Re: Review of new man page of sensible-editor
RL wrote:
> #!/bin/sh
This looks like a great improvement on what we've got, and also better
than the quarter-finished version I had, but unfortunately it looks
like an improvement on the version in buster. The sid version has had
some refactoring - though it doesn't fix the bug we'd noticed - so it
would make sense to start from there.
> # Prevent recursive loops, where a variable is set to this script
> p="$(which sensible-editor)"
(In particular, bullseye will need "command -v" instead of "which".)
> for candidate in "${VISUAL-}" "${EDITOR-}" "${SELECTED_EDITOR-}"; do
> if [ -n "$candidate" ] && [ "$(which "$candidate" || true)" != "$p" ]; then
(It isn't running under set -eu, so no need for ${...-} or ||true
here. Likewise in the foo&&bar||true later.)
> "$candidate" "$@"
> ret="$?"
> if [ "$ret" != 126 ] && [ "$ret" != 127 ]; then
> exit "$ret"
> fi
> fi
> done
> if [ -r ~/.selected_editor ]; then
> . ~/.selected_editor 2>/dev/null || true
> elif [ -z "${SELECTED_EDITOR-}" ] && [ -t 0 ]; then
> select-editor && . ~/.selected_editor 2>/dev/null || true
> fi
> for candidate in "${SELECTED_EDITOR-}" editor nano nano-tiny vi; do
> if [ -n "$candidate" ] && [ "$(which "$candidate" || true)" != "$p" ]; then
> "$candidate" "$@"
> ret="$?"
> if [ "$ret" != 126 ] && [ "$ret" != 127 ]; then
> exit "$ret"
> fi
> fi
> done
> echo "Couldn't find an editor!" 1>&2
> echo "Set the \$EDITOR environment variable to your desired editor." 1>&2
(I'd use '' quotes round this one and save a backslash.)
> exit 1
JBR with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
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