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[RFR] wml://https://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/webwml/webwml/french/vote/2016/


la période de vote pour l'élection du chef du projet a commencé.
Les fichiers sont disponibles en ligne à partir des racines suivantes.


Voici quelques fichiers à relire.
Merci d'avance pour vos relectures.
Le programme de Mehdi est à traduire (celui traduit de 2015 est
ici :

#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.1" maintainer="Jean-Paul Guillonneau"
<define-tag pagetitle>Questions soumises en 2016</define-tag>
#use wml::debian::template title="<pagetitle>" NOHEADER="true"
#use wml::debian::votebar
#use wml::debian::recent_list

<:= get_recent_list('.', '0', '$(ENGLISHDIR)/vote/2016', 'list', 'vote_\d*') :>
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.2" maintainer="Jean-Paul Guillonneau"
<define-tag pagetitle>Ã?lection du responsable du projet Debian 2016</define-tag>
<define-tag status>D</define-tag>
# signification des balises <status> :
# P: proposé
# D: débattu
# V: voté
# F: terminé
# O: autre (ou indiquez simplement autre chose)

#use wml::debian::template title="<pagetitle>" BARETITLE="true" NOHEADER="true"
#use wml::debian::toc
#use wml::debian::votebar

    <toc-display />

# The Tags beginning with v are will become H3 headings and are defined in
# english/template/debian/votebar.wml
# all possible Tags:

# vdate, vtimeline, vnominations, vdebate, vplatforms,
# Proposers
#          vproposer,  vproposera, vproposerb, vproposerc, vproposerd,
#          vproposere, vproposerf
# Seconds
#          vseconds,   vsecondsa, vsecondsb, vsecondsc, vsecondsd, vsecondse,
#          vsecondsf,  vopposition
# vtext, vtextb, vtextc, vtextd, vtexte, vtextf
# vchoices
# vamendments, vamendmentproposer, vamendmentseconds, vamendmenttext
# vproceedings, vmajorityreq, vstatistics, vquorum, vmindiscuss,
# vballot, vforum, voutcome

    <vtimeline />
      <table class="vote">
            <th>>Période de candidature</th>
            <td>>dimanche 6 mars 2016 00:00:00 UTC</td>
            <td>samedi 12 mars 2016 23:59:59 UTC</td>
            <th>Période de campagne</th>
            <td>dimanche 13 mars 2016 00:00:00 UTC</td>
            <td>samedi 2 avril 2016 23:59:59 UTC</td>
            <th>Période de scrutin</th>
            <td>dimanche 3 avril 2016 00:00:00 UTC</td>
            <td>samedi 16 avril 2016 23:59:59 UTC</td>
      <p>Veuillez noter que le nouveau mandat du responsable du projet débutera
         le 17 avril 2015.</p>

          <vnominations />
		<li>Mehdi Dogguy [<email mehdi@debian.org>]
			[<a href='https://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2016/03/msg00004.html'>message de candidature</a>]
			[<a href="platforms/mehdi">programme</a>]

#             <p>
#                The ballot, when ready, can be requested through email
#                by sending a signed email to
#                <a href="mailto:ballot@vote.debian.org";>ballot@vote.debian.org</a>
#                with the subject leader2016.
#             </p>

#          <vstatistics />
#          <p>
#            This year, like always,
##		<a href="https://vote.debian.org/~secretary/leader2016/";>statistics</a>
#		<a href="suppl_001_stats">statistics</a>
#             will be gathered about ballots received and
#             acknowledgements sent periodically during the voting
#             period.
##		Additionally, the list of voters will be
##            recorded.
#		Additionally, the list of <a
#             href="vote_001_voters.txt">voters</a> will be
#             recorded. Also, the <a href="vote_001_tally.txt">tally
#             sheet</a> will also be made available to be viewed.
#             Please remember that the project leader election has a
#             secret ballot, so the tally sheet will not contain the
#             voters name but a HMAC that allows the voter to check
#	     that his vote is in the list of votes.  There is a
#	     key generated for each voter that is send along with
#	     the ack for the vote.
#         </p>

#          <vquorum />
#     <p>
#        With the current list of <a href="vote_001_quorum.log">voting
#          developers</a>, we have:
#     </p>
#    <pre>
##include 'vote_001_quorum.txt'
#    </pre>
##include 'vote_001_quorum.src'

	  <vmajorityreq />
	  <p> Tous les candidats ont besoin d'une majorité simple pour être élus.</p>

##include 'vote_001_majority.src'

#          <voutcome />
##include 'vote_001_results.src'

        <a href="mailto:secretary@debian.org";> Secrétaire du Projet Debian</a>
#use wml::debian::template title="Programmes des candidats au poste de responsable du projet" BARETITLE="true"
#use wml::debian::votebar
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/vote/style.inc"
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.1" maintainer="Jean-Paul Guillonneau"

      Vous trouverez ci-dessous le programme du candidat à l'élection
      2016 du responsable du projet Debian.
	<li><a href="mehdi">Mehdi Dogguy</a></li>

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