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[LCFC] templates://gforge/{gforge-common.templates.dsfh-in,gforge-db-postgr esql.templates.dsfh-in,gforge-dns-bind9.templates.dsfh-in,gforge-mta -postfix.templates.dsfh-in,dsf-helper/common-variables.templates,dsf -helper/dbhost-variables.templates,dsf-helper/dbpasswd-variables.tem plates,dsf-helper/downloadhost-variables.templates,dsf-helper/groupi d-variables.templates,dsf-helper/host-variables.templates,dsf-helper /ldap-variables.templates,dsf-helper/lists-variables.templates,dsf-h elper/migration.templates,dsf-helper/replace-files.templates,dsf-hel per/shellhost-variables.templates,dsf-helper/users-variables.templat es,dsf-helper/web-variables.templates}

This is the last call for comments for the review of debconf
templates for gforge.

The reviewed templates will be sent on Saturday, October 13, 2007 to the package
maintainer as a bug report and a mail will be sent to this list with
"[BTS]" as a subject tag.




Template: gforge/shared/shell_host
Type: string
_Description: Shell server:
 Please enter the hostname of the server that will host the GForge
 shell accounts.



Template: gforge/shared/download_host
Type: string
_Description: Download server:
 Please enter the hostname of the server that will host the GForge
 It should not be the same as the main GForge host.


Template: gforge/shared/admin_login
Type: string
_Default: admin
_Description: GForge administrator login:
 The GForge administrator account will have full privileges on the
 system. It will be used to approve the creation of new projects.
 Please choose the username for this account.

Template: gforge/shared/ip_address
Type: string
_Description: IP address:
 Please enter the IP address of the server that will host the GForge
 This is needed for the configuration of Apache virtual hosting.

Template: gforge/shared/admin_password
Type: password
_Description: GForge administrator password:
 The GForge administrator account will have full privileges on the
 system. It will be used to approve the creation of new projects.
 Please choose the password for this account.

Template: gforge/shared/admin_password_confirm
Type: password
_Description: Password confirmation:
 Please re-type the password for confirmation.

Template: gforge/shared/skill_list
Type: string
Default: Ada;C;C++;HTML;LISP;Perl;PHP;Python;SQL
_Description: Initial list of skills:
 GForge allows users to define a list of their skills, to be chosen from
 those present in the database. This list is the initial list of
 skills that will enter the database.
 Please enter a semicolon-separated list of skill names.




Template: gforge/shared/db_password
Type: password
_Description: Password used for the database:
 Connections to the database system are authenticated by a password.
 Please choose the connection password.

Template: gforge/shared/db_password_confirm
Type: password
_Description: Password confirmation:
 Please re-type the password for confirmation.

Template: gforge/shared/admin_login
Type: string
_Default: admin
_Description: GForge administrator login:
 The GForge administrator account will have full privileges on the
 system. It will be used to approve the creation of new projects.
 Please choose the username for this account.

Template: gforge/shared/admin_password
Type: password
_Description: GForge administrator password:
 The GForge administrator account will have full privileges on the
 system. It will be used to approve the creation of new projects.
 Please choose the password for this account.

Template: gforge/shared/admin_password_confirm
Type: password
_Description: Password confirmation:
 Please re-type the password for confirmation.

Template: gforge/shared/skill_list
Type: string
Default: Ada;C;C++;HTML;LISP;Perl;PHP;Python;SQL
_Description: Initial list of skills:
 GForge allows users to define a list of their skills, to be chosen from
 those present in the database. This list is the initial list of
 skills that will enter the database.
 Please enter a semicolon-separated list of skill names.

Template: gforge/shared/ldap_base_dn
Type: string
_Description: LDAP base DN:
 The DN (Distinguished Name) is used to refer to the LDAP directory
 unambiguously. Example: "dc=gforge,dc=example,dc=com".

Template: gforge/shared/ldap_host
Type: string
_Description: LDAP server hostname:

Template: gforge/shared/noreply_to_bitbucket
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Do you want mail to ${noreply} to be discarded?
 GForge sends and receives plenty of e-mail to and from the
 "${noreply}" address.
 E-mail to that address should be directed to a
 black hole (/dev/null), unless you have another use for that address.

Template: gforge/shared/ldap_web_add_password
Type: password
_Description: LDAP password used to add users from the web:
 Please provide the password to use when adding users into the LDAP directory
 from the web.

