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Propositions pour l'amélioration d'une VO


Je recontre un paquet qui personnalise les écrans debconf... C'est mal ! Donc 
je propose :

Template: phalanx/learning_file_size
Type: string
Default: 32768
_Description: What should be the size of learning file (1-999999)?
 Phalanx can use learning file for improving its strength. It would be
 nice if you enter the size of the learning file. Please select number of  the
 items learning file should contain. The size of the learning file will be
 number specified times 8 bytes.
 The number specified must be in the range 1-999999. You can change the
 size later in reconfiguration, but note that changing the size means
 erasing all learned data.

Template: phalanx/learning_file_erase
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Do you want to change size of the learning file and erase its 
 You are requesting change of the size of the learning file phalanx uses
 for improving its strength.  But changing the size means erasing all the
 learned data.  Are you sure that you really want to do it ?

A la place de ceci :

Template: phalanx/learning_file_size
Type: string
Default: 32768
Description: What should be the size of learning file (1-999999)?
 Phalanx can use learning file for improving its strength.
 I would like to know, how big the learning file should be.
 Please select number of  the items learning file should contain.
 The size of the learning file will be number specified times 8 bytes.
 The number specified must be in the range 1-999999.
 You can change the size later in reconfiguration, but note that changing the
 size means erasing all learned data.

Template: phalanx/learning_file_erase
Type: boolean
Default: false
Description: Do you want to change size of the learning file and erase its 
 You are requesting change of the size of the learning file phalanx uses for
 improving its strength.  But changing the size means erasing all the learned
 data.  So I am asking if it is really you want.

Est-ce correct ? Voyez vous quelque chose de mieux ?

PS : les phrases en question devraient carrement être enlevées à mon goût !
Michel Grentzinger
	OpenPGP key ID : B2BAFAFA
		Available on http://www.keyserver.net

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