Shadow Greek translation
You receive this mail because your name is listed in the "shadow"
software translation file.
Indeed, for your language, you and someone else (see the To field of
this mail) have both translated shadow messages. The reason for that
is quite simple:
Up to a recent period, shadow was maintained quite independently in
the Debian distribution and by its upstream author, Tomasz Kloczko.
So, both Debian translators and "independent" translators worked on
these translations.
Recently, the shadow upstream author (Tomasz) and the maintainers of
the package which is in the Debian distribution (myself and a few
other individuals) have agreed to combine again their efforts and work
together on the software development.
Tomasz will soon release the 4.0.8 version of shadow and he would like
to have translation updates. However, for your language, the problem
is deciding who to ask this...
As we indeed have no real idea of the most appropriate answer to this
question, we decided to first ask both translators what is their
Maybe the two of you know each other, maybe not. But, please, could
you discuss together and decide among yourselves what is the most
appropriate solution:
-"upstream" translator continues to handle the translation alone
-Debian translator takes over the translation (for instance because the
"upstream" translator does not want to continue
-Both of you work together (maybe our preferred solution...:-))
So, can you please talk together (in your own language if you prefer)
and come back to us (Tomasz and I) to tell us what is your preferred
Many thanks in advance for your answer and, anyway, many thanks for
the great work maintaining shadow's translations.
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