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[RFR] po4a://manpages-fr/man2a-m/fr.po 23f14u

On Sat, Mar 17, 2007 at 12:36:18 +0100, Thomas Huriaux wrote:

> Trois nouvelles versions du paquet manpages sont sorties à la suite.
> Les fichiers sont à récupérer dans le svn.
Et voilà le premier diff, en essayant de virer le bruit de numéros de
lignes qui changent.

Index: po4a/man2a-m/po/fr.po
--- po4a/man2a-m/po/fr.po	(revision 959)
+++ po4a/man2a-m/po/fr.po	(working copy)
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 # St�©phan Rafin <stephan.rafin@laposte.net>, 2002
 # Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandriva.com>, 2002
 # Alain Portal <aportal@univ-montp2.fr>, 2003-2006
-# Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@ens-lyon.org>, 2006
+# Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@ens-lyon.org>, 2006-2007
 # Nicolas Fran�§ois <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>, 2006
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: manpages 2.28\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-11 11:00+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-11 14:39+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-03-16 20:08+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-03-17 18:47+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Julien Cristau <julien.cristau@ens-lyon.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: French <debian-l10n-french@lists.debian.org>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -3118,25 +3120,34 @@
 "l'emplacement de la limite actuelle."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/brk.2:67
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/brk.2:66
 msgid ""
-"On success, B<brk>()  returns zero, and B<sbrk>()  returns a pointer to the "
-"start of the new area.  On error, -1 is returned, and I<errno> is set to "
+"On success, B<brk>()  returns zero.  On error, -1 is returned, and I<errno> "
+"is set to B<ENOMEM>.  (But see LINUX NOTES below.)"
 msgstr ""
-"B<brk>() renvoie 0 s'il r�©ussit. B<sbrk>() retourne un pointeur sur le d�©but "
-"de la nouvelle zone de donn�©es. En cas d'�©chec -1 est renvoy�©, et I<errno> "
-"contient le code d'erreur B<ENOMEM>."
+"Si elle r�©ussit, la fonction B<brk>() renvoie z�©ro. En cas d'erreur, elle "
+"renvoie -1 et remplit I<errno> avec la valeur d'erreur (voir la section "
+"NOTES SUR LINUX ci\\(hydessous)."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/brk.2:69
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/brk.2:74
+msgid ""
+"On success, B<sbrk>()  returns a pointer to the start of the new area.  On "
+"error, -1 is returned, and I<errno> is set to B<ENOMEM>."
+msgstr ""
+"B<sbrk>() retourne un pointeur sur le d�©but de la nouvelle zone de donn�©es. "
+"En cas d'�©chec -1 est renvoy�©, et I<errno> contient le code d'erreur "
+# type: Plain text
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/brk.2:76
 msgid "4.3BSD; SUSv1, marked LEGACY in SUSv2, removed in POSIX.1-2001."
 msgstr ""
 "BSD\\ 4.3\\ ; SUSv1, consid�©r�© comme historique dans SUSv2, supprim�© dans "
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/brk.2:75
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/brk.2:82
 msgid ""
 "B<brk>()  and B<sbrk>()  are not defined in the C Standard and are "
 "deliberately excluded from the POSIX.1 standard (see paragraphs B. "
@@ -3160,8 +3171,47 @@
 "Diff�©rents syst�šmes utilisent diff�©rents types comme param�štres �  B<sbrk>(). "
 "Les plus courants sont B<int>, B<ssize_t>, B<ptrdiff_t>, B<intptr_t>."
+# type: SH
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/brk.2:92 manpages-dev/C/man2/madvise.2:170
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mlock.2:166 manpages-dev/C/man2/msgget.2:210
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "LINUX NOTES"
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/brk.2:88
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/brk.2:109
+msgid ""
+"The return value described above for B<brk>()  is the behaviour provided by "
+"the glibc wrapper function for the Linux B<brk>()  system call.  (On most "
+"other implementations, the return value from B<brk>()  is the same.)  "
+"However, the actual Linux system call returns the new program break on "
+"success.  On failure, the system call returns the current break (thus for "
+"example, the call I<brk(0)> can be used to obtain the current break).  The "
+"glibc wrapper function does some work to provide the 0 and -1 return values "
+"described above."
