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Re: Bug#721790: [BTS#721790] templates://pluxml/{templates} : Final update for English review

Quoting Christian PERRIER (bubulle@debian.org):
> Dear Debian maintainer,
> On Sunday, September 08, 2013, I notified you of the beginning of a review process
> concerning debconf templates for pluxml.
> The debian-l10n-english contributors have now reviewed these templates,
> and the final proposed changes are attached to this update to the
> original bug report.

The proposed templates file had a problem. The string "English" was
appearing in two places (__Choices and _Default). In the first one, it
is meant to be translated to how "English" is called in different
languages, while in the latter, translators can pu ttheir own
language, if it is listed among choices.

gettext tools merge this into a single translatable string, which
defeats that purpose. The trick to avoid this is to put something into
brackets in order to differentiate strings...and then explain that to

So, please find attached a fixed version of the templates file with
that trick in place.

# These templates have been reviewed by the debian-l10n-english
# team
# If modifications/additions/rewording are needed, please ask
# debian-l10n-english@lists.debian.org for advice.
# Even minor modifications require translation updates and such
# changes should be coordinated with translators and reviewers.

Template: pluxml/system/webservers
Type: multiselect
__Choices: apache2, lighttpd
Default: apache2
_Description: Web servers to configure:
 PluXml can run on any web server supporting PHP, but only listed web servers
 can be configured automatically by this package.
 Please select the web servers that should be configured for PluXml.
 Note that you will have to make sure a PHP interpreter is enabled for the
 web server.

Template: pluxml/system/reload-webserver
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Should the web server(s) be reloaded?
 To activate the configuration for PluXml, the web server(s) have to be
 Accepting this option will reload the web server(s) when the installation is
 complete, otherwise you will have to do that yourself.

Template: pluxml/system/purgedata
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Purge blog data on package removal?
 PluXml will store all blog data in /var/lib/pluxml.
 Accepting this option will remove all blog data when this package is
 purged, which will leave you with a tidy system but may cause data loss if you
 purge an operational blog.

Template: pluxml/system/writeconf
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Allow editing the configuration files from the web interface?
 PluXml includes a web-based configuration interface that allows the user to
 change blog settings, including the list of registered users. To be usable, it
 requires the web server to have write permission to the configuration files.
 Accepting this option will give the web server write permissions to the
 configuration files. These files will still be readable and editable by hand
 regardless of whether or not you accept this option.

Template: pluxml/blog/lang
Type: select
__Choices: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian
Choices-C: de, en, es, fr, it, nl, pl, pt, ro, ru
# You must NOT translate this string, but you can change its value.
# You should put your language (if it is among the possible choices)
# so that it becomes the default for users of that language
# DO NOT TRANSLATE what is inside brackets!
_Default: English[ translators, please see comment in PO files]
_Description: Blog default language:
 Please choose the default language of this blog, which will be used for the
 public pages.
 Registered blog contributors will be able to choose their language for the
 administration pages.

Template: pluxml/blog/title
Type: string
Default: PluXml
_Description: Blog title:
 Please choose a title for this blog. It will be displayed at the top of each
 page and in the browser window title.

Template: pluxml/blog/description
Type: string
# This is the default blog description (subtitle); official translations of
# this string are available at
# <https://github.com/pluxml/PluXml/tree/master/core/lang/$LANG/install.php>
# (replace $LANG by your language code), under the name "L_SITE_DESCRIPTION".
_Default: Blog or CMS, XML powered!
_Description: Blog description or subtitle:
 Please choose a short description for this blog. It will be displayed as a
 subtitle at the top of each page and in the browser window title.

Template: pluxml/blog/name
Type: string
Default: PluXml Administrator
_Description: Administrator real name:
 Please enter the real name associated with the blog administrator account.
 This name will be displayed for articles written with the administrator

Template: pluxml/blog/login
Type: string
Default: admin
_Description: Administrator username:
 Please enter a name for the administrator account, which will be used to manage
 PluXml's configuration, users, and content. The username should only
 contain lowercase ASCII letters.

Template: pluxml/blog/password
Type: password
_Description: Administrator password:
 Please choose a password for the blog administrator account.

Template: pluxml/blog/confirm
Type: password
_Description: Confirm password:
 Please enter the same password again to verify that you have
 typed it correctly.

Template: pluxml/blog/failpass
Type: error
_Description: Password input error
 The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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