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[RFR2] wml://users/gov/ditcouncileurope.wml

Hi Justin,

Thanks for your review and your explanations, I applied every proposed
change (unless I missed some), and improved a bit the French version
with your advices. Here are the updated files, the online test version
is updated too:


I'll try to answer your questions, but it seems you understood the
French version as well as than I did, so don't expect too much from me.

Le 28/12/2011 15:21, Justin B Rye a écrit :

>> Since early 2004, the team in charge of these services received
>> a reinforcement which has broadened the scope of the organization
>> and allowed to meet customer needs on the following:
> Ditto.  Plus, "received a reinforcement" isn't quite right.  Is it
> talking about an increase in staff or in resources?   I've assumed the
> former

So did I, but I must admit that doesn't sound really clear in the
original either (I asked one month ago if they were willing to propose
or at least proofread the English version I just sent, but had no
answer, so I wouldn't expect any answer on the original wording).

>> 40 open source based website applications;
> Is this a Useless Use of "Based"?  If the webapps are only *based* on
> open source software (but are themselves closed), that's not much to
> boast about.

That's actually what I understand. It sounds like a fair use of DFSG3,
and they're actually encouraged to describe their real use (if that's
what they do, no need to hide it).

> Looking at the original I wonder if in fact it was
> trying to say:
>   websites based on 40 open source applications;

I took your version anyway (since I'm sure it's proper English), but it
seems to tweak a little bit the truth here.

>> minor evolutions:

> Should "evolutions" perhaps be literal "roll-outs"?  It isn't
> "evolutions", anyway.
>   minor upgrades:

That sounds indeed accurate, especially since it's followed by “major
upgrade”, I kept the French version as it is for this one.

>> It may induce effects on the application and thus go through
>> a validation and tests process before being deployed.
> What application?  Presumably any and all applications, so say:

Indeed, singular doesn't sound wrong in French here, but plural in
English respects the idea.

>   It is conducted together with disaster recovery tests for each
>   server.
> ("Every" server suggests they're all tested at the same time, which
> sounds risky but might I suppose be true.)

“Each” is indeed the way I actually understand the French version (even
if a disaster recovery should be possible if “every” server goes down,
but that's no doubt a bit more tricky…).


# From: Samuel Chaboisseau <samuel.chaboisseau@coe.int>
# Mon, 28 Nov 2011 07:44:44 +0000 <687B54BB9544854A8F46EA40B3DAECE908197624@V-LINGUISTIX01.key.coe.int>

<define-tag pagetitle>Directorate of Information Technology, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France</define-tag>
<define-tag webpage>http://www.coe.int/lportal/web/coe-portal</define-tag>

#use wml::debian::translation-check original="french" translation="1.3"
#use wml::debian::users

The Council of Europe has chosen Open Source tools to handle its
network and related services (DNS, Firewall, MTA, etc.).

Since early 2004, the team in charge of these services has benefited
from reinforcements, which has allowed the organization to broaden
its scope and meet customer needs on the following points:
network support;
websites based on 40 open source applications;
All applications are shared across 25 Linux servers â?? 21 running
the <q>stable</q> release of the Debian GNU/Linux distribution,
and 4 running the Red Hat distribution â?? with over 3,000 clients.
Debian was the natural choice given its quality and stability since 1999.

This choice allows us to apply the following strict upgrade policy,
ensuring the efficiency of the Council of Europe's information system:
minor upgrades: fixes for major security issues or software regression,
with no impact on production, achieved without service downtime;
major (<q>stable</q>) upgrade: this important
process is due about once every two years.

It may have effects on applications, and thus goes through
a validation and testing process before being deployed.

It is conducted together with disaster recovery tests for each server.
<define-tag pagetitle>Direction des Technologies de l'Information, Conseil de l'Europe, Strasbourg, France</define-tag>
<define-tag webpage>http://www.coe.int/lportal/fr/web/coe-portal</define-tag>

#use wml::debian::users

# Translators:
# Nicolas Bertolissio, 2005.

Le Conseil de l'Europe a fait le choix d'outils libres
pour assurer la gestion du réseau et des services associés
(DNS, pare-feu, routage de courriers électroniques, etc.)

Depuis début 2004, l'équipe en charge de ces services a bénéficié
d'un renfort qui a permis d'élargir le périmètre et de répondre aux
besoins des clients de l'organisation sur les points suivants :
la gestion du réseau ;
les sites web basées sur des technologies libres pour un total de 40 applications ;
la supervision.
La totalité des applications est répartie sur 25 serveurs Linux â?? 21
fonctionnant sur la version <q>stable</q> de la distribution Debian GNU/Linux
et 4 sur la distribution Red Hat â?? avec un parc client de plus de 3 000 postes.
Debian s'est naturellement imposée par la qualité
et la stabilité de la distribution depuis 1999.

Ce choix nous permet d'appliquer une politique de mise à jour
stricte de la façon suivante, garante du bon fonctionnement
du système dâ??information du Conseil de l'Europe :
des évolutions mineures : correctifs concernant un problème de
sécurité majeur ou une régression du logiciel, sans impact sur
la production qui se réalisent sans indisponibilité de service ;
une mise à jour majeure (dite <q>stable</q>) : cette opération
importante est effectuée en moyenne 1 fois tous les 2 ans.

Elle peut avoir un impact sur l'application et passe par un
processus de validation et de tests avant la réalisation.

Elle est réalisée conjointement avec les tests
de plan de reprise d'activité de chaque serveur.

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