+msgstr ""
+"La valeur de retour d�©crite ci\\(hydessus pour B<brk>() est le comportement "
+"de la fonction de glibc autour de l'appel systÃ?Å¡me B<brk>() de Linux. (Sur la "
+"plupart des autres impl�©mentations, la valeur de retour de B<brk>() est la "
+"m�ªme.) Cependant, l'appel syst�šme Linux lui\\(hym�ªme renvoie la nouvelle "
+"limite du segment de donn�©es. En cas d'�©chec, l'appel syst�šme renvoie la "
+"limite actuelle (ainsi, I<brk(0)> peut �ªtre utilis�© pour conna�®tre la limite "
+"actuelle). L'enrobage fourni par la glibc fait le n�©cessaire pour renvoyer "
+"les valeurs de retour 0 et -1 d�©crites plus haut."
+# type: Plain text
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/brk.2:116
+msgid ""
+"On Linux, B<sbrk>()  is implemented as a library function that uses the "
+"B<brk>()  system call, and does some internal bookkeeping so that it can "
+"return the old break value."
+msgstr ""
+"Sous Linux, B<sbrk>() est impl�©ment�© comme une fonction de biblioth�šque "
+"utilisant l'appel systÃ?Å¡me B<brk>(), et fait certains calculs internes pour "
+"pouvoir renvoyer l'ancienne valeur de la limite."
+# type: Plain text
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/brk.2:119
 msgid "B<execve>(2), B<getrlimit>(2), B<malloc>(3)"
 msgstr "B<execve>(2), B<getrlimit>(2), B<malloc>(3)."
@@ -6698,23 +6748,32 @@
 "programme setuid ou setgid est ex�©cut�©, auquel cas il est d�©sactiv�©."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:164
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:161
 msgid "The B<prctl>(2)  B<PR_SET_KEEPCAPS> flag is cleared."
 msgstr "L'attribut B<PR_SET_KEEPCAPS> de B<prctl>(2) est effac�©."
 # type: Plain text
 #: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:168
+msgid ""
+"The process name, as set by B<prctl>(2)  B<PR_SET_NAME> (and displayed by "
+"I<ps -o comm>), is reset to the name of the new executable file."
+msgstr ""
+"Le nom du processus, positionn�© par B<prctl>(2) B<PR_SET_NAME> (et affich�© "
+"avec I<ps -o comm>), est r�©initialis�© avec le nom du nouvel ex�©cutable."
+# type: Plain text
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:172
 msgid "The termination signal is reset to SIGCHLD (see B<clone>(2))."
 msgstr ""
 "Le signal de terminaison est r�©initialis�© �  SIGCHLD (voir B<clone>(2))."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:170 manpages-dev/C/man2/fork.2:113
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:174 manpages-dev/C/man2/fork.2:119
 msgid "Note the following further points:"
 msgstr "Notez �©galement les points suivants\\ :"
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:174
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:178
 msgid ""
 "All threads other than calling thread are destroyed during an B<execve>().  "
 "Mutexes, condition variables, and other pthreads objects are not preserved."
@@ -6895,25 +6954,25 @@
 "interpr�©teur ELF, n'est pas un r�©pertoire."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:277
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:282
 msgid ""
 "The file system is mounted I<nosuid>, the user is not the superuser, and the "
-"file has an SUID or SGID bit set."
+"file has the set-user-ID or set-group-ID bit set."
 msgstr ""
 "Le syst�šme de fichiers est mont�© avec l'attribut I<nosuid> et le fichier a "
 "un bit Set-UID ou Set-GID positionn�©."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:281
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:286
 msgid ""
 "The process is being traced, the user is not the superuser and the file has "
-"an SUID or SGID bit set."
+"the set-user-ID or set-group-ID bit set."
 msgstr ""
 "Le processus est suivi avec B<ptrace>(2), l'utilisateur n'est pas le "
-"superutilisateur, et le fichier a un bit Set-UID ou Set-GID activ�©."
+"superutilisateur, et le fichier a un bit Set-UID ou Set-GID positionn�©."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:284
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:289
 msgid "Executable was open for writing by one or more processes."
 msgstr "Un ex�©cutable a �©t�© ouvert en �©criture par un ou plusieurs processus."
@@ -6931,29 +6990,31 @@
 "avec �«\\ #!\\ �» mais est n�©anmoins compatible."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:294
-msgid "SUID and SGID processes can not be B<ptrace>()d."
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:299
+msgid "Set-user-ID and set-group-ID processes can not be B<ptrace>()d."
 msgstr ""
 "Les processus Set-UID et Set-GID ne peuvent pas �ªtre suivis par B<ptrace>()."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:296
-msgid "Linux ignores the SUID and SGID bits on scripts."
