뜲鍮꾩•덉„ μ꽕移섑•섍린에 "
"μ•욎„œ μ뿬λ윭遺꾩˜ μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖„ 諛깆—낇•섍³ , ν•꾩š뷀•œ 怨꾪š띿„ "
"μ꽭μ슦怨  ν•섎“쒖썾μ뼱瑜Ό μ꽕μ 뺥•섏떗μ‹쒖삤. 硫€ν떚 遺€νŒ낆„ μƒ앷°곹•섍³  μž덈떎硫΄, "
"λ뜲鍮꾩•덉„ μ궗μ슜ν•섍³좎ž ν•섎Š” ν•섎“쒕”붿뒪ν겕에 νŒ뚰떚μ…˜ 媛€λ뒫ν•œ 怨듦°꾩„ "
"留뚮뱾μ뼱μ빞 ν•  μˆ섎„ μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:430
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "In <xref linkend=\"install-methods\"/>, you will obtain the necessary installation files for your method of installation."
msgstr "<xref linkend=\"install-methods\"/>μ—먯„œ μ뿬λ윭遺꾩씠 寃곗 뺥•œ "
"μ꽕移˜ 諛⑸²뺤— ν•꾩š뷀•œ μ꽕移˜ ν™붿씪을 援ы•섍²Œ λ맗λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:436
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "describes booting into the installation system. This chapter also discusses troubleshooting procedures in case you have problems with this step."
msgstr "μ꽕移˜ μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖쑝濡œ 遺€νŒ낇•섎Š” 諛⑸²뺤„ μ꽕紐낇빀λ‹덈떎. μ씠 怨쇱 뺤—먯„œ 臾몄 쒓°€ "
"諛쒖ƒ앺•œ 寃쎌슦, 臾몄 œ ν빐寃곌낵μ 뺤— λŒ€ν빐μ„쒕„ μ씠 μ옣μ—먯„œ λ끉μ섑•  寃껋ž낅‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:443
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Perform the actual installation according to <xref linkend=\"d-i-intro\"/>. This involves choosing your language, configuring peripheral driver modules, configuring your network connection, so that remaining installation files can be obtained directly from a Debian server (if you are not installing from a CD), partitioning your hard drives and installation of minimal working system. (Some background about setting up the partitions for your Debian system is explained in <xref linkend=\"partitioning\"/>.)"
msgstr "<xref linkend=\"d-i-intro\"/>에 λ뵲λ씪 μ떎제 μ꽕移섎? "
"吏꾪–됲빀λ‹덈떎. μ씠 怨쇱 뺤€ μ뿬λ윭遺꾩씠 μ궗μ슜ν•섎Š” μ뼵μ뼱의 μ„좏ƒ, "
"二쇰³€μ옣移˜ λ“쒕씪μ씠踰„ 紐⑤“ˆ μ꽕μ •, λ꽕ν듃μ›뚰겕 μ꽕μ •, "
"ν•섎“œ λ”붿뒪ν겕 遺꾪•  怨쇱 • 洹몃━怨  理쒖†Œ λ숈ž‘ μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖˜ μ꽕移˜ 怨쇱 뺤„ ν룷ν븿ν빀λ‹덈떎. "
"ν듅히 λ꽕ν듃μ›띿씠 μ꽕μ 뺣섎㈃, λ‚섎㉧吏€ μ꽕移˜ ν™붿씪을 CD濡œ μ꽕移섑•섏§€ μ•딅Š” 寃쎌슦 "
"ν빐λ떦ν•섎Š” ν™붿씪을 紐⑤‘ λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ μ„쒕²꾨‘쒕Ά€ν꽣 吏곸 ‘ μ뼸을 수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. "
"μ뿬λ윭遺꾩˜ λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖— λŒ€ν•œ νŒ뚰떚μ…˜ μ꽕μ 뺤— 愿€ν•œ 寃껋€ "
"<xref linkend=\"partitioning\"/>에 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:456
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Boot into your newly installed base system and run through some additional configuration tasks, from <xref linkend=\"boot-new\"/>."
msgstr "μƒ덈‘œ μ꽕移섎œ 踰좎씠μ뒪 μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖쑝濡œ 遺€νŒ낇•섍³  λ‚œ ν›„ "
"<xref linkend=\"boot-new\"/>瑜Ό ν넻ν빐 μ씪遺€ 異붽°€ μ꽕μ • μž묒—낆„ "

#: welcome.xml:462
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Install additional software in <xref linkend=\"install-packages\"/>."
msgstr "<xref linkend=\"install-packages\"/>μ—먯„œ 遺€媛€μ 곸씤 "
"μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱瑜Ό μ꽕移섑•섏떗μ‹쒖삤."

