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Fwd: Translation of the java-fac documentation to the French

Dear French translators,

For your information, there is a person interested in translating the
java-faq documentation into French. I believe he has subscribed to the

I would appreciate if you can help him in the process of getting his
translation reviewed/uploaded.

Last week I enabled po4a support for the Java-FAQ. Which means that
translating it from English into French can now be done using standard
(PO) tools.

Best regards


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <jfs@computer.org>
Date: 6 March 2014 02:01
Subject: Re: Translation of the java-fac documentation to the French
To: Kilic Ali-Firat <kilic.alifirat@gmail.com>
Cc: twerner@debian.org, niels@thykier.net, sylvestre@debian.org

On Wed, Mar 05, 2014 at 10:31:05PM +0100, Kilic Ali-Firat wrote:
> Hello !
> I need to contribute to a free software project. As a debian user and java,
> I want to work on the translation of java-faq documentation.


It's great to see that you are interested in translating this document into

> If I'm good, you are the maintainer of this project so I'm asking to you if
> someone works on this or I'm the first ?

As said by my colleagues, we are not aware of anyones working on a French
translation of the Debian Java FAQ. If you are OK with it, I would like to
forward this email to the public mailing list used by French translators to
see if there is anybody working on it.

I'm not adding them to this email since using the mailing list will mean that
your e-mail will be (forever) public in the mailing list archives at
https://lists.debian.org/debian-l10n-french/ and I'm not sure if you want us
to do that.

> In this last case, is it possible to translate the document part by part
> because the document is a little big long so is it possible to translate
> with that way ?

Before answering this question let me make another one: what translation
tools are you going to use?

If you are knowledgeable about gettext [1] and are going to use a PO editor,
such as POeditor, gtranslator, kbabel or, even, Emacs. We could convert the
source file of the Java FAQ (SGML code) into a PO file that you could

Note: This was not yet done for this document, but I've just added the code
to make it possible.

That would make it possible for you to translate bit by bit the PO file
(actually, paragraph by paragraph) and generate the SGML code that we later
transform into other formats (HTML, TXT or PDF/PS).

If you are familiar with those tools, I've just added the code in the
repository to generate PO files that you could then translate at your own
pace. You can either pick the POT file yourself from here:
or we can send it through email.

The advantage of using PO files is that if the original document changes in
the future, you can easily track what changes have been introduced (and
where) to update the translation.

You can also use available translation's compendia for your language which
might help automatically translate some content of the document.

If you are not familiar with gettext, and want to contribute with
translations in Debian, you should really invest time getting familiar with
those tools. For an introduction of the overall aspects of i18n/l10n in
Debian you might want to read this document:

Internationalisation and localisation in Debian

Available at: http://people.debian.org/~jfs/debconf6/debian-i18n-l10n.pdf

Finally, if you want to translate into French, you should could the Debian
French internationalisation mailing list available. The address of the list
is debian-l10n-french@lists.debian.org, and the archives of the list (you can
peruse and see what people talk about) is here:

Not only you will find there native French speakers that can give you a hand
with the different steps. But, also, they can help review and proofread your
translation from English to French and provide guidance.  I encourage you to
subscribe to that list.

Please let us know which way you go regarding this translation. Good luck!



[1] http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/

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