Template: gforge/shared/ldap_web_add_password_confirm
Type: password
_Description: Password confirmation:
 Please re-type the password for confirmation.

Template: gforge/shared/mod_ssl_cert
Type: note
_Description: SSL certificate generation
 A valid SSL/TLS certificate is needed to run GForge.
 If you don't already use one, you'll have to run the
 'mod-ssl-makecert' command to generate one, and restart Apache
 Please note you will not be able to start Apache if you have no
 such certificate.

Template: gforge/shared/pam_ldap_config
Type: note
_Description: Appropriate PAM-LDAP configuration required for GForge
 GForge requires the libpam-ldap package to be configured
 appropriately. You might need to run 'dpkg-reconfigure libpam-ldap' in
 order to fix incorrect parameters.
 Known good values are: LDAP protocol version=3, make root database
 admin=yes, root login account="cn=admin,dc=<your-dc-here>", crypt to
 use for passwords=crypt.
 Make sure that you type the same password for the libpam-ldap root
 password and the GForge LDAP password.

Template: gforge/shared/simple_dns
Type: boolean
Default: false
# Translators: SCM here means "Source Control Management"
#              (cvs, svn, etc.)
_Description: Do you want a simple DNS setup for GForge?
 You can use a simple DNS setup with wildcards to map all
 project web-hosts to a single IP address, and direct all the scm-hosts
 to a single SCM server, or a complex setup which allows
 many servers as project web servers or SCM servers.
 Even if you use a simple DNS setup, you can still use
 separate machines as project servers; it just assumes that
 all the project web directories are on the same server with a single
 SCM server.

Template: gforge/shared/replace_file_remove
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Do you want ${file} to be updated?
 In order for GForge to be fully uninstalled, some changes are needed
 in ${file}.
 This can be done automatically (the current version will be backed up in
 ${file}.gforge-old). Alternatively, the needed changes may be written 
 to another file (${file}.gforge-new) to let you adapt ${file} yourself.

Template: gforge/shared/file_changed
Type: note
_Description: ${file} must be checked
 You have chosen to not change ${file} automatically.
 Instead, the suggested changes have been written into ${file}.gforge-new.
 Please check this file and apply the appropriate changes to ${file}.

Template: gforge/shared/noreply_to_bitbucket
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Do you want mail to ${noreply} to be discarded?
 GForge sends and receives plenty of e-mail to and from the
 "${noreply}" address.
 E-mail to that address should be directed to a
 black hole (/dev/null), unless you have another use for that address.
Template: gforge/shared/domain_name
Type: string
_Description: GForge domain or subdomain name:
 Please enter the domain that will host the GForge installation. Some
 services (scm, lists, etc.) will be given their own subdomain in that

Template: gforge/shared/server_admin
Type: string
_Description: GForge administrator e-mail address:
 Please enter the e-mail address of the GForge administrator of this site. It
 will be used when problems occur.

Template: gforge/shared/system_name
Type: string
Default: GForge
_Description: GForge system name:
 Please enter the name of the GForge system. It is used in various places
 throughout the system.
Template: gforge/shared/db_host
Type: string
_Description: Database server:
 Please enter the IP address (or hostname) of the server that will
 host the GForge database.

Template: gforge/shared/db_name
Type: string
Default: gforge
_Description: Database name:
 Please enter the name of the database that will host the GForge database.

Template: gforge/shared/db_user
Type: string
Default: gforge
_Description: Database administrator username:
 Please enter the username of the database administrator for the server
 that will host the GForge database.
Template: gforge/shared/db_password
Type: password
_Description: Password used for the database:
 Connections to the database system are authenticated by a password.
 Please choose the connection password.

Template: gforge/shared/db_password_confirm
Type: password
_Description: Password confirmation:
 Please re-type the password for confirmation.
Template: gforge/shared/download_host
Type: string
_Description: Download server:
 Please enter the host name of the server that will host the GForge packages.
 It should not be the same as the main GForge host.
Template: gforge/shared/newsadmin_groupid
Type: string
Default: 2
_Description: News administrative group ID:
 The members of the news admin group can approve news for the GForge main
 page. This group's ID must not be 1. This should be changed only if
 you upgrade from a previous version and want to keep the data.

