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Re: [RFR] templates://vpb-driver/{libvpb0.templates}

Ron wrote:
> [Please CC me with any replies, I'm not on this list]
> Christian Perrier wrote:
>> +_Description: ITU-T telephone code:
>> + Please enter the prefix someone would dial to make an international call to a
>> + phone in your region.
>> This is not "my" code....but rather the code used in my
>> region/area/country. Use the long description to put the right
>> explanation and use the synopsis as a prompt.
> Ok, the "my/your" critique seems valid, but I think you've also removed
> all the _actually_ important information for users here too :)

Agreed - I was just about to suggest a version like this:

 _Description: ITU-T telephone code:        
  Please enter the prefix a caller would dial to make an international call
  to your region (without any "long distance call" prefix numbers specific
  to the telephone exchange being called from). For instance, the code is
  1 for North America, 61 for Australia, or 33 for France.

> In particular this:
> "Configure locale specific options for Voicetronix hardware."

"Locale specific" is misleading.  And you're not asking the user to
configure multiple options; you're asking for a single value.
> and also the examples.
> The important point here is that this is actually used to configure the
> electrical specifications and other conventions of a specific piece
> of hardware.  It's not a general question about prefixing telephone
> numbers, and in fact will never be used for that at all.  It's also
> not a general question that is shared by other things that may actually
> care about the prefixing of phone numbers, so I think this makes it
> misleading, both to the people it's intended for, and others who may
> not actually (need to) care about it at all.
> My apologies if the translator notes there were in turn misleading,
> but those were intended to guide translators about making suitable
> substitutions, not to guide users on how to answer the question.
> (feel free to suggest tweaks for those too though if they might be
> improved for the people using them)
> The correct answer here may not even be related to your phone number
> at all (if you are connecting this hardware directly to foreign
> equipment).  What we want to know is which region's standards to use,
> the ITU prefix is just a reasonable, and somewhat understandable
> approximation of that, and what the underlying code uses to switch on.

No, this is a perfectly straightforward dialogue that should just be
asking for the ITU-T Country Code.  Even if things are more
complicated behind the scenes and there are circumstances under
which users shouldn't type in their ITU-T prefix, it's pointless to
mention this unless you can give some way of determining whether
this is the case (and what else to try if so).

> The examples I think are important, because even people familiar with
> phones can get confused by exactly what prefix means what.  And saying
> this:
>> + Please enter the prefix someone would dial to make an international call to a
>> + phone in your region.
> Is also wrong and misleading, because in most (all?) countries, there
> are a string of additional digits that you need to dial before you even
> get to enter the prefix part that we are looking for here.  Since they
> are _also_ different from region to region, we can't just strip them
> off, we need people to enter just the bit that represents their region.

Agreed.  It's particularly important for the continent-spanning
Region 1, which is why I'd suggest adding it as an example.

> Now if someone can distill all that into a nice one-liner, we'll have
> a good description :)
> Telling people that this is a question for the Voicetronix hardware
> at least gives them some context for what the correct answer should
> be (and they can refer to our docs for further details on that).
> Giving them examples that should be familiar in their region will
> help with that I think.  (I expected those also would be substituted
> for other examples in any translation)

Here's a slightly revised version:

 _Description: ITU-T telephone code:        
  To configure the Voicetronix telephony hardware driver, please enter the
  prefix a caller would dial to make an international call to your region
  (without any "long distance call" prefix numbers specific to the exchange
  being called from). For instance, the code is 1 for North America, 61 for
  Australia, or 33 for France.

>>  Package: vpb-driver-source
>>  Architecture: all
>>  Depends: module-assistant, debhelper (>>4.0.0), make, bzip2
>> -Description: Source for the Voicetronix telephony hardware drivers
>> +Description: Voicetronix telephony hardware - drivers source code
>>   This package provides the source code for the Voicetronix kernel modules.
>>   Kernel source or headers are required to compile these modules.
>>   .
>> Use a standard synopsis layout...
> What exactly is the standard format you are looking for here?

(The idea is mainly to "standardise" within the source package, with
a boilerplate description of the suite followed by a summary of the
role of this package within the set.  The other packages in this
family already happened to use more or less this format.)

> As a native english speaker, that reads much more awkwardly to
> me, uses most of the left of the line on perhaps the least
> important (or at least, least unique) information, and drops
> a plural kind of uncomfortably in the middle.

English noun-piles are subtle things!
> I'm happy to follow a form, but I think we can improve on the
> above.  It reminds me a bit of the govt. state supply catalogues
> here, where to order a box of tissues you need to know that the
> order number will in fact be found indexed under:
>  Wipers - paper, facial, for the use of.