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:301
+msgid "Linux ignores the set-user-ID and set-group-ID bits on scripts."
 msgstr "Linux ignore les bits Set-UID et Set-GID sur les scripts."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:305
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/execve.2:311
 msgid ""
 "The result of mounting a filesystem I<nosuid> vary between Linux kernel "
-"versions: some will refuse execution of SUID/SGID executables when this "
-"would give the user powers she did not have already (and return EPERM), some "
-"will just ignore the SUID/SGID bits and B<exec>()  successfully."
+"versions: some will refuse execution of set-user-ID and set-group-ID "
+"executables when this would give the user powers she did not have already "
+"(and return EPERM), some will just ignore the set-user-ID and set-group-ID "
+"bits and B<exec>()  successfully."
 msgstr ""
 "Le r�©sultat d'un montage de syst�šme de fichiers avec l'attribut I<nosuid> "
-"peut varier suivant les versions de noyau\\ : certaines refuseront "
-"l'ex�©cution des fichiers SUID/SGID lorsque cela donnerait �  l'appelant des "
-"privilÃ?Å¡ges qu'il n'a pas (et renverront l'erreur EPERM), d'autres ignoreront "
-"simplement les bits SUID/SGID mais accepteront d'effectuer l'appel B<exec>()."
+"peut varier suivant les versions du noyau Linux\\ : certaines refuseront "
+"l'ex�©cution des fichiers Set-UID et Set-GID lorsque cela donnerait �  "
+"l'appelant des privilÃ?Å¡ges qu'il n'a pas (et renverront l'erreur EPERM), "
+"d'autres ignoreront simplement les bits Set-UID et Set-GID mais accepteront "
+"d'effectuer l'appel B<exec>()."
 # type: Plain text
 #.  .SH BUGS
@@ -9618,14 +9679,23 @@
 "ne re�§oive pas de signal lorsque son p�šre se termine."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/fork.2:111
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/fork.2:113
 msgid ""
+"Memory mappings that have been marked with the B<madvise>(2)  "
+"B<MADV_DONTFORK> flag are not inherited across a B<fork>(2)."
+msgstr ""
+"Les projections en m�©moire qui ont �©t�© marqu�©es avec l'attribut "
+"B<MADV_DONTFORK> de B<madvise>(2) ne sont pas h�©rit�©s lors d'un B<fork>(2)."
+# type: Plain text
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/fork.2:117
+msgid ""
 "The termination signal of the child is always SIGCHLD (see B<clone>(2))."
 msgstr ""
 "Le signal de terminaison du fils est toujours SIGCHLD (voir B<clone>(2))."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/fork.2:122
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/fork.2:128
 msgid ""
 "The child process is created with a single thread \\(em the one that called "
 "B<fork>(2).  The entire virtual address space of the parent is replicated in "
@@ -10179,14 +10249,25 @@
 "Pour �©viter les situations de concurrence, l'appelant doit tester si le "
 "futex a �©t�© lib�©r�© apr�šs le retour de B<FUTEX_FD>."
+# type: Plain text
+#.  FIXME . Check that this flag does eventually get removed.
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/futex.2:127
+msgid ""
+"Because it is inherently racy, FUTEX_FD is scheduled for removal in June "
+"2007; any applications that use it should be fixed now."
+msgstr ""
+"Puisque par nature FUTEX_FD conduit �  des probl�šmes de concurrence, il est "
+"pr�©vu de le supprimer en juin 2007\\ ; les applications qui l'utilisent "
+"doivent maintenant �ªtre corrig�©es."
 # type: TP
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/futex.2:117
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/futex.2:127
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<FUTEX_REQUEUE> (since Linux 2.5.70)"
 msgstr "B<FUTEX_REQUEUE> (depuis Linux 2.5.70)"
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/futex.2:130
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/futex.2:140
 msgid ""
 "This operation was introduced in order to avoid a \"thundering herd\" effect "
 "when FUTEX_WAKE is used and all processes woken up need to acquire another "
@@ -10969,14 +11050,18 @@
 "depuis Linux 0.98.4)."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/getdtablesize.2:56
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/getdtablesize.2:60
 msgid ""
-"SVr4, 4.4BSD (the B<getdtablesize>()  function first appeared in 4.2BSD)."
+"SVr4, 4.4BSD (the B<getdtablesize>()  function first appeared in 4.2BSD).  "
+"It is not specified in POSIX.1-2001; portable applications should employ "
+"I<sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX)> instead of this call."
 msgstr ""
-"SVr4, BSD\\ 4.4 (la fonction B<getdtablesize>() est apparue dans BSD\\ 4.2)."
