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[RFR] templates://citadel/{control,citadel-server.templates}


Thanks Christian and Justin for all your improvements, and thanks in
advance for your last remarks.



diff --git a/debian/citadel-server.templates b/debian/citadel-server.templates
index db06d2f..0c4a01a 100644
--- a/debian/citadel-server.templates
+++ b/debian/citadel-server.templates
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ __Choices: Internal, Host, LDAP, Active Directory
 Default: Internal
 _Description: Authentication method to use:
  Please choose the user authentication mode. By default Citadel will use its
- own internal user accounts database. If you choose Host, Citadel users will
- have accounts on the host system, authenticated via /etc/passwd or a PAM
- source. LDAP chooses an RFC 2307 compliant directory server, the last option
- chooses the nonstandard MS Active Directory LDAP scheme.
+ own internal user accounts database. If you choose "Host", Citadel users
+ will have accounts on the host system, authenticated via /etc/passwd or a
+ PAM source. "LDAP" means an RFC 2307 compliant directory server; "Active
+ Directory" means the nonstandard Microsoft Active Directory LDAP scheme.
  Do not change this option unless you are sure it is required, since
  changing back requires a full reinstall of Citadel.
@@ -75,8 +75,12 @@ _Description: Administrator password:
 Template: citadel/Password_again
 Type: password
-Description: Repeat password for the administrator user:
+_Description: Re-enter password to verify:
+ Please enter the same administrator password again to verify that you have
+ typed it correctly.
 Template: citadel/BadUser
 Type: error
-Description: User does not exist.
+_Description: No such user
+ The username you entered was not recognised. You need to specify a
+ user account that already exists.
Template: citadel/ServerIPAddress
Type: string
_Description: Listening address for the Citadel server:
 Please specify the IP address which the server should be listening to. If you
 specify, the server will listen on all addresses.
 This can usually be left to the default unless multiple instances
 of Citadel are running on the same computer.

Template: citadel/LoginType
Type: select
__Choices: Internal, Host, LDAP, Active Directory
Default: Internal
_Description: Authentication method to use:
 Please choose the user authentication mode. By default Citadel will use its
 own internal user accounts database. If you choose "Host", Citadel users
 will have accounts on the host system, authenticated via /etc/passwd or a
 PAM source. "LDAP" means an RFC 2307 compliant directory server; "Active
 Directory" means the nonstandard Microsoft Active Directory LDAP scheme.
 Do not change this option unless you are sure it is required, since
 changing back requires a full reinstall of Citadel.

Template: citadel/LDAPServer
Type: string
_Description: LDAP host:
 Please enter host name or IP address of your LDAP server.

Template: citadel/LDAPServerPort
Type: string
Default: 389
_Description: LDAP port number:
 Please enter the port number of your LDAP service (usually 389).

Template: citadel/LDAPBaseDN
Type: string
Default: dc=example,dc=com
_Description: LDAP base DN:
 Please enter the Base DN to search for authentication
 (for example: dc=example,dc=com).

Template: citadel/LDAPBindDN
Type: string
_Description: LDAP bind DN:
 Please enter the DN of an account to use for binding to the LDAP server
 for performing queries. The account does not require any other
 privileges. If your LDAP server allows anonymous queries, you can
 leave this blank.

Template: citadel/LDAPBindDNPassword
Type: string
Default: OpenSesame
_Description: LDAP bind password:
 If you entered a Bind DN in the previous question, you must now enter
 the password associated with that account. Otherwise, you can leave this

Template: citadel/Administrator
Type: string
Default: admin
_Description: Citadel administrator username:
 Please enter the name of the Citadel user account that should be granted
 administrative privileges once created.
 If using internal authentication this user account will be created if it does
 not exist. For external authentication this user account has to exist.

Template: citadel/Password
Type: password
_Description: Administrator password:
 While not mandatory, it is highly recommended that you set a password
 for the administrator user.

Template: citadel/Password_again
Type: password
_Description: Re-enter password to verify:
 Please enter the same administrator password again to verify that you have
 typed it correctly.

Template: citadel/BadUser
Type: error
_Description: No such user
 The username you entered was not recognised. You need to specify a
 user account that already exists.
Source: citadel
Section: mail
Priority: extra
Maintainer: Debian Citadel Team <pkg-citadel-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Uploaders: Wilfried Goesgens <w.goesgens@outgesourced.org>, Michael Meskes <meskes@debian.org>, Alexander Wirt <formorer@debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), po-debconf, bison, autotools-dev, 
 libdb-dev, libexpat1-dev, libical-dev (>=0.43), libldap2-dev, libncurses5-dev,
 libpam0g-dev, libsieve2-dev, libssl-dev, libcitadel-dev (>= 8.14),
 libcurl4-openssl-dev (>> 7.25), zlib1g-dev, libev-dev (>= 4.0), libc-ares-dev (>= 1.7.2)
Standards-Version: 3.9.3
Vcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-citadel/citadel.git
Vcs-Browser: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-citadel/citadel.git
Homepage: http://www.citadel.org/

Package: citadel-server
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, adduser, openssl, patch
Recommends: db4.6-util, shared-mime-info
Suggests: postfix | exim4 | citadel-mta | mail-transport-agent
Replaces: citadel-mta, citadel-common
Conflicts: pop3-server, imap-server, citadel-common
Provides: pop3-server, imap-server
Description: complete and feature-rich groupware server
 Citadel is a complete and feature-rich open source groupware platform.
  * Email, calendaring/scheduling, address books
  * Bulletin boards, mailing list server, instant messaging
  * Multiple domain support
  * An intuitive, attractive AJAX-style web interface
 The Citadel system is extremely versatile. It provides numerous front ends to
 present to users, such as a text-based interface, an AJAX-style web interface,
 and many popular PIM clients using SMTP/POP/IMAP. All of these can be used
 It's also extremely scalable. Not only can a well-equipped Citadel server
 support a large number of concurrent users, but you can also build
 a distributed network of Citadel nodes that share rooms and their content.

Package: citadel-mta
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, citadel-server (>= 7.50)
Conflicts: mail-transport-agent
Provides: mail-transport-agent
Replaces: mail-transport-agent
Description: complete and feature-rich groupware server (mail transport agent)
 This package contains the mail transport agent component for Citadel,
 a complete and feature-rich open source groupware platform.
 See the 'citadel-server' package for more information.

Package: citadel-client
Architecture: any
Recommends: shared-mime-info
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, adduser
Description: complete and feature-rich groupware server (command line client)
 This is package contains the command line client for Citadel, a complete and
 feature-rich open source groupware platform.
 See the 'citadel-server' package for more information.

Package: citadel-doc
Section: doc
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
Description: complete and feature-rich groupware server (documentation)
 This package contains documentation for Citadel, a complete and feature-rich
 open source groupware platform.
 See the 'citadel-server' package for more information.

Package: citadel-dbg
Section: debug
Architecture: any
Depends: ${misc:Depends},
         citadel-server (= ${binary:Version}),
         citadel-client (= ${binary:Version})
Suggests: citadel-mta (= ${binary:Version})
Description: complete and feature-rich groupware server - debugging symbols
 Citadel is a complete and feature-rich open source groupware platform.
  * Email, calendaring/scheduling, address books
  * Bulletin boards, mailing list server, instant messaging
  * Multiple domain support
  * An intuitive, attractive AJAX-style web interface
 This package provides the debugging symbols for the Citadel server.

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