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Re: Linguistic work on rgbPaint.

fredag den 10 december 2010 klockan 13:02 skrev Justin B Rye detta:
> Mats Erik Andersson wrote:
> > Finally, in representing keystrokes, it is costumary to write
> > Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Shift-C using a capital letter. Presently my
> > text uses miniscules for solitary letter. Should this be mended?
> Oh, you're explicitly mentioning the modifiers where needed and
> treating <C> as the name of the keycap (that being what it says on
> most keyboards)?  In which case it's logical to make the unmodified
> ones uppercase too.  Logical but perhaps unreasonable; I don't know.

I will ponder on this.

This time I have expressed knowledge that was rather implicit until now,
or matters that do benefit from further explanations, like new images,
and dimmed icons. A new section is introduced "Copying, Cutting, and Pasting",
and the odd paragraphs are being expanded.

By the way, the initial 550 code lines are now closing on 800!

Best regards,
Mats E A
diff --git a/rgbpaint.xml b/rgbpaint.xml
index 4a7ea68..5b3577a 100644
--- a/rgbpaint.xml
+++ b/rgbpaint.xml
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
 		<title>The Tasks panel</title>
 			This panel is used for selecting actions, each of which is also
-			available via a keyboard shortcut. The available actions can be
+			accessible via a keyboard shortcut. The available actions can be
 			classified into the following groups:
 		<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
@@ -259,7 +259,11 @@
 			The first group deals with creating new	blank images and reading
 			from or writing to image files. Each action conducts its own safety
-			check in order not to lose unsaved data.
+			check in order not to lose unsaved data. It is worth remembering
+			that a fresh canvas is white, and that it is surrounded by greyish
+			borders in case the canvas is smaller than the available window area.
+			A simple dialogue is also launched for selecting the size of any new,
+			blank image.
 			The second group picks the main mode that <command>&prog;</command>
@@ -288,6 +292,12 @@
 			by the arrow keys), or finally, set the <emphasis>Scaling</emphasis>
 			of the canvas.
+		<para>
+			Some of the icons have the property of becoming dimmed at select times.
+			This is an indication that the action is not accessible at a particular
+			moment: Inapproriate program mode; No editing steps could be
+			undone or redone; No in-memory content exists.
+		</para>
 	<refsect1 id="select.mode.en">
@@ -391,6 +401,35 @@
+	<refsect1 id="copy.cut.paste.en">
+		<title>Copying, cutting, and pasting</title>
+		<para>
+			The manipulation of more or less large chunks of the canvas deserves
+			an expressed description, to avoid initial mistakes. When a rectangular
+			portion of the canvas has been selected, it is possible to perform the
+			action <emphasis>Copy</emphasis>. It will take the content of the marked
+			area and save it in-memory for later access.
+		</para>
+		<para>
+			When doing a <emphasis>Cut</emphasis>, the marked area is emptied of
+			its content, so it will appear as a black rectangle, but the removed
+			portion will be remembered as in-memory content which remains available
+			for pasting back. Observe that copying and cutting can only be made in
+			<emphasis>Selection</emphasis> mode, since a selected area must exist
+			for either action to be sensible.
+		</para>
+		<para>
+			On the other hand, the act of <emphasis>Pasting</emphasis> is possible
+			in <emphasis>Paint</emphasis> mode as well as in <emphasis>Fill</emphasis>
+			mode. When the pasting action is triggered (by icon or by key stroke)
+			the in-memory content is dropped onto the window and it will lie centred
+			on the canvas. It will not yet be painted on the canvas, as it is only
+			casting a shadow to display its contents, but it is ready to move into
+			position before being imprinted on the canvas. The movement itself
+			was described in <xref linkend="select.mode.en"/>
+		</para>
+	</refsect1>
 	<refsect1 id="keyboard.shortcuts.en">
 		<title>Keyboard shortcuts</title>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
	vim: set sw=2 ts=2:

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	<!ENTITY fnamn2				"<firstname>Justin B</firstname>">
	<!ENTITY enamn2				"<surname>Rye</surname>">
	<!ENTITY namn2				"Justin B Rye">
	<!ENTITY aar					"2010">
	<!ENTITY epost				"<email>debian@gisladisker.se</email>">
	<!ENTITY datum-en			"<date>November 29th, 2010</date>">
		Add any further translators with name, email, and date of last update.