+"SVr4, BSD\\ 4.4 (la fonction B<getdtablesize>() est apparue dans BSD\\ 4.2). "
+"Elle n'est pas sp�©cifi�©e par POSIX.1-2001\\ ; les applications portables "
+"devraient utiliser I<sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX)> �  la place."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/getdtablesize.2:60
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/getdtablesize.2:64
 msgid "B<close>(2), B<dup>(2), B<getrlimit>(2), B<open>(2)"
 msgstr "B<close>(2), B<dup>(2), B<getrlimit>(2), B<open>(2)"
@@ -11957,12 +12042,10 @@
 # type: Plain text
 #: manpages-dev/C/man2/getpagesize.2:51
-msgid ""
-"(where some systems also allow the synonym _SC_PAGE_SIZE for _SC_PAGESIZE), "
+msgid "(most systems allow the synonym _SC_PAGE_SIZE for _SC_PAGESIZE), or"
 msgstr ""
-"(certains systÃ?Å¡mes autorisant le synonyme _SC_PAGE_SIZE pour _SC_PAGESIZE), "
+"(la plupart des systÃ?Å¡mes autorisant le synonyme _SC_PAGE_SIZE pour "
+"_SC_PAGESIZE), ou"
 # type: Plain text
 #: manpages-dev/C/man2/getpagesize.2:56
@@ -11980,17 +12063,20 @@
 msgstr "Cet appel est apparu dans BSD\\ 4.2."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/getpagesize.2:67
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/getpagesize.2:70
 msgid ""
 "SVr4, 4.4BSD, SUSv2.  In SUSv2 the B<getpagesize>()  call is labeled LEGACY, "
-"and in POSIX.1-2001 it has been dropped.  HP-UX does not have this call."
+"and in POSIX.1-2001 it has been dropped; HP-UX does not have this call.  "
+"Portable applications should employ I<sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)> instead of this "
 msgstr ""
 "SVr4, BSD\\ 4.4, SUSv2. Dans SUSv2 l'appel B<getpagesize>() est indiqu�© "
-"comme historique, et dans POSIX.1-2001 il a �©t�© abandonn�©. HP-UX n'offre pas "
-"cet appel."
+"comme historique, et dans POSIX.1-2001 il a �©t�© abandonn�©\\ ; HP-UX n'offre "
+"pas cet appel. Les applications portables doivent utiliser I<sysconf"
+"(_SC_PAGESIZE)> plutÃ?Åœt que cette fonction."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/getpagesize.2:83
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/getpagesize.2:86
 msgid ""
 "Whether B<getpagesize>()  is present as a Linux system call depends on the "
 "architecture.  If it is, it returns the kernel symbol PAGE_SIZE, which is "
@@ -16824,23 +16910,25 @@
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/ioperm.2:50
+# NOTE: bug dans la vo (.RM)
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/ioperm.2:52
 msgid ""
-"B<Ioperm> sets the port access permission bits for the process for I<num> "
-"bytes starting from port address B<from> to the value B<turn_on>.  The use "
-"of B<ioperm>() requires root privileges."
+"B<ioperm>() sets the port access permission bits for the process for I<num> "
+"bytes starting from port address B<from> to the value B<turn_on>.  If "
+"B<turn_on> is non-zero, the calling process must be privileged E<.RM "
+"( CAP_SYS_RAWIO ).>"
 msgstr ""
-"B<Ioperm> positionne les bits de permission d'accÃ?Å¡s du processus aux ports "
+"B<ioperm>() positionne les bits de permission d'accÃ?Å¡s du processus aux ports "
 "commen�§ant �  l'adresse B<from> �©tal�©s sur I<num> octets �  la valeur "
-"B<turn_on>. L'utilisation de B<ioperm>() n�©cessite les privil�šges de "
+"B<turn_on>. Si B<turn_on> est non nul, le processus appelant doit �ªtre "
+"privil�©gi�© (B<CAP_SYS_RAWIO>)."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/ioperm.2:61
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/ioperm.2:63
 msgid ""
 "Only the first 0x3ff I/O ports can be specified in this manner.  For more "
 "ports, the B<iopl>()  function must be used.  Permissions are not inherited "
-"on B<fork>(), but on B<exec>()  they are. This is useful for giving port "
+"on B<fork>(), but on B<exec>()  they are.  This is useful for giving port "
 "access permissions to non-privileged tasks."
 msgstr ""
 "Seuls les 0x3ff premiers ports d'entr�©e-sortie peuvent �ªtre indiqu�©s de "
@@ -16860,26 +16948,22 @@
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/ioperm.2:76
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/ioperm.2:78
 msgid "Invalid values for I<from> or I<num>."
 msgstr "Valeur invalide pour I<from> ou I<num>."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/ioperm.2:79
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/ioperm.2:81
 msgid "(on ppc) This call is not supported."
 msgstr "(sur ppc) Cet appel n'est pas support�©."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/ioperm.2:86
-msgid ""
-"The calling process has insufficient privilege to call B<ioperm>(); the "
-"B<CAP_SYS_RAWIO> capability is required."
