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Re: Bug#801903: open-iscsi: [INTL:de] Initial German debconf translation

Control: tags -1 + confirmed moreinfo

(CC'ing the German language team.)

On 10/15/2015 10:03 PM, Chris Leick wrote:
> please find attached the initial German debconf translation of open-iscsi.

Thanks a lot for translating! Very much appreciated.

Two short comments:

 - Is it usually the case that package names are capitalized? I know that
   grammar rules kind of dictate that, but it looks weird to me.[1] If
   that is indeed what typically happens in the German translation of such
   notes, I'm fine with it - just wanted to make sure.

 - In the last template there's a passage "purge open-iscsi", which you
   have translated with "entfernen Sie Open-iscsi vollständig". Again, I
   don't know how that's usually translated, but in this notice it is
   critical that the user does an 'apt purge' and NOT a 'apt remove',
   otherwise the system will be in an unusable state - so unless it is
   known to people using the German locale that "vollständig entfernen"
   always means "to purge", I think the translation could easily be
   misconstrued to the detriment of the user here. Could you clarify
   this perhaps? Thanks, that would really be appreciated!

Best regards,

[1] Maybe I'm just biased here, because even though German is my native
    tongue, I prefer to use computers with an English locale.

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