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Re: [Debian-med-packaging] Bug#653408: [ITR] templates://biomaj/{templates}

Le 12/29/11 8:53 AM, Christian PERRIER a écrit :
Dear Debian maintainer,

The Debian internationalisation team and the Debian English
localisation team will soon begin the review of the debconf
templates used in biomaj.

This review takes place for all packages that use debconf to interact with
users and its aims are:
- to improve the use of English in all debconf templates;
- to make the wording of debconf templates more consistent;
- to encourage more translations of templates.

Even if your first language is English, this process is likely to help
track down typos or errors, and improve consistency between the
debconf templates of your package and that of other packages in the

The process involves both debian-l10n-english contributors and
Debian translators.

The details of the process are given in

I will act as the coordinator of this activity for biomaj.

The first step of the process is to review the debconf source
template file(s) of biomaj. This review will start on Sunday, January 01, 2012, or
as soon as you acknowledge this mail with an agreement for us to
carry out this process.

All parts of the process will be carried out in close collaboration
with you, and, unless you explicitely ask for it, no upload nor NMU
will happen for biomaj.

If you approve this process, please let us know by replying to this
mail. If some work in progress on your side would conflict with such a
rewrite (such as adding or removing debconf templates), please say so,
and we will defer the review to later in the development cycle.

Process can go. However I started to update templates file to add longer description to the fields.
I join the file if you want to. Else, file is up-to-date on Alioth SVN.

Thank you for your attention.

Debian-med-packaging mailing list

Olivier Sallou
IRISA / University of Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 RENNES - FRANCE

gpg key id: 4096R/326D8438  (pgp.mit.edu)
Key fingerprint = 5FB4 6F83 D3B9 5204 6335  D26D 78DC 68DB 326D 8438

Template: biomaj/jdk_home
Type: string
_Description: The JDK home directory:
 Path to the Java JDK, used by the BioMAJ application

Template: biomaj/mysql
Type: boolean
_Description: Want to configure MySQL connection now ?
 If database is available and preconfigured, it is
 possible to configure the application to use and
 automatically fill the database. If not selected,
 user can manually update the database.

Template: biomaj/mysql_host
Type: string
_Description: Enter MySQL server address:
 Hostname or IP address of the MySQL server to use

Template: biomaj/mysql_login
Type: string
_Description: User login for biomaj database:
 User to use to log in the database.
 User must have access to the database named biomaj_log
 and the rights to create tables.

Template: biomaj/mysql_passwd
Type: password
_Description: User password for biomaj database:
 Password for the previously selected user.

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