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This message sent Thu, 08 Apr 2004 09:41:54 -0500 by:
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Marion jumped up. I'll show you.OK Jim. Seeing as we're going to have this out before we even get out of here, why don't you tell me? No, let me guess. Your missed education while you brought me up after Dad left. Your cheapskate bosses, and thousand and one missed chances that I'm the cause of. I could feel my pulse jolting in my throat. My leg was jogging uncontrollably under the table. He looked steadily at me. His eyes were red-rimmed and unfocused. He took a long pull on his drink then banged the glass down hard on the table.Oh, please. Have you ever met a 12-stepper? 'One day at a time, Lord.' Jeez, they'd turn a guy to drink. He barked a short laugh at his own unintentional humour.Oh, please. Have you ever met a 12-stepper? 'One day at a time, Lord.' Jeez, they'd turn a guy to drink. He barked a short laugh at his own unintentional humour.OK, OK. I didn't mean to offend you. Just guy-talk. Guess you don't mix much with my type back in Boston.Why not? You just have to w
ant it badly enough.We went to a steakhouse a few miles down the road. The hand-lettered sign outside was offering a two-for-one on 32oz sirloins. We pushed through the heavy-sprung doors into a steamy room full of contented Midwesterners chowing down on slabs of meat and baked potatoes. Not normally the kind of place Cath and I would eat at but Jim was happy. He knew lots of people, walking through to our table giving nods and high fives to big greasy guys in jeans and plaid work shirts, winking at their fat pretty wives.*You just love this, don't you? You love having the keys and keeping them out of reach. I asked for help once before and you wouldn't come through for me. Now I'm asking you again.As Cath jammed the Mercedes into 'Drive' I leaned round and looked at my brother. He was standing on the porch, right hand curled round a glass. He didn't even wait to see us leave, just turned and went back into the house, leaving an empty cone of yellow light.Jim's lips were com
pressed into a thin line and he wasn't smiling any more.Billy-boy. How you doin'? He smiled. Well, don't wait out there. Welcome to Harper's. He swept his arm out grandly. I signed Cath to come up to the house.She looked down, pulling at a loose thread on the hem of her cardigan. I just thought they might like a drink, Jim.
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