	<!ENTITY package			"rgbpaint">
	<!ENTITY software			"rgbPaint">	<!--	Official, upstream name of software.  -->
	<!ENTITY Software			"Rgbpaint">	<!--	Name for non-degenerate orthography.  -->
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	<!ENTITY handbook			"<refentrytitle>&prog;</refentrytitle>">

		Version is for master copy only.  Transfer the numerical value to any
		translation.  This simplifies tracking of translation lags.  Thank you!
	<!ENTITY version			"0.8.7">

	<!ENTITY debian				"<systemitem class='osname'>Debian</systemitem>">

<part lang="en">
	<title>Mark Tyler's painting program</title>

<reference id="reference.en" lang="en">
	<title>Manual for &package;.</title>

	Manual page English: rgbpaint.1

	Master copy for all translations.
<refentry lang="en" id="&prog;.en">

	<!-- Ingressus -->

		<refmiscinfo class="source">&software;</refmiscinfo>
		<refmiscinfo class="version">&version;</refmiscinfo>
		<refpurpose>A simple pixel-based painting program.</refpurpose>

	<!-- Corpus -->

			<arg choice="opt">
			<arg choice="opt">
			<arg choice="opt">
				<replaceable>file ...</replaceable>

			is a very basic painting program created by forking mtPaint
			at version 3.09, and then simplifying the user interface.
			It relies on a small but modifiable palette for pixel-based
			image editing. Images can be saved in ICO, JPEG and PNG
			formats; files in other image formats can be loaded, but not
			saved in the original format.

			The program accepts the following options:
					<para>Print usage information.</para>
					<option>-d</option> <replaceable>dir</replaceable>
						Use <replaceable>dir</replaceable> as the default
						directory for loading and saving image files.
						Grab a screen shot during launch.
						Any file names remaining on the command line will be loaded
						as stamps.
					<option>-svg</option> <replaceable>dir</replaceable>
						Load program icons in SVG format from the directory
					<option>-thumb</option> <replaceable>size</replaceable>
						Set size in pixels that stamp thumbnails should be
						scaled to (up or down depending on original size).
						The default is 40 pixels on a side; permitted values
						are in the range 32&ndash;256.
					<option>-u</option> <replaceable>limit</replaceable>
						Set the maximum size of the undo buffer to
						<replaceable>limit</replaceable> MB. The
						default is 32 MB; permitted values are in the range
						Print version information.

			When launched, <command>&prog;</command> will use most of its
			available window area to present a view of a large
			<emphasis>Canvas</emphasis>. At the top
			there will be a <xref linkend="task.panel.en"/>, and a
			<xref linkend="brush-colour.panel.en"/>	will be at the left
			edge. It is also possible for a rather narrow
			<xref linkend="stamp.panel.en"/> containing iconised images
			to be inset at the bottom edge.

	<refsect1 id="task.panel.en" xreflabel="Tasks panel">
		<title>The Tasks panel</title>
			This panel is used for selecting actions, each of which is also
			accessible via a keyboard shortcut. The available actions can be
			classified into the following groups:
		<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
				<simplelist type="inline">
					<member>New image</member>
					<member>Load image file</member>
					<member>Save image file</member>
					<member>Save image file as</member>
				<simplelist type="inline">
					<member>Flood fill</member>
					<member>Make selection</member>
				<simplelist type="inline">
					<member>Paste text</member>
				<simplelist type="inline">
					<member>Transform colour</member>
					<member>Pan window</member>
			The first group deals with creating new	blank images and reading
			from or writing to image files. Each action conducts its own safety
			check in order not to lose unsaved data. It is worth remembering
			that a fresh canvas is white, and that it is surrounded by greyish
			borders in case the canvas is smaller than the available window area.
			A simple dialogue is also launched for selecting the size of any new,
			blank image.
			The second group picks the main mode that <command>&prog;</command>
			should enter. When it is in <emphasis>Paint</emphasis> mode, the cursor
			will become a pencil symbol, while <emphasis>Fill</emphasis> mode
			displays as a bucket being emptied. <emphasis>Selection</emphasis> mode
			is more complicated, using more than one icon - see
			<xref linkend="select.mode.en"/>.
			The third group covers actions that operate on a selected portion of
			the canvas: <emphasis>Cutting</emphasis> out a shape from the canvas,
			making a <emphasis>Copy</emphasis> in memory of the content within the
			marked area, <emphasis>Pasting</emphasis> the copy back from memory
			onto the canvas, or opening a dialogue window for
			<emphasis>Text</emphasis>, which will deploy a new selection area just
			large enough to hold the snippet of text specified using the dialogue
			The final group lists miscellaneous actions: <emphasis>Undo</emphasis>
			an editing step, <emphasis>Redo</emphasis> an undone step,
			<emphasis>Transform</emphasis> the overall colour settings,
			<emphasis>Pan</emphasis> the window across the canvas
			(a miniature window is shown with a pane whose movements are controlled
			by the arrow keys), or finally, set the <emphasis>Scaling</emphasis>
			of the canvas.
			Some of the icons have the property of becoming dimmed at select times.
			This is an indication that the action is not accessible at a particular
			moment: Inapproriate program mode; No editing steps could be
			undone or redone; No in-memory content exists.

