Proof reading updated ejabberd debconf template
I am helping maintain the ejabberd package and I was wondering if
someone will be able to proof read a small addition to the template and
let me know if it is alright for translation?
The addition is only ejabberd/erlangopts
Thank you!
Neil Castelino
# These templates have been reviewed by the debian-l10n-english
# team
# If modifications/additions/rewording are needed, please ask
# for advice.
# Even minor modifications require translation updates and such
# changes should be coordinated with translators and reviewers.
# Note to translators:
# Please do not translate the variables ${hostname}, ${user}, ${preseed}, and
# any other which may appear in the future. Changes to these variables will
# break the scripts. Thank you!
# Short explanation on the variables:
# ${hostname}: holds the value of the hostname which the user provides debconf with
# ${user}: holds the value of the admin user which the user provides debconf with
# ${preseed}: holds either the value "username" or "hostname" and changes
# depending on the context and is handled in debian/config. The
# preseed variable changes what ejabberd/invalidpreseed will
# complain to the user about without the need for a redundant
# template. This was added post hostname/username validation in debconf.
Template: ejabberd/hostname
Type: string
Default: localhost
_Description: Hostname for this Jabber server:
Please enter a hostname for this Jabber server.
If you would like to configure multiple hostnames for this server, you will
have to do so manually in /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.yml after installation.
Template: ejabberd/user
Type: string
_Description: Jabber server administrator username:
Please provide the name of an account to administrate the ejabberd server.
After the installation of ejabberd, you can log in to this account using
either any Jabber client or a web browser pointed at the administrative
https://${hostname}:5280/admin/ interface.
You only need to enter the username part here (such as ${user}), but
the full Jabber ID (such as ${user}@${hostname}) is required to
access the ejabberd web interface.
Please leave this field empty if you don't want to create an
administrator account automatically.
Template: ejabberd/password
Type: password
_Description: Jabber server administrator password:
Please enter the password for the administrative user.
Template: ejabberd/verify
Type: password
_Description: Re-enter password to verify:
Please enter the same administrator password again to verify that you have typed it
Template: ejabberd/nomatch
Type: error
_Description: Password input error
The two passwords you entered did not match or were empty. Please try again.
Template: ejabberd/invaliduser
Type: error
_Description: Invalid administrator account username
The username previously specified contains forbidden characters. Please
respect the JID syntax (
If you used a full JID (e.g. user@hostname), the hostname needs to match the
one previously specified.
Template: ejabberd/invalidhostname
Type: error
_Description: Invalid hostname
The hostname previously specified contains forbidden characters or is otherwise
invalid. Please correct it and try again.
Template: ejabberd/invalidpreseed
Type: error
_Description: Invalid preseeded configuration
A newer ${preseed} validation is being used and has determined
that the currently setup ${preseed} is invalid or incorrectly
If you would like to correct it, please backup your data and run
dpkg-reconfigure ejabberd after the upgrade is finished and note that
any databases and usernames will be lost or invalidated in this process
if the hostname is changed.
Template: ejabberd/nodenamechanges
Type: note
_Description: Important changes to nodename (ERLANG_NODE) configuration
The nodename has changed to reflect ejabberd's upstream recommended nodename
configuration (ejabberd@localhost) which saves effort when moving XMPP domains
to a different machine.
This may break the current installation but may easily be fixed by editing
the ERLANG_NODE option in /etc/default/ejabberd either back to ejabberd or to
the name it was manually specified.
Another way to fix a broken installation is to use ejabberdctl's mnesia_change_nodename
option to change the nodename in the mnesia database. More information on this
method may be found on the ejabberd guide
( Please
make appropriate backups of the database before attempting this method.
Template: ejabberd/erlangopts
Type: string
Default: -env ERL_CRASH_DUMP_BYTES 0
_Description: Erlang options for this ejabberd server:
If you would like a customized set of options, you may enter it here. You may
also edit /etc/ejabberd/ejabberdctl.cfg later if you desire.
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