-msgstr ""
-"le processus appelant n'a pas les privilÃ?Å¡ges suffisants pour appeler "
-"B<ioperm>()\\ ; la capacit�© B<CAP_SYS_RAWIO> est n�©cessaire."
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/ioperm.2:88
+msgid "The calling process has insufficient privilege."
+msgstr "L'appelant n'a pas les privil�šges n�©cessaires."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/ioperm.2:89
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/ioperm.2:91
 msgid ""
 "B<ioperm>() is Linux specific and should not be used in programs intended to "
 "be portable."
@@ -16888,10 +16972,10 @@
 "programmes con�§us pour �ªtre portables."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/ioperm.2:97 manpages-dev/C/man2/iopl.2:94
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/ioperm.2:100
 msgid ""
 "Libc5 treats it as a system call and has a prototype in I<E<lt>unistd."
-"hE<gt>>.  Glibc1 does not have a prototype. Glibc2 has a prototype both in "
+"hE<gt>>.  Glibc1 does not have a prototype.  Glibc2 has a prototype both in "
 "I<E<lt>sys/io.hE<gt>> and in I<E<lt>sys/perm.hE<gt>>.  Avoid the latter, it "
 "is available on i386 only."
 msgstr ""
@@ -16901,7 +16985,7 @@
 "hE<gt>>. Ã?Â?vitez ce dernier, il n'est disponible que sur les i386."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/ioperm.2:99
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/ioperm.2:102
 msgid "B<iopl>(2), B<capabilities>(7)"
 msgstr "B<iopl>(2), B<capabilities>(7)"
@@ -17000,6 +17084,19 @@
 "programmes con�§us pour �ªtre portables."
 # type: Plain text
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/iopl.2:94
+msgid ""
+"Libc5 treats it as a system call and has a prototype in I<E<lt>unistd."
+"hE<gt>>.  Glibc1 does not have a prototype. Glibc2 has a prototype both in "
+"I<E<lt>sys/io.hE<gt>> and in I<E<lt>sys/perm.hE<gt>>.  Avoid the latter, it "
+"is available on i386 only."
+msgstr ""
+"Libc5 considÃ?Å¡re qu'il s'agit d'un appel systÃ?Å¡me et fournit le prototype dans "
+"I<E<lt>unistd.hE<gt>>. glibc1 n'offre pas de prototype. glibc2 fournit un "
+"prototype �  la fois dans I<E<lt>sys/io.hE<gt>> et dans I<E<lt>sys/perm."
+"hE<gt>>. Ã?Â?vitez ce dernier, il n'est disponible que sur les i386."
+# type: Plain text
 #: manpages-dev/C/man2/iopl.2:96
 msgid "B<ioperm>(2), B<capabilities>(7)"
 msgstr "B<ioperm>(2), B<capabilities>(7)"
@@ -19205,9 +19302,83 @@
 "projet�© sous\\(hyjacent (voir B<mmap>()), soit en un remplissage avec des "
 "z�©ros pour les pages sans fichier."
+# type: TP
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/madvise.2:89
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "B<MADV_REMOVE> (Since Linux 2.6.16)"
+msgstr "B<MADV_REMOVE> (depuis Linux 2.6.16)"
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/madvise.2:96
+#.  2.6.18-rc5
+#.  Databases want to use this feature to drop a section of their 
+#.  bufferpool (shared memory segments) - without writing back to 
+#.  disk/swap space. This feature is also useful for supporting 
+#.  hot-plug memory on UML.
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/madvise.2:100
 msgid ""
+"Free up a given range of pages and its associated backing store.  Currently, "
+"only shmfs/tmpfs supports this; other filesystems return -ENOSYS."
+msgstr ""
+"Lib�©rer un ensemble contigu de pages et les ressources correspondantes. "
+"Actuellement, ceci n'est possible que sur shmfs/tmpfs\\ ; les autres "
+"systÃ?Å¡mes de fichiers renvoient -ENOSYS."
