Re: Bug#514009: Release notes: section about Braille displays in installing.dbk/installing.po
On 2009-02-07 18:41, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Christian Perrier, le Sat 07 Feb 2009 17:05:01 +0100, a écrit :
> > > +<section id="install-with-speech">
> > > + <title>Install &debian; with a hardware speech synthesis</title>
> >
> > I think that "device" is missing here
> I don't know, or maybe synthesizer instead.
> > and maybe "s/a/an"
> Before the h of hardware? I wouldn't say so.
Maybe because in French you don't pronounce the 'h' at the
beginning of a syllable? ;~)
> > I think you want to say that speech synthesis is only available with
> > the graphical installer.
> Well, it's tricky. Speech synthesis is not available when the graphical
> installer is running, it is just available on the same images as those
> that have the graphical installer.
> > Strange. You first say that speech synthesis is only aval with the
> > graphical installer, then that specifying what driver to use
> > automatically selects the *text* installer.
> Yes it's awkward. Debian-boot refused to include speakup in all images
> for size reason, and only accepted to include it along graphical
> installer-enabled images, for which size doesn't matter so much.
OK, so there's no need to change this section?
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