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[RFR] debian/control description for dico package


  I'm working on a new package called "dico", and I would like to ask if 
  someone can please review the control file package description. The 
  control file is attached with this email.


 ‎أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy)
  Digital design engineer
 GPG KeyID: 0xEDDDA1B7 (@ subkeys.pgp.net)
 GPG Fingerprint: 8206 A196 2084 7E6D 0DF8  B176 BC19 6A94 EDDD A1B7
Source: dico
Section: text
Priority: optional
Maintainer: أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) <aelmahmoudy@users.sourceforge.net>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7), autotools-dev, guile-1.8-dev, python-dev, 
 libgsasl7-dev, zlib1g-dev, libltdl7-dev, python-support (>= 0.5.3), 
 python-all-dev (>= 2.3.5-11), m4
Standards-Version: 3.8.1
Homepage: http://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/software/dico/

Package: dicod
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libdico0 (= ${binary:Version}), m4
Pre-Depends: adduser
Recommends: dico-module-dictorg
Suggests: dico-doc
Provides: dict-server
Conflicts: dictd
Replaces: dictd
Description: RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server
 Dico is an implementation of DICT server (RFC 2229). It is fully modular: the
 daemon itself (dicod) provides only the server functionality, but it knows
 nothing about database formats. Actual searches are performed by functions
 supplied in loadable modules. A single module can serve one or more databases.
 This package contains the dicod server.

Package: dico
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libdico0 (= ${binary:Version})
Suggests: dico-doc
Provides: dict-client
Description: RFC 2229 compliant dictionary client
 Dico is an implementation of DICT server (RFC 2229). It is fully modular: the
 daemon itself (dicod) provides only the server functionality, but it knows
 nothing about database formats. Actual searches are performed by functions
 supplied in loadable modules. A single module can serve one or more databases.
 This package contains the dico console client.

Package: libdico0
Section: libs
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
Description: RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (shared library)
 Dico is an implementation of DICT server (RFC 2229). It is fully modular: the
 daemon itself (dicod) provides only the server functionality, but it knows
 nothing about database formats. Actual searches are performed by functions
 supplied in loadable modules. A single module can serve one or more databases.
 This package contains the shared library.

Package: dico-dev
Section: libdevel
Architecture: any
Depends: libdico0 (= ${binary:Version})
Suggests: dico-doc
Description: RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (development files)
 Dico is an implementation of DICT server (RFC 2229). It is fully modular: the
 daemon itself (dicod) provides only the server functionality, but it knows
 nothing about database formats. Actual searches are performed by functions
 supplied in loadable modules. A single module can serve one or more databases.
 This package contains the header files, static libraries, symbolic links that
 developers using dico will need.

Package: dico-doc
Section: doc
Architecture: all
Description: RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (documentation)
 Dico is an implementation of DICT server (RFC 2229). It is fully modular: the
 daemon itself (dicod) provides only the server functionality, but it knows
 nothing about database formats. Actual searches are performed by functions
 supplied in loadable modules. A single module can serve one or more databases.
 This package contains the complete documentation for dico.

Package: dico-module-outline
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, dicod
Description: RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (Emacs outline support)
 Dico is an implementation of DICT server (RFC 2229). It is fully modular: the
 daemon itself (dicod) provides only the server functionality, but it knows
 nothing about database formats. Actual searches are performed by functions
 supplied in loadable modules. A single module can serve one or more databases.
 This module adds support for databases in Emacs outline format. This module is
 designed mostly as an example and for testing purposes.

Package: dico-module-dictorg
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, dicod
Suggests: dict-gcide | dictd-dictionary, dict-wn, dict-jargon, dict-foldoc
Description: RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (dict.org databse support)
 Dico is an implementation of DICT server (RFC 2229). It is fully modular: the
 daemon itself (dicod) provides only the server functionality, but it knows
 nothing about database formats. Actual searches are performed by functions
 supplied in loadable modules. A single module can serve one or more databases.
 This package contains the module which handles databases in dict.org format.

Package: dico-module-guile
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, dicod
Description: RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (Guile support)
 Dico is an implementation of DICT server (RFC 2229). It is fully modular: the
 daemon itself (dicod) provides only the server functionality, but it knows
 nothing about database formats. Actual searches are performed by functions
 supplied in loadable modules. A single module can serve one or more databases.
 This package contains an abstract layer for interfacing with database modules
 written in Guile.

Package: dico-module-python
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, dicod
Description: RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (Python support)
 Dico is an implementation of DICT server (RFC 2229). It is fully modular: the
 daemon itself (dicod) provides only the server functionality, but it knows
 nothing about database formats. Actual searches are performed by functions
 supplied in loadable modules. A single module can serve one or more databases.
 This package contains an abstract layer for interfacing with database modules
 written in Python.

Package: dico-module-mediawiki
Architecture: all
Depends: dico-module-python, python-wit, python-simplejson, python-xml
Description: RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (Wiki support)
 Dico is an implementation of DICT server (RFC 2229). It is fully modular: the
 daemon itself (dicod) provides only the server functionality, but it knows
 nothing about database formats. Actual searches are performed by functions
 supplied in loadable modules. A single module can serve one or more databases.
 This package contains the module that allows to use Wiktionary or Wikipedia as
 a dictionary database.

Package: python-wit
Section: python
XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
Architecture: all
Depends: ${python:Depends}
Provides: ${python:Provides}
Description: wiki translator
 Wit is a wiki translator, a package that supplies Python classes for
 translating Wiki Markup into another kind of markup. Currently it translates
  * HTML
  * Plain Text

Package: dicoclient-python
XB-Python-Version: ${python:Versions}
Architecture: all
Depends: ${python:Depends}
Provides: ${python:Provides}
Description: python Dico client module and shell
 Dico is an implementation of DICT server (RFC 2229). It is fully modular: the
 daemon itself (dicod) provides only the server functionality, but it knows
 nothing about database formats. Actual searches are performed by functions
 supplied in loadable modules. A single module can serve one or more databases.
 The package contains GNU Dico client module written in Python and Simple GNU
 Dico-Python Shell.

Package: dicoweb
Architecture: all
Depends: dicoclient-python, python-django, python-memcache, python-wit, libapache2-mod-python | libapache2-mod-wsgi
Description: RFC 2229 compliant modular dictionary server (web interface)
 Dico is an implementation of DICT server (RFC 2229). It is fully modular: the
 daemon itself (dicod) provides only the server functionality, but it knows
 nothing about database formats. Actual searches are performed by functions
 supplied in loadable modules. A single module can serve one or more databases.
 The package contains a web interface for database searches.

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