	<refsect1 id="select.mode.en">
		<title>Making and using selections</title>
			The <emphasis>Selection</emphasis> main mode is intended for grabbing
			and manipulating portions of the full canvas. It can itself be thought
			of as being divided into three further states:
							is indicated by a cross-hairs icon and happens when no corner
							marker has been set.
							shows one out of four corner icons. They all indicate how the
							next point selected will be used to lay down a rectangle together with
							the previously set corner. To get a feeling for this, it is
							best to experiment a little by moving the pointer around.
							A corner is set by left clicking, and two set corners show up
							as a rectangle outlined by dashed lines. A right click will
							cancel all corners, and will return to the resting state.
							means that the pointer is hovering above a selected area,
							and that this area may be moved around. The icon consists
							of two crossed double-ended arrows, but can look similar
							to a diamond shape with four small, internal squares.
							The selected area can be moved around using the keyboard
							shortcuts (see <xref linkend="keyboard.shortcuts.en"/>),
							or by holding the left mouse button down and moving the
							pointer around.

	<refsect1 id="brush-colour.panel.en" xreflabel="Brushes/Colours panel">
		<title>The Brushes/Colours panel</title>
			Here the user chooses a brush and colour for painting, or colour only
			for flood filling. The upper part of the panel holds the ten different
			brushes, six solid and four thin ones. The solid brushes can give a
			square or a round outline in any of three thicknesses. Out of the four
			available thin brushes, the smallest is so thin as to paint one pixel
			at a time, making possible very accurate brush work. The other three
			are of larger sizes, but they all colour pixels in a random fashion
			within their outline, so they act somewhat like staining a surface.
			In the lower part of the panel there are twenty buttons displaying a
			palette of available colours. Clicking on any of these chooses the
			corresponding colour for painting, until it is replaced.
			An elongated button, between the upper and the lower areas, will
			always display the active colour, and has a further useful function.
			Clicking the left mouse button on it will summon a colour editor.
			This allows the user to blend a new colour, which will, once accepted,
			replace the colour that was previously active.

	<refsect1 id="stamp.panel.en" xreflabel="Stamps panel">
		<title>The Stamps panel</title>
			This extra panel, at the bottom of the program window, comes to
			life only if <command>&prog;</command> was launched using the
			command line switch <option>-stamps</option>, followed by the
			names of existing image files. The displayed size of any thumbnail
			image is determined by the switch <option>-thumb</option>, or
			set to 40 pixels in both width and height.
			If the user left-clicks on a thumbnail image, a copy of the
			image will appear in the middle of the canvas, with the size
			of the original image, not that of the thumbnail. The copy is
			in fact only a marked area (see <xref linkend="select.mode.en"/>),
			and can be moved around at will with the left mouse button,
			until a final right click will deposit a copy on the canvas.
			The marked area is still sitting on top, so it may again be moved
			around to make additional imprints.

	<refsect1 id="copy.cut.paste.en">
		<title>Copying, cutting, and pasting</title>
			The manipulation of more or less large chunks of the canvas deserves
			an expressed description, to avoid initial mistakes. When a rectangular
			portion of the canvas has been selected, it is possible to perform the
			action <emphasis>Copy</emphasis>. It will take the content of the marked
			area and save it in-memory for later access.
			When doing a <emphasis>Cut</emphasis>, the marked area is emptied of
			its content, so it will appear as a black rectangle, but the removed
			portion will be remembered as in-memory content which remains available
			for pasting back. Observe that copying and cutting can only be made in
			<emphasis>Selection</emphasis> mode, since a selected area must exist
			for either action to be sensible.
			On the other hand, the act of <emphasis>Pasting</emphasis> is possible
			in <emphasis>Paint</emphasis> mode as well as in <emphasis>Fill</emphasis>
			mode. When the pasting action is triggered (by icon or by key stroke)
			the in-memory content is dropped onto the window and it will lie centred
			on the canvas. It will not yet be painted on the canvas, as it is only
			casting a shadow to display its contents, but it is ready to move into
			position before being imprinted on the canvas. The movement itself
			was described in <xref linkend="select.mode.en"/>