+# type: TP
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/madvise.2:100
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "B<MADV_DONTFORK> (Since Linux 2.6.16)"
+msgstr "B<MADV_DONTFORK> (depuis Linux 2.6.16)"
+# type: Plain text
+#.  See http://lwn.net/Articles/171941/
+#.  Currently, copy-on-write may change the physical address of 
+#.  a page even if the user requested that the page is pinned in 
+#.  memory (either by mlock or by get_user_pages). This happens 
+#.  if the process forks meanwhile, and the parent writes to that 
+#.  page.  As a result, the page is orphaned: in case of 
+#.  get_user_pages, the application will never see any data hardware 
+#.  DMA's into this page after the COW.  In case of mlock'd memory, 
+#.  the parent is not getting the realtime/security benefits of mlock.
+#.  In particular, this affects the Infiniband modules which do DMA from 
+#.  and into user pages all the time.
+#.  This patch adds madvise options to control whether memory range is 
+#.  inherited across fork. Useful e.g. for when hardware is doing DMA 
+#.  from/into these pages.  Could also be useful to an application 
+#.  wanting to speed up its forks by cutting large areas out of 
+#.  consideration.
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/madvise.2:128
+msgid ""
+"Do not make the pages in this range available to the child after a B<fork>"
+"(2).  This is useful to prevent copy-on-write semantics from changing the "
+"physical location of a pagei(s) if the parent writes to it after a B<fork>"
+"(2).  (Such page relocations cause problems for hardware that DMAs into the "
+msgstr ""
+"Ne pas rendre les pages de cet intervalle disponibles au fils aprÃ?Å¡s un "
+"B<fork>(2). Ceci est utile pour emp�ªcher la s�©mantique de copie �  l'�©criture "
+"de changer l'emplacement physique d'une page si le p�šre y �©crit apr�šs un "
+"B<fork>(2). (De tels d�©placements posent des probl�šmes si le mat�©riel acc�šde "
+"directement �  la page (DMA))."
+# type: TP
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/madvise.2:128
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "B<MADV_DOFORK> (Since Linux 2.6.16)"
+msgstr "B<MADV_DOFORK> (depuis Linux 2.6.16)"
+# type: Plain text
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/madvise.2:134
+msgid ""
+"Undo the effect of B<MADV_DONTFORK>, restoring the default behaviour, "
+"whereby a mapping is inherited across B<fork>(2)."
+msgstr ""
+"Annuler l'effet de B<MADV_DONTFORK> et restaurer le comportement par d�©faut, "
+"o�¹ une projection en m�©moire est h�©rit�©e apr�šs un B<fork>(2)."
+# type: Plain text
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/madvise.2:140
+msgid ""
 "On success B<madvise>()  returns zero. On error, it returns -1 and I<errno> "
 "is set appropriately."
 msgstr ""
@@ -19314,8 +19478,15 @@
 "existe un appel similaire B<posix_fadvise>() pour les accÃ?Å¡s aux fichiers."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/madvise.2:162
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/madvise.2:206
 msgid ""
+"B<MADV_REMOVE>, B<MADV_DONTFORK>, and B<MADV_DOFORK> are Linux specific."
+msgstr ""
+"B<MADV_REMOVE>, B<MADV_DONTFORK> et B<MADV_DOFORK> sont sp�©cifiques �  Linux."
+# type: Plain text
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/madvise.2:212
+msgid ""
 "B<getrlimit>(2), B<mincore>(2), B<mmap>(2), B<mprotect>(2), B<msync>(2), "
 msgstr ""
@@ -21410,26 +21582,36 @@
 "n'�©tait pas pr�©cis�©)."
 # type: Plain text
-#.  jbl - not sure this actually happens ? see generic_file_mmap
-#.  mtk: Before 2.6.12, a length of 0 was permitted: mmap() did 
-#.  not create mapping, but just returned 'start'; since 2.6.12, 
-#.  a length of 0 yields EINVAL (as required by POSIX.1-2001).
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mmap.2:348
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mmap.2:343
 msgid ""
-"We don't like I<start> or I<length> or I<offset>.  (E.g., they are too "
-"large, or not aligned on a page boundary.)"
+"We don't like I<start>, I<length>, or I<offset> (e.g., they are too large, "
+"or not aligned on a page boundary)."
 msgstr ""
 "I<start> ou I<length> ou I<offset> sont invalides (par exemple\\ : zone trop "
 "grande, ou non align�©e sur une fronti�šre de page)."
+# type: Plain text
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mmap.2:348
+msgid "(since Linux 2.6.12), I<length> was 0."
+msgstr "(depuis Linux 2.6.12), I<length> est nul."