#: welcome.xml:469
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Once you've got your system installed, you can read <xref linkend=\"post-install\"/>. That chapter explains where to look to find more information about Unix and Debian, and how to replace your kernel."
msgstr "μ씪λ떒 μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖씠 μ꽕移섎섏—덉쑝硫΄, "
"<xref linkend=\"post-install\"/>瑜Ό μ씫μ쑝μ…붾„ λ맗λ‹덈떎. μ씠 μ옣은 "
"μœ좊‹됱뒪와 λ뜲鍮꾩•덉— λŒ€ν•섏뿬 더 留롮€ μ 뺣낫을 μ뼸을 수 μž덈Š” 怨녠낵, "
"而ㅻ„먯„ 援먯껜ν•섎Š” 諛⑸²뺤„ μ꽕紐낇•섍³  μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:479
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Finally, information about this document and how to contribute to it may be found in <xref linkend=\"administrivia\"/>."
msgstr "留덉§€留됱쑝濡œ, μ씠 臾몄„쒖— λŒ€ν•œ μ 뺣낫와 湲곗뿬諛⑸²뺤— "
"λŒ€ν빐μ„쒕Š” <xref linkend=\"administrivia\"/>μ—먯„œ 李얠„ 수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:489
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: title
msgid "Your Documentation Help is Welcome"
msgstr "臾몄„쒖— λŒ€ν•œ μ뿬λ윭遺꾩˜ λ꾩›€μ€ μ뼵μ 쒕씪도 ν™섏˜곹빀λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:491
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Any help, suggestions, and especially, patches, are greatly appreciated. Working versions of this document can be found at <ulink url=\"&url-install-manual;\"></ulink>. There you will find a list of all the different architectures and languages for which this document is available."
msgstr "μ뼱λ뼡 ν˜뺥ƒ쒖˜ λ꾩›€, μ 쒖•ˆ, 洹몃━怨  ν듅히 ν뙣移섏— λŒ€ν•섏뿬 "
"源딆씠 媛먯궗λ“쒕┰λ‹덈떎. μ씠 臾몄„쒖˜ μž묒—… 踰꾩 꾩€ "
"<ulink url=\"&url-install-manual;\"></ulink>에 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. "
"μ뿬湲곗„œ λ떎瑜Έ μ•꾪궎ν…띿떠와 λ떎瑜Έ μ뼵μ뼱에 λŒ€ν•œ μ씠 臾몄„쒖˜ "
"由ъ뒪ν듃도 李얠„ 수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:498
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Source is also available publicly; look in <xref linkend=\"administrivia\"/> for more information concerning how to contribute. We welcome suggestions, comments, patches, and bug reports (use the package &d-i-manual; for bugs, but check first to see if the problem is already reported)."
msgstr "μ†뚯뒪 μ뿭μ‹œ 媛쒕갑λ섏뼱 μž덉쑝硫°, "
"<xref linkend=\"administrivia\"/>瑜Ό 蹂댁‹쒕㈃ 湲곗뿬ν•섎Š” 諛⑸²뺤— "
"愿€ν•섏뿬 더 留롮€ μ 뺣낫瑜Ό μ뼸을 수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. μ 쒖•ˆ, 議곗뼵, ν뙣移˜ "
"洹몃━怨  踰꾧렇 由ы룷ν듃λŠ” ν빆상 ν™섏˜곹빀λ‹덈떎. 踰꾧렇에 λŒ€ν빐μ„쒕Š” "
"&d-i-manual;을 μ씠μ슜ν•섏‹쒓³ , ν빐λ떦 臾몄 쒓°€ μ씠誘Έ 蹂닿³좊œ 寃껋씤吏€ "
"癒쇱 € ν™뺤씤ν•섏‹쒓린 諛붾ž띾‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:514
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: title
msgid "About Copyrights and Software Licenses"
msgstr "μ €μž묎Ά뚭낵 μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱 λ씪μ씠μ„좎뒪에 λŒ€ν•섏뿬"

#: welcome.xml:517
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "We're sure that you've read some of the licenses that come with most commercial software &mdash; they usually say that you can only use one copy of the software on a single computer. This system's license isn't like that at all. We encourage you to put a copy of on every computer in your school or place of business. Lend your installation media to your friends and help them install it on their computers! You can even make thousands of copies and <emphasis>sell</emphasis> them &mdash; albeit with a few restrictions. Your freedom to install and use the system comes directly from Debian being based on <emphasis>free software</emphasis>."