	<refsect1 id="keyboard.shortcuts.en">
		<title>Keyboard shortcuts</title>
			Some handy keyboard shortcuts are available. The keys
			<keycap>1</keycap>&ndash;<keycap>9</keycap> change image scaling
			in pre-determined steps. The keys <keycap>+</keycap> and
			<keycap>-</keycap> give a fine-grained scaling up or down.
			Any <keycap>Arrow</keycap> key moves the mouse pointer in small
			steps across the canvas; steps which can be made larger by pressing
			<keycombo action="press">
			When instead using
			<keycombo action="press">
			the whole canvas will shift in the implied direction.
						Change scaling to fixed levels.
				<term><keycap>+</keycap>, <keycap>-</keycap></term>
						Scale up, scale down.
						Summon the <emphasis>Transform colour</emphasis> dialogue.
						Summon the <emphasis>Pan Window</emphasis> dialogue.
						Select <emphasis>Flood fill</emphasis> mode.
						Select <emphasis>Paint</emphasis> mode.
					<para><emphasis>Quit</emphasis> the program.
						Activate <emphasis>Make Selection</emphasis> mode.
						Summon the <emphasis>Text paste</emphasis> dialogue.
					<keycombo action="press">
						Make an in-memory <emphasis>Copy</emphasis> of the marked area.
					<keycombo action="press">
						Prepare a <emphasis>New image</emphasis>, including a sizing
					<keycombo action="press">
					<para><emphasis>Open</emphasis> a file dialogue for fetching an image.
					<keycombo action="press">
					<para><emphasis>Paste</emphasis> the in-memory copy onto a marked area
						of the canvas.
					<keycombo action="press">
					<para><emphasis>Save</emphasis> the image in a file, using the old name.
					<keycombo action="press">
						Save the image in a file, choosing a <emphasis>new name</emphasis>.
					<keycombo action="press">
					<para><emphasis>Cut</emphasis> the selected portion out of
						the canvas (keeping an in-memory copy).
					<keycombo action="press">
					<para><emphasis>Redo</emphasis> the most recently undone action.
					<keycombo action="press">
					<para><emphasis>Undo</emphasis> the most recently completed action.

						Move pointer slightly.
					<keycombo action="press">
						Move pointer in larger steps.
					<keycombo action="press">
						Move canvas rather than pointer.
						Go to the top of the canvas.
					<keycombo action="press">
						Go to the far left of the canvas.
				<term><keycap>PgUp</keycap>, <keycap>PgDn</keycap></term>
						Move the canvas up or down, one page at a time.
					<keycombo action="press">
					<keycombo action="press">
						Move the canvas left or right, one page at a time.

	<refsect1 id="customised.icons.en">
		<title>Customised task icons</title>
			There is a built-in facility for customising the appearance of the task
			icons as they appear in the <xref linkend="task.panel.en"/>.
			This is mostly an issue for the administrators of kiosk systems or similar,
			not for the casual user. It can also make sense to use this in the
			command string registered for <command>&prog;</command> within the
			<systemitem class="osname">&debian;</systemitem> menu subsystem,
			on machines where menu access is the only way users are expected to
			launch the program. See next section for the details.

			At launch time, <command>&prog;</command> will record the current
			working directory as the default location for fetching and storing
			image files. This is the directory suggested every time a file
			dialogue is brought into action. Using the command line option
			<option>-d</option>, it is possible to set another location.
			A reasonable choice is
			&quot;<option>-d</option> <filename class="directory">~</filename>&quot;
			for accessing the home directory of the user.
			The command line switch	<option>-svg</option> allows a directory to be
			specified where <command>&prog;</command> should look for particular
			vector image files in SVG format. Their names must all be of the form
			&quot;stock-XXX.svg&quot;, where the <replaceable>XXX</replaceable>
			is one of the following key words: new, open, save, saveas, cut, copy,
			paste, undo, redo, text, paint, fill, select, sun, or zoom.
			Each will provide an icon for the corresponding function in the top panel.
			A missing icon will be replaced by a default choice, but there is
			no guarantee that the fallback icon will be unique, or be relevant
			for the intended purpose.

	<!-- Colophon -->

			<ulink url="http://mtpaint.sourceforge.net/rgbpaint.html"/>

			See also
			</citerefentry>, &software;'s more featureful relative.

		<title>Program Authors</title>
			Mark Tyler, Dmitry Groshev

		<title>Manual Authors</title>
			The original manual page stub was taken as starting point for a
			complete rewrite as Docbook source, and was substantially extended
			by &namn; and &namn2;. The new format was chosen in order to simplify
			translations, and was originally intended for use by the &debian; project,
			but the text may be used by others. Permission is granted to copy,
			distribute and/or modify this document under the same terms as
			<emphasis>&software;</emphasis> itself.



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