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Re: chromium package description

Justin B Rye wrote:

>     The Chromium project is developing a safe, fast, and stable web browser.

Simplifying further:

	This package provides a safe, fast, stable web browser.

Unfortunately that doesn't distinguish it too well from the
alternatives at any given moment.  Some relevant features:

 This is the open source version[1] of Google Chrome.  (The current
 package description covers that pretty well, luckily.)

 It uses WebKit, so the rendering is mostly similar to other browsers
 that use WebKit, such as epiphany-browser.

 The renderer for each tab is in its own (sandboxed) process.  That
 means crashes, security bugs, and memory leaks are less severe when
 they happen.

 It has a simple tabbed interface with no menu bar, so it makes good
 use of screen real estate.  On the other hand, I suspect some
 features would be hard to use without a mouse.

 chromium-inspector provides some very nice development tools (for
 tasks such as figuring out what is causing a page to take so long
 to load).

 For better or for worse, this is where Google client-side experiments
 happen, like SSL certificate pinning[2] and the SPDY alternative to
 HTTP protocol.

 What http://www.google.com/googlebooks/chrome/ says. :)

[1] http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/ChromiumBrowserVsGoogleChrome
[2] http://blog.chromium.org/2011/06/new-chromium-security-features-june.html

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