msgstr "μ뿬λ윭遺꾨뱾은 λŒ€遺€遺꾩˜ μƒ곸슜 μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱에 λ뵲λ씪μ삤λŠ” "
"λ씪μ씠μ„좎뒪瑜Ό μ씫μ뼱 蹂Έ μ 곸씠 μž덉„ 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎. 洹몃윴 "
"λ씪μ씠μ„좎뒪λ뱾은 蹂댄넻 ν•섎‚섏˜ 而댄벂ν꽣에 ν•œ 移댄뵾留Œ "
"μ궗μ슜ν•섎꾨‘ 洹쒖 뺥•섍³  μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖˜ "
"λ씪μ씠μ„좎뒪λŠ” μ씠λ뱾怨Ό μ 꾪˜€ λ떎由낅‹덈떎. μ뿬λ젮遺꾩˜ ν•숆΅먮‚˜ νš뚯궗의 "
"紐⑤“  而댄벂ν꽣에 μ꽕移섑•  寃껋„ 沅뚯옣ν빀λ‹덈떎. μ꽕移˜ 誘몃”붿뼱瑜Ό "
"μ뿬λ윭遺꾨뱾의 移쒓뎄μ—먭²Œ 鍮뚮젮二쇨³  而댄벂ν꽣에 μ꽕移섑•섎Š” 寃껋„ "
"λ꾩™€二쇱떗μ‹쒖삤! μˆ섏²쒖옣을 蹂듭궗ν•섍³ , <emphasis>νŒ먮ℓ</emphasis>"
"ν•섏떗μ‹쒖삤 &mdash; μ빟媛„ μ 쒗•쒖씠 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. <emphasis>μž먯œ  μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱</emphasis>瑜Ό "
"湲곕°섏쑝濡œ ν•섎Š” λ뜲鍮꾩•덉씠湲° λ•뚮Ц에 μ뿬λ윭遺꾨뱾은 μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖„ "
"μ꽕移섑•섍³  μ궗μ슜ν븿에 μž덉뼱 μž먯œ좊∼μ뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:530
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#. Tag: para
msgid "Calling software <emphasis>free</emphasis> doesn't mean that the software isn't copyrighted, and it doesn't mean that CDs containing that software must be distributed at no charge. Free software, in part, means that the licenses of individual programs do not require you to pay for the privilege of distributing or using those programs. Free software also means that not only may anyone extend, adapt, and modify the software, but that they may distribute the results of their work as well."
msgstr "μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱瑜Ό <emphasis>μž먯œ </emphasis>λ씪怨  遺€瑜대Š” "
"寃껋€ μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱의 μ €μž묎Ά뚯씠 μ—녿떎λŠ” 寃껋씠 μ•꾨‹덈ʼn, μž먯œ  "
"μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱瑜Ό 諛고룷ν•섎Š” CDλŠ” 諛섎“쒖‹œ 臾대£뚮씪λŠ” 寃껋씠 "
"μ•꾨‹숇‹덈떎. μž먯œ좎†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱λŠ” 媛쒓°쒖˜ ν”꾨‘쒓렇λ옩의 "
"λ씪μ씠μ„좎뒪媛€ 諛고룷λ‚˜ μ궗μ슜에 λŒ€ν•섏뿬 λŒ€媛€瑜Ό 吏€遺덊•  ν•꾩š붽°€ "
"μ—녿떎λŠ” 寃껋„ 遺€遺꾩 곸쑝濡œ μ섎?ν빀λ‹덈떎. μž먯œ  μ†뚯뒪ν듃μ썾μ뼱λŠ” "
"λˆ꾧뎄λ씪도 μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱瑜Ό ν™뺤옣ν•섍³ , 媛쒖ž묓•섍³ , μˆ섏 뺥•  수 " 
"μž덉„ 肉먮§Œ μ•꾨‹덈씪, 洹Έ 寃곌낵瑜Ό 諛고룷ν•  수 μž덈떎λŠ” 寃껋„ μ섎?ν빀λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:542
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Note that the Debian project, as a pragmatic concession to its users, does make some packages available that do not meet our criteria for being free. These packages are not part of the official distribution, however, and are only available from the <userinput>contrib</userinput> or <userinput>non-free</userinput> areas of Debian mirrors or on third-party CD-ROMs; see the <ulink url=\"&url-debian-faq;\">Debian FAQ</ulink>, under <quote>The Debian FTP archives</quote>, for more information about the layout and contents of the archives."
