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[RFR] dpo-tools manual


for a package from a portugese upstream (dpo-tools) [1],
documentation got translated to English.
Now, I'm asking for review, if the English is sane.

[1] https://www.arg.eti.br/blog/pages/software/dpo-tools/index.html
Dpo-Tools user manual

 dpo-tools is set of shell scripts that can help you in translation of Debian podebconf files. 
  Visit https://www.arg.eti.br/blog/pages/software/dpo-tools/index.html for more 

Obtaining dpo-tools

 To obtain dpo-tools, visit https://www.arg.eti.br/blog/pages/software
/dpo-tools/index.html and download a copy of the source code.
Remember to replace the number of the version in the following examples
by the number of the last version of dpo-tools:

  1. Download source code of dpo-tools:

     wget https://www.arg.eti.br/blog/pages/software/dpo-tools/dpo-tools_1.2.tgz

  2. Decompress the file:

     tar zxvf dpo-tools_1.2.tgz

  3. Copy executable files to some directory in your PATH:

     cp dpo-* ~/bin/ or sudo cp dpo-* /usr/local/bin/


 dpo-tools depend on other programs to function correctly.
 You should have the following programs installed on your computer:

    gettext utilities: msgfmt, msgcat, msgmerge

   To install them in a Debian or debian-like systems:

    sudo aptitude install gettext gawk colordiff

   You will want the podebconf-display-po too. 
   To install it in your Debian or Debian-like system:

    sudo aptitude install po-debconf


 The following content is in the README file distributed with the dpo-tools source code.


 dpo-tools is set of shell scripts that can help you in translation of Debian
podebconf files. Dpo-tools do not force any rules of how translations
should be done, they only try to use conventions used on the list debian-l10n-portuguese@lists.debian.org.

  These are the scripts:

   dpo-get-templates: downloads a templates.pot file from podebconf templates repository.

   dpo-init-po: creates and initializes a podebconf file from a templates file.

   dpo-apply-templates: updates a debconf file with a new version of your 
   templates file.

   dpo-apply-compendium: updates a podebconf file with strings already 
   translated from a compendium file

   dpo-check: verifies if the podebconf file is well formated

   dpo-diff: presents informations in diff format, colorized and paginated

   dpo-make-patch: creates a patch file based on two versions of a podebconf 

   dpo-wrap: breaks lines of a podebconf file to 80 columns

    Copy the scripts to some directory in your PATH


    dpo-init-po.awk: set the variables NAME and EMAIL. If you are using gawk, 
    the variable YEAR should be adjusted in the beginning of each year. You can 
    uncomment the line which automatically detects the year, if your interpreter
    awk has support for strftime() function.

    dpo-init.po: edit the last line of the file to reflect the complete path of
    the file dpo-init.po.awk. Example: ~/bin/dpo-init-po.awk

    dpo-makepath: set the ID variable with the initials of your name.

    dpo-apply-compendium: set the COMPENDIUM variable to reflect the complete 
    path of compendium file, downloaded from 


    Just remove the scripts


    1. To initiate a new translation: the following sequence of commands does 
the download of a podebconf templates file, creates a podebconf file based on 
the downloaded templates file, initializes the podebconf file with commonly used
informations, updates the podebconf file with strings from compendium, edits the
podebconf file, breaks the lines of podebconf file in 80 column, verifies if the
podebconf file is well formated and tests the exibition of podebconf file:

        $ dpo-get-templates package
        $ dpo-init-po package_version_templates.pot
        $ dpo-apply-compendium package_pt_BR.po
        $ vi package_pt_BR.po
        $ dpo-wrap package_pt_BR.po
        $ dpo-check package_pt_BR.po
        $ podebconf-display-po package_pt_BR.po
        $ # send the file package_pt_BR.po to RFR (request for review)

    2. To review a translation done by another translator and generate a patch 
       with suggested changes:

        # replace "me" by your initials in the following commands
        $ cp package_pt_BR.po package_pt_BR.me.po
        $ vi package_pt_BR.me.po
        $ dpo-wrap package_pt_BR.me.po
        $ dpo-check package_pt_BR.me.po
        $ podebconf-display-po package_pt_BR.me.po
        $ dpo-make-patch package_pt_BR.po
        $ # send the generated patch, answering the RFR (request for review)

    3. To apply a new version of templates file to a podebconf file already 
       translated previously:

        $ dpo-get-templates pacote_pt_BR.po
        $ dpo-apply-templates pacote_pt_BR.po


Written by Adriano Rafael Gomes (adrianorg@arg.eti.br)


Copyright (C) 2008,2012 Adriano Rafael Gomes.
GPLv3+ License: GNU GPL version 3 or newer http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

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