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[LCFC] templates://kumofs/{templates}

This is the last call for comments for the review of debconf
templates for kumofs.

The reviewed templates will be sent on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 to the package
maintainer as a bug report and a mail will be sent to this list with
"[BTS]" as a subject tag.


Template: kumofs/select_components
Type: multiselect
Choices: kumo-manager, kumo-server, kumo-gateway
_Description: Kumofs components to run on this host:
 Please choose which components of kumofs should run on this host.
  * kumo-servers store data and replicate it into other servers;
  * kumo-managers monitor and balance the servers;
  * kumo-gateways relay requests from client applications.

Template: kumofs/manager_options
Type: string
Default: -l localhost
_Description: Command-line options for kumo-manager:
  Please specify the command-line options to use with kumo-manager.
  The default value is well adapted for a single-node setup.

Template: kumofs/server_options
Type: string
Default: -m localhost -l localhost -s /var/lib/kumofs/kumofs.tch
_Description: Command-line options for kumo-server:
  Please specify the command-line options to use with kumo-manager.
  The default value is well adapted for a single-node setup.

Template: kumofs/gateway_options
Type: string
Default: -m localhost -t 11211
_Description: Command-line options for kumo-gateway:
 Please specify the command-line options to use with kumo-gateway.
 The default value is well adapted for a single-node setup.
Source: kumofs
Section: misc
Priority: extra
Maintainer: Taku YASUI <tach@debian.org>
Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), dpatch, po-debconf, autotools-dev, chrpath
Standards-Version: 3.9.1
Homepage: http://kumofs.sourceforge.net/
#Vcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/collab-maint/kumofs.git
#Vcs-Browser: http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/kumofs.git;a=summary

Package: kumofs
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, ruby, libmsgpack-ruby1.8, adduser
Description: simple and fast distributed key-value store
 Kumofs is a simple and fast distributed key-value store which can use
 a memcached client library to get, set, delete, or compare-and-swap
 values. Tokyo Cabinet serves as a high-performance back-end.
 Main features of kumofs:
  * data is partitioned and replicated over multiple servers;
  * performance on single node systems is comparable with memcached;
  * read and write performance improve when servers are added;
  * servers can be added, restarted, or removed on the fly with no
    configuration change;
  * automatic rebalancing is supported via a consistency control
  * it provides a safe Compare-And-Swap operation;
  * the memcached protocol is supported.
 Kumofs is used at Nico Nico Douga, the most popular video sharing
 service in Japan.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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