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following the same syntax as the continuation lines the folded fields

  Regarding `following the same syntax as the continuation lines the folded fields':
  Is a relating word missing?  Should the last `the' replaced with `of', or `in', and read `following the same syntax as the continuation lines of folded fields'?

  The context is http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-controlsyntax:


    The value of a folded field is a logical line that may span several lines. The lines after the first are called continuation lines and must start with a space or a tab. Whitespace, including any newlines, is not significant in the field values of folded fields.[33]


    The value of a multiline field may comprise multiple continuation lines. The first line of the value, the part on the same line as the field name, often has special significance or may have to be empty. Other lines are added following the same syntax as the continuation lines the folded fields. Whitespace, including newlines, is significant in the values of multiline fields.

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