+# type: Plain text
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mmap.2:356
+msgid ""
+"I<flags> contained neither B<MAP_PRIVATE> or B<MAP_SHARED>, or contained "
+"both of these values."
+msgstr ""
+"I<flags> ne contient ni B<MAP_PRIVATE> ni B<MAP_SHARED>, ou les contient "
+"tous les deux."
 # type: TP
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mmap.2:356 manpages-dev/C/man2/mount.2:343
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mmap.2:364 manpages-dev/C/man2/mount.2:343
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "B<ENODEV>"
 msgstr "B<ENODEV>"
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mmap.2:360
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mmap.2:368
 msgid ""
 "The underlying filesystem of the specified file does not support memory "
@@ -21533,8 +21715,22 @@
 "d'effet que si I<prot> �©tait B<PROT_NONE>."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mmap.2:428
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mmap.2:441
 msgid ""
+"SUSv3 specifies that B<mmap>()  should fail if I<length> is 0.  However, in "
+"kernels before 2.6.12, B<mmap>()  succeeded in this case: no mapping was "
+"created and the call returned I<start>.  Since kernel 2.6.12, B<mmap>()  "
+"fails with the error B<EINVAL> for this case."
+msgstr ""
+"SUSv3 indique que B<mmap>() devrait �©chouer si I<length> est 0. Cependant, "
+"avec les versions de Linux ant�©rieures �  2.6.12, B<mmap>() r�©ussissait dans "
+"ce cas\\ : aucune projection n'�©tait cr�©�©e, et l'appel renvoyait I<start>. "
+"Depuis le noyau 2.6.12, B<mmap>() �©choue avec le code d'erreur B<EINVAL> si "
+"I<length> est nul."
+# type: Plain text
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mmap.2:451
+msgid ""
 "B<getpagesize>(2), B<mincore>(2), B<mlock>(2), B<mmap2>(2), B<mremap>(2), "
 "B<msync>(2), B<remap_file_pages>(2), B<setrlimit>(2), B<shm_open>(3)"
 msgstr ""
@@ -22148,10 +22344,12 @@
 #.  the Solaris manual page it can cause data loss on Solaris.
 #.  If the same holds on Linux, then this should be documented.
 #: manpages-dev/C/man2/mount.2:234
-msgid "Force unmount even if busy.  (Only for NFS mounts.)"
+msgid ""
+"Force unmount even if busy.  This can cause data loss.  (Only for NFS "
 msgstr ""
-"Forcer le d�©montage, m�ªme si le syst�šme de fichiers est occup�©. (Seulement "
-"pour les montages NFS)."
+"Forcer le d�©montage, m�ªme si le syst�šme de fichiers est occup�©. Ceci peut "
+"causer la perte de donn�©es. (Seulement pour les montages NFS)."
 # type: TP
 #: manpages-dev/C/man2/mount.2:234
@@ -22452,12 +22650,14 @@
 msgstr "On peut �©crire dans la zone de m�©moire."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mprotect.2:61
+#.  FIXME
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mprotect.2:63
 msgid "The memory can contain executing code."
 msgstr "La zone de m�©moire peut contenir du code ex�©cutable."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mprotect.2:66
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mprotect.2:68
 msgid ""
 "The new protection replaces any existing protection.  For example, if the "
 "memory had previously been marked B<PROT_READ>, and B<mprotect>()  is then "
@@ -22750,16 +22950,23 @@
 msgstr "mremap - Modifier une projection de la m�©moire virtuelle"
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mremap.2:43
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mremap.2:37
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "B<#define _GNU_SOURCE>\n"
+msgstr "B<#define _GNU_SOURCE>\n"
+# type: Plain text
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mremap.2:42
+#, no-wrap
 msgid ""
-"B<void * mremap(void *>I<old_address>B<, size_t >I<old_size> B<, size_t "
-">I<new_size>B<, int >I<flags>B<);>"
+"B<void *mremap(void *>I<old_address>B<, size_t >I<old_size>B<,>\n"
+"B< size_t >I<new_size>B<, int >I<flags>B<);>\n"
 msgstr ""
-"B<void * mremap(void *>I<old_address>B<, size_t >I<old_size> B<, size_t "
-">I<new_size>B<, int >I<flags>B<);>"
+"B<void *mremap(void *>I<old_address>B<, size_t >I<old_size> B<,>\n"
+"B< size_t >I<new_size>B<, int >I<flags>B<);>\n"
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mremap.2:48
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/mremap.2:47
 msgid ""
 "B<mremap>() expands (or shrinks) an existing memory mapping, potentially "
 "moving it at the same time (controlled by the I<flags> argument and the "
@@ -24244,36 +24451,51 @@
 msgstr "B<int msync(void *>I<start>B<, size_t >I<length>B<, int >I<flags>B<);>"
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/msync.2:54
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/msync.2:46
 msgid ""
 "B<msync>()  flushes changes made to the in-core copy of a file that was "
 "mapped into memory using B<mmap>(2)  back to disk.  Without use of this call "
 "there is no guarantee that changes are written back before B<munmap>(2)  is "
 "called.  To be more precise, the part of the file that corresponds to the "
-"memory area starting at I<start> and having length I<length> is updated.  "
-"The I<flags> argument may have the bits MS_ASYNC, MS_SYNC and MS_INVALIDATE "
-"set, but not both MS_ASYNC and MS_SYNC.  MS_ASYNC specifies that an update "
-"be scheduled, but the call returns immediately.  MS_SYNC asks for an update "
-"and waits for it to complete.  MS_INVALIDATE asks to invalidate other "
-"mappings of the same file (so that they can be updated with the fresh values "
-"just written)."
