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[LCFC] templates://init-select/{templates}

This is the last call for comments for the review of debconf
templates for init-select.

(it includes the recently added and reviewed templates)

The reviewed templates will be sent on Thursday, February 13, 2014 to this bug report
and a mail will be sent to this list with "[BTS]" as a subject tag.


Template: init-select/choose
Type: select
Choices: sysvinit, systemd, upstart, openrc
Default: sysvinit
_Description: Init system selection: 
 Please select an init system.
 The init system is the first process started by the kernel. It manages the
 initial boot process and system daemons.

Template: init-select/no-systemd
Type: error
_Description: systemd package not installed
 The systemd package is not installed at present, so it cannot be selected.
 Please execute "apt-get install systemd && dpkg-reconfigure init-select" in
 order to install and configure systemd as the init system.

Template: init-select/no-upstart
Type: error
_Description: upstart package not installed
 The upstart package is not installed at present, so it cannot be selected.
 Please execute "apt-get install upstart" in order to install and use upstart
 as the init system. Note that init-select will be removed in the process
 since upstart is not co-installable with other init systems.

Template: init-select/no-openrc
Type: error
_Description: openrc package not installed
 The openrc package is not installed at present, so it cannot be selected.
 Please execute "apt-get install openrc" in order to install and use openrc as
 the init system. Note that init-select will be removed in the process since
 openrc is not co-installable with other init systems.
Source: init-select
Section: utils
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Michael Gilbert <mgilbert@debian.org>
 debhelper (>= 9),
Standards-Version: 3.9.5

Package: init-select
Architecture: all
Description: init system selection tool
 This package provides a tool (init-select) that simplifies the process
 of selecting the init system from those available.
 The init system determines the first process started on boot.
 This tool does not yet support boot loaders other than GRUB.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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