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Re: [Pkg-fglrx-devel] please review updated templates for fglrx-driver [non-free]

On 2012-09-16 12:38, Justin B Rye wrote:
> Andreas Beckmann wrote:

>>  Before the Radeon driver can be used you must
>>  remove Fglrx configuration from xorg.conf (and xorg.conf.d/).
>>  .
>>  Note that switching to the free Radeon driver requires the
>>  fglrx-driver package to be purged (not just removed).

> What's the point of separating the "Before" and "Note" paragraphs?
> Aren't they in fact saying two parts of the same thing?

The "Before" will stay (undoing a manual configuration of X), while the
"Note" part (getting rid of a modprobe blacklist conffile) has been
solved in experimental in a way no longer requiring explicitly purging
some package. And in case I manage to convince the release team to
accept these changes into wheezy, I'd just have to drop one sentence
without requiring retranslation.

> I suppose in principle you also could merge the last paragraph into
> the first, since they're both "invariable".


>    This system has a graphics card which is no longer handled by the Fglrx
>    driver (package fglrx-driver). You may wish to keep the package
>    installed - for instance to drive some other card - but the card with the
>    following chipset won't be usable:
>    .
>    ${unsupported-device}
>    .
>    The above card requires either the non-free legacy Fglrx driver
>    (package fglrx-legacy-driver) or the free Radeon driver
>    (package xserver-xorg-video-radeon).
>    .
>    The fglrx-legacy-driver package will be provided in wheezy-backports.
>    .
>    Note that before the free Radeon driver can be used, the
>    fglrx-driver package to be purged (not just removed), and all
>    Fglrx configuration removed from xorg.conf (and xorg.conf.d/).
> Hang on, I've been here before:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-l10n-english/2012/06/msg00062.html

Yes, I should have included a pointer ...

> But once we're talking about Jessie, how would anybody get into the
> position of reading this as news?  Wouldn't they necessarily already
> have gone through the transition away from fglrx-driver unless they're
> skipping a release (which isn't supported anyway)?  Or, I suppose,
> keeping a spare card labelled "known good with fglrx-driver".

The "transition" part is only interesting for squeeze->wheezy upgrades,
afterwards (wheezy, jessie, wheezy->jessie) it's only about new
installations where the user may choose the wrong package and we give
him a hint (in preinst) that he wanted something different (and may
easily abort the installation at the preinst stage).


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