+"memory area starting at I<start> and having length I<length> is updated."
 msgstr ""
 "B<msync>() �©crit sur le disque les modifications qui ont �©t�© effectu�©es sur "
 "la copie d'un fichier qui est projet�© en m�©moire par B<mmap>(2). Si l'on "
 "n'utilise pas cette fonction, rien ne garantit que les changements soient "
 "�©crits avant la suppression de la projection par B<munmap>(2). Pour �ªtre "
 "plus pr�©cis, la portion du fichier correspondant �  la zone m�©moire "
-"commen�§ant en I<start> et ayant une longueur de I<length> est mise �  jour. "
-"L'argument I<flags> comprend les bits MS_ASYNC, MS_SYNC et MS_INVALIDATE. "
-"M_ASYNC et M_SYNC ne peuvent pas �ªtre utilis�©s conjointement. L'appel "
-"syst�šme revient imm�©diatement. MS_SYNC demande une mise �  jour imm�©diate, et "
-"attend qu'elle se termine avant de revenir. MS_INVALIDATE demande la "
-"d�©sactivation de toutes les autres projections du m�ªme fichier, afin "
-"qu'elles soient toutes remises �  jour avec les nouvelles donn�©es �©crites."
+"commen�§ant en I<start> et ayant une longueur de I<length> est mise �  jour."
 # type: Plain text
-#: manpages-dev/C/man2/msync.2:68
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/msync.2:66
 msgid ""
+"The I<flags> argument may have the bits B<MS_ASYNC>, B<MS_SYNC>, and "
+"B<MS_INVALIDATE> set, but not both B<MS_ASYNC> and B<MS_SYNC>.  B<MS_ASYNC> "
+"specifies that an update be scheduled, but the call returns immediately.  "
+"B<MS_SYNC> asks for an update and waits for it to complete.  "
+"B<MS_INVALIDATE> asks to invalidate other mappings of the same file (so that "
+"they can be updated with the fresh values just written)."
+msgstr ""
+"L'argument I<flags> comprend les bits B<MS_ASYNC>, B<MS_SYNC> et "
+"B<MS_INVALIDATE>, mais B<M_ASYNC> et B<M_SYNC> ne peuvent pas �ªtre utilis�©s "
+"conjointement. B<MS_ASYNC< demande une mise �  jour, mais l'appel retourne "
+"imm�©diatement. B<MS_SYNC> demande une mise �  jour, et attend qu'elle se "
+"termine avant de revenir. B<MS_INVALIDATE> demande l'invalidation de toutes "
+"les autres projections du m�ªme fichier, afin qu'elles soient toutes remises "
+"�  jour avec les nouvelles donn�©es �©crites."
+# type: Plain text
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/msync.2:76
+msgid ""
+"MS_INVALIDATE was specified in I<flags>, and a memory lock exists for the "
+"specified address range."
+msgstr ""
+"MS_INVALIDATE �©tait positionn�© dans I<flags>, mais un verrouillage m�©moire "
+"existe pour l'intervalle indiqu�©."
+# type: Plain text
+#: manpages-dev/C/man2/msync.2:85
+msgid ""
 "I<start> is not a multiple of PAGESIZE; or any bit other than MS_ASYNC | "
 "MS_INVALIDATE | MS_SYNC is set in I<flags>; or both MS_SYNC and MS_ASYNC are "
 "set in I<flags>."

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