msgstr "λ뜲鍮꾩•„ μ궗μ슜μž먯˜ μ떎吏덉 곸씤 μ궗μ슜沅뚯— μž덉뼱, μž먯œ좊씪怨  "
"ν•섎Š” λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ 踰붿<에 留욎§€ μ•딅Š” μ씪遺€ ν뙣ν궎吏€瑜Ό λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ "
"ν”꾨‘쒖 앺듃에 ν룷ν븿ν–덈떎λŠ” 寃껋„ μ•뚮젮 λ“쒕┰λ‹덈떎. ν•섏§€留Œ, μ씠λ윴 "
"ν뙣ν궎吏€λŠ” 怨듭‹앹 곸씤 諛고룷에 ν룷ν븿된 寃껋€ μ•꾨‹덈―€濡œ, "
"λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ 誘몃윭λ‚˜ 제3자 CD의 <userinput>contrib</userinput>μ씠λ‚˜ "
"<userinput>non-free</userinput>μ—먯„œ 李얠„ 수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. "
"μ•꾩뭅μ씠釉뚯˜ 援ъ꽦怨Ό λ궡μ슜에 λŒ€ν빐μ„쒕Š” "
"<quote>The Debian FTP archives</quote>의 "
"<ulink url=\"&url-debian-faq;\">Debian FAQ</ulink>瑜Ό 李멸³좏•섍린 "

#: welcome.xml:557
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "Many of the programs in the system are licensed under the <emphasis>GNU</emphasis> <emphasis>General Public License</emphasis>, often simply referred to as <quote>the GPL</quote>. The GPL requires you to make the <emphasis>source code</emphasis> of the programs available whenever you distribute a binary copy of the program; that provision of the license ensures that any user will be able to modify the software. Because of this provision, the source code for all such programs is available in the Debian system."
msgstr "μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖˜ λ떎μˆ섏˜ ν”꾨‘쒓렇λ옩은 ν뷀žˆ <quote>GPL</quote>濡œ "
"μ•뚮젮吏„ <emphasis>GNU</emphasis> <emphasis> General Public "
"License</emphasis>瑜Ό λ뵲由낅‹덈떎. GPL은 ν”꾨‘쒓렇λ옩의 諛붿씠λ„덈━瑜Ό "
"諛고룷ν•  λ•Œ μ†뚯뒪瑜Ό 媛숈씠 μ 쒓났ν•  寃껋„ μš붽뎄ν빀λ‹덈떎. 利‰, λˆ꾧뎄λ씪도 "
"μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱瑜Ό μˆ섏 뺥•  수 μž덈꾨‘ ν•섍³좎ž ν•섎Š” 寃껋씠 μ씠 "
"λ씪μ씠μ„좎뒪의 洹쒖 뺤ž낅‹덈떎. μ씠λ윴 洹쒖 뺤쑝濡œ μ씤ν빐 λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ "
"μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖—먯„œ 援ы•  수 μž덈Š” 紐⑤“  ν”꾨‘쒓렇λ옩은 μ†뚯뒪肄붾“쒕? "
"援ы•  수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. "

#: welcome.xml:568
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "For information on how to locate, unpack, and build binaries from Debian source packages, see the <ulink url=\"&url-debian-faq;\">Debian FAQ</ulink>, under <quote>Basics of the Debian Package Management System</quote>."