I'd have said these package descriptions work well enough as a
family without the need for a hyphen:

   Description: VoiceTronix telephony hardware driver source code

>> I think it would be interesting to have a boilerplate that better
>> describes what are these Voicetronix things...but as I have no clue
>> about them, I can't cook one.
> It's telephony hardware, made by Voicetronix :)  I can whack a URL
> in there if it would help, but I have tried to avoid gratuitous
> advertising except where mentioning the 'brand' is needed for
> people to know the context or appropriateness to what they have.
> What sort of boilerplate do you have in mind?

Well, I wouldn't have guessed (until I saw it in the README) that
"vpb" stands for Voice Processing Board.  Think that's worth

The only other thing I'd change in the control file is to
change "user space" to "userspace" in libvpb0 (user space is what
I've got in my /home partition).
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
Template: libvpb0/countrycode
Type: string
# Translators, you can find a list of the ITU-T codes here:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_country_calling_codes
# This is the prefix someone would dial to make an international call to a
# phone in the region you are translating for, without any "long distance call"
# prefix numbers that are specific to the telephone exchange being called from.
_Default: 61
_Description: ITU-T telephone code:
 To configure the Voicetronix telephony hardware driver, please enter the
 prefix a caller would dial to make an international call to your region
 (without any "long distance call" prefix numbers specific to the exchange
 being called from). For instance, the code is 1 for North America, 61 for
 Australia, or 33 for France.
Source: vpb-driver
Section: comm
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Ron Lee <ron@debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5.0.24), po-debconf, bzip2, zlib1g-dev, libpci-dev | pciutils-dev
Build-Depends-Indep: doxygen, graphviz

Package: vpb-driver-source
Architecture: all
Depends: module-assistant, debhelper (>>4.0.0), make, bzip2
Description: Voicetronix telephony hardware driver source code
 This package provides the source code for the Voicetronix kernel modules.
 Kernel source or headers are required to compile these modules.
 To build a binary module package to suit your running kernel, do:
 m-a a-i vpb-driver

Package: vpb-utils
Section: comm
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
Description: Voicetronix telephony hardware userspace tools
 This package provides the user space support utilities for Voicetronix
 telephony hardware.

Package: libvpb0
Section: libs
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Recommends: vpb-driver-source
Suggests: vpb-utils
Description: Voicetronix telephony hardware userspace interface library
 This package provides the userspace support library for Voicetronix telephony

Package: libvpb-dev
Section: libdevel
Architecture: any
Depends: libvpb0 (= ${binary:Version})
Description: Voicetronix telephony hardware userspace library development files
 This package provides the necessary headers and library support files for
 building applications that use libvpb.

Package: libvpb-doc
Section: doc
Architecture: all
Suggests: vpb-driver-source, libvpb-dev
Description: Voicetronix telephony hardware interface library documentation
 This package provides the developer documentation for the Voicetronix
 telephony library.
--- ../vpb-driver-4.2.42.pristine/debian/libvpb0.templates	2009-07-24 12:05:57.000000000 +0100
+++ debian/libvpb0.templates	2009-08-01 20:00:53.000000000 +0100
@@ -6,5 +6,9 @@
 # phone in the region you are translating for, without any "long distance call"
 # prefix numbers that are specific to the telephone exchange being called from.
 _Default: 61
-_Description: Enter your ITU-T telephone code (eg. 61 for Australia, 33 for France):
- Configure locale specific options for Voicetronix hardware.
+_Description: ITU-T telephone code:
+ To configure the Voicetronix telephony hardware driver, please enter the
+ prefix a caller would dial to make an international call to your region
+ (without any "long distance call" prefix numbers specific to the exchange
+ being called from). For instance, the code is 1 for North America, 61 for
+ Australia, or 33 for France.
--- ../vpb-driver-4.2.42.pristine/debian/control	2009-07-24 12:05:57.000000000 +0100
+++ debian/control	2009-08-01 20:06:17.000000000 +0100
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 Package: vpb-driver-source
 Architecture: all
 Depends: module-assistant, debhelper (>>4.0.0), make, bzip2
-Description: Source for the Voicetronix telephony hardware drivers
+Description: Voicetronix telephony hardware driver source code
  This package provides the source code for the Voicetronix kernel modules.
  Kernel source or headers are required to compile these modules.
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 Recommends: vpb-driver-source
 Suggests: vpb-utils
 Description: Voicetronix telephony hardware userspace interface library
- This package provides the user space support library for Voicetronix telephony
+ This package provides the userspace support library for Voicetronix telephony
 Package: libvpb-dev
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
 Section: doc
 Architecture: all
 Suggests: vpb-driver-source, libvpb-dev
-Description: Voicetronix telephony interface library documentation
+Description: Voicetronix telephony hardware interface library documentation
  This package provides the developer documentation for the Voicetronix
  telephony library.

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