Re: Bug#465296: grub2: Minor errors in Debconf template
> Helge Kreutzmann wrote:
>> Well, at last as I know in English there is no space before
>> punctuation marks like ",", "." or "?". But maybe you can ask on
>> debian-l10n-english for advise or details.
Robert Millan wrote:
> Any comment on this one?
It's true. Continental European style guides tend to require an "en
space" there, but for en_US and en_GB (and even en_CA, unlike fr_CA)
the style guides all agree that these spaces are prohibited. You
can put a space before a dash sometimes, but not a semicolon or
exclamation mark or any of these others.
JBR with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
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