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Re: Announcing Wheezy LTS via debian-security-announce

> ----- Forwarded message from Markus Koschany <apo@debian.org> -----
> [draft]
> Security support for Wheezy handed over to the LTS team
> =======================================================
> As of today the standard security support for Wheezy came to an end, one
> year after the release of Debian 8.0 alias "Jessie" and nearly three
> years after the release of Debian 7.0 alias "Wheezy". The Debian Long
> Term Support Team (LTS) will take over security support now.

"As of today" with past tense seems odd; I'd use:

  As of today the standard security support for Wheezy is coming to an end, one

But why are we giving the version numbers the *second* time we mention
Wheezy (third, counting the Subject)?  Why not

   As of today the standard security support for Debian 7.0, alias "Wheezy",
   is coming to an end, one year after the release of Debian 8.0, alias
   "Jessie", and nearly three years after the release of Wheezy. The
   Debian Long Term Support (LTS) Team will take over security support now.

Or maybe, consolidating time references,

   As of today, one year after the release of Debian 8.0, alias "Jessie",
   and nearly three years after the release of Debian 7.0, alias "Wheezy",
   the standard security support for Wheezy is coming to an end. The
   Debian Long Term Support (LTS) Team will take over security support now.

> Information for users
> =====================
> Wheezy LTS will be supported from 26th of April 2016 to the 31st of May
> 2018.

Styleguides (including e.g. Wikipedia's) recommend "from 26 April 2016
to 31 May 2018", without the ordinal numbers (or "from April 26, 2016
to May 31, 2018", but that can get overpunctuated).
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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