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(forw) Status of templates translations for language fr

Je vais crucifier Fabio Tranchitella et tous les zopeurs....:-). A lui
seul, il nous bousille nos stats à une vitesse étonnante...:-(

Je vais m'occuper de tous les zope-* qui ont 6 chaines non traduites
car pour eux c'est toujours la même chose. Les autres ont besoin de
plus de travail et je vais faire les TAF...mais si ça se trouve ils
ont aussi des templates très proches d'autres zoperies...

Status of the packages to do in fr

|base-config       |99%  |   112/0/1     |podebconf(hold, 3 days)
|gnome-cpufreq-app |     |    0/0/5      |podebconf(lcfc, 2 days)
|kdrill            |     |    0/0/2      |podebconf(fix, 1 days)
|partman-palo      |     |    0/0/5      |podebconf(hold, 134 days)
|slashem           |     |    0/0/4      |podebconf(rfr, 0 days)
|tspc              |     |    0/0/2      |podebconf(lcfc, 5 days)
|ultrapossum       |     |    0/0/38     |
|zope-archetypes   |     |    0/0/21     |
|zope-atcontenttyp |     |    0/0/6      |
|zope-cmf1.4       |     |    0/0/31     |
|zope-cmfactionico |     |    0/0/6      |
|zope-cmfformcontr |     |    0/0/6      |
|zope-cmfquickinst |     |    0/0/6      |
|zope-cmfsin       |     |    0/0/6      |
|zope-groupuserfol |     |    0/0/6      |
|zope-plonearticle |     |    0/0/6      |
|zope-ploneerrorre |     |    0/0/6      |
|zope-plonetransla |     |    0/0/6      |
|zope-portaltransp |     |    0/0/6      |
|zope-pts          |     |    0/0/6      |
|zope-speedpack    |     |    0/0/6      |
|zope2.7-archetype |     |    0/0/26     |
|TOTAL (fr)        |97%  |  9122/0/207   | Assuming that all bugs reported were applied

When there is some ---, that means that the material exists, but is not 
translated to this language and that some issue (in pot file or DB) prevent to find the amount of string.

Significance of the 'details' columns:
   [# translated strings]/[# fuzzy translation]/[# untranslated strings]

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