msgstr "λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ μ†뚯뒪 ν뙣ν궎吏€濡쒕Ά€ν꽣 諛붿씠λ„덈━瑜Ό μƒ앹꽦ν•섎Š” "
"諛⑸²뺤€ <quote>λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ ν뙣ν궎吏€愿€由¬ μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖˜ 湲곕낯</quote>의 "
"<ulink url=\"&url-debian-faq;\">Debian FAQ</ulink>瑜Ό 李멸³좏•섏‹쒓린 "

#: welcome.xml:578
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#. Tag: para
msgid "There are several other forms of copyright statements and software licenses used on the programs in Debian. You can find the copyrights and licenses for every package installed on your system by looking in the file <filename>/usr/share/doc/<replaceable>package-name</replaceable>/copyright </filename> once you've installed a package on your system."
msgstr "λ뜲鍮꾩•덉˜ ν”꾨‘쒓렇λ옩에 μ궗μ슜ν•œ μ궗μ슜沅뚮━와 "
"μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱 λ씪μ씠μ„좎뒪λŠ” 紐뉕°€吏€ λ떎瑜Έ ν˜뺥ƒ쒓°€ "
"μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. μ뿬λ윭遺꾩˜ μ‹쒖뒪ν…쒖— ν뙣ν궎吏€媛€ μ꽕移섎섎㈃ "
"<filename>/usr/share/doc/<replaceable>package-name</replaceable>/copyright</filename>을 蹂대㈃ ν빐λ떦 ν뙣ν궎吏€μ˜ 沅뚮━와 λ씪μ씠μ„좎뒪瑜Ό 李얠„ 수 μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:588
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msgid "For more information about licenses and how Debian determines whether software is free enough to be included in the main distribution, see the <ulink url=\"&url-dfsg;\">Debian Free Software Guidelines</ulink>."
msgstr " λ씪μ씠μ„좎뒪와, μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾媛€ 硫붿씤 諛고룷에 ν룷ν븿ν•  수 μž덉„ "
"μ 뺣꾨‘œ μž먯œ좊‘쒖슫 吏€瑜Ό 寃곗 뺥•섎Š” 諛⑸²뺤— λŒ€ν빐μ„쒕Š”, "
"<ulink url=\"&url-dfsg;\">λ뜲鍮꾩•ˆ μž먯œ좎†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱 吏€移⑥„œ</ulink>"
"瑜Ό 李멸³좏•섏‹쒓린 諛붾ž띾‹덈떎."

#: welcome.xml:594
#, no-c-format
#. Tag: para
msgid "The most important legal notice is that this software comes with <emphasis>no warranties</emphasis>. The programmers who have created this software have done so for the benefit of the community. No guarantee is made as to the suitability of the software for any given purpose. However, since the software is free, you are empowered to modify that software to suit your needs &mdash; and to enjoy the benefits of the changes made by others who have extended the software in this way."
msgstr "媛€μ옣 以묒š뷀•œ 踰뺤 곸씤 怨좎§€λŠ”, μž먯œ좎†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱λŠ” "
"<emphasis>μ뼱λ–좏•œ 蹂댁¦앸„ ν•섏§€ μ•딅Š붾떎</emphasis>λŠ” 寃껋ž낅‹덈떎. "
"μ씠λ윴 μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱瑜Ό 留뚮“  ν”꾨‘쒓렇λž섎㉧λŠ” 怨듬숈껜의 μ씠μ씡을 "
"μœ꾪빐 留뚮“  寃껋ž낅‹덈떎. μ뼱λ뼡 紐⑹ 곸— λŒ€ν빐μ„쒕„ μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱의 "
"μ 곹빀μ꽦을 蹂댁옣ν•섏§€ μ•딆뒿λ‹덈떎. ν•섏§€留Œ, μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱媛€ "
"μž먯œ좎씠湲° λ•뚮Ц에 μ뿬λ윭遺꾩— 紐⑹ 곸— 留욊²Œ ν룷μ뒪ν듃μ썾μ뼱瑜Ό "
"μˆ섏 뺥•섎Š” 沅뚮━λŠ” μ뿬λ윭遺꾩— μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎. λ˜먰•œ μ씠λ윴 "
"諛⑸²뺤쑝濡œ λ떎瑜Έ μ궗λž뚯씠 μ†뚰”꾪듃μ썾μ뼱瑜Ό ν™뺤옣ν•섏뿬 μƒ앷릿 "
"蹂€ν™붾‘œ μ뼸은 μ씠μ씡을 λˆ꾨┫ 沅뚮━도 μ뿬λ윭遺꾩—먭²Œ μž덉뒿λ‹덈떎."

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