Template: gforge/shared/statsadmin_groupid
Type: string
Default: 3
_Description: Statistics administrative group ID:

Template: gforge/shared/peerrating_groupid
Type: string
Default: 4
_Description: Peer rating administrative group ID:
Template: gforge/shared/ip_address
Type: string
_Description: IP address:
 Please enter the IP address of the server that will host the GForge
 This is needed for the configuration of Apache virtual hosting.
Template: gforge/shared/ldap_base_dn
Type: string
_Description: LDAP base DN:
 The DN (Distinguished Name) is used to refer to the LDAP directory
 unambiguously. Example: "dc=gforge,dc=example,dc=com".

Template: gforge/shared/ldap_host
Type: string
_Description: LDAP server host name:

Template: gforge/shared/ldap_web_add_password
Type: password
_Description: LDAP password used to add users from the web:
 Please provide the password to use when adding users into the LDAP directory
 from the web.

Template: gforge/shared/ldap_web_add_password_confirm
Type: password
_Description: Password confirmation:
 Please re-type the password for confirmation.
Template: gforge/shared/lists_host
Type: string
_Description: Mailing lists server:
 Please enter the host name of the server that will host the GForge
 mailing lists.
 It should not be the same as the main GForge host.
Template: gforge/migrate_from_sourceforge
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Migrate to GForge?
 SourceForge is no longer maintained as free software; the free
 version is now named GForge. Accordingly, the package has been
 renamed to 'gforge', and 'sourceforge' is no longer supported or
 maintained. The transition to GForge should be rather simple, as
 most of the work is automated: once this package has been
 successfully installed, just install the 'gforge' package.
 You still have the option not to upgrade to GForge yet, for instance
 if you want to back things up beforehand. If you refuse the upgrade,
 nothing will happen.

Template: gforge/sourceforge_empty_package
Type: note
_Description: Sourceforge discontinued
 SourceForge is no longer maintained as free software; the free
 version is now named GForge, and the 'sourceforge' package is now
 a dummy package to help install 'gforge'. Once this dummy package
 and the 'gforge-sourceforge-transition' are installed, data will be
 saved so that you can safely uninstall the 'sourceforge' package and
 proceed to install 'gforge'.
Template: gforge/shared/replace_file_install
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Do you want ${file} to be updated?
 In order for GForge to be operational, some changes are needed
 in ${file}.
 This can be done automatically (the current version will be backed up in
 ${file}.gforge-old). Alternatively, the needed changes may be written 
 to another file (${file}.gforge-new) to let you adapt ${file} yourself.

Template: gforge/shared/replace_file_remove
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Do you want ${file} to be updated?
 In order for GForge to be fully uninstalled, some changes are needed
 in ${file}.
 This can be done automatically (the current version will be backed up in
 ${file}.gforge-old). Alternatively, the needed changes may be written 
 to another file (${file}.gforge-new) to let you adapt ${file} yourself.

Template: gforge/shared/file_changed
Type: note
_Description: ${file} must be checked
 You have chosen to not change ${file} automatically.
 Instead, the suggested changes have been written into ${file}.gforge-new.
 Please check this file and apply the appropriate changes to ${file}.
Template: gforge/shared/shell_host
Type: string
_Description: Shell server:
 Please enter the host name of the server that will host the GForge
 shell accounts.
Template: gforge/shared/users_host
Type: string
_Description: User mail redirector server:
 Please enter the host name of the server that will host the GForge user mail
 It should not be the same as the main GForge host.
Template: gforge/shared/sys_lang
Type: select
__Choices: English, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Traditional), Dutch, Esperanto, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese, Russian, Chinese (Simplified), Spanish, Swedish, Thai
_DefaultChoice: English
_Description: Default language:
 Please choose the default language for web pages.

Template: gforge/shared/sys_theme
Type: string
Default: gforge
_Description: Default theme:
 Please choose the default theme for web pages. This must be a valid
Source: gforge
Section: devel
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Roland Mas <lolando@debian.org>
Uploaders: Christian Bayle <bayle@debian.org>
Build-Depends-Indep: sharutils, docbook-to-man, devscripts
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.1.16), dpatch, perl, gettext
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
Homepage: http://gforge.org/

Package: gforge
Architecture: all
Conflicts: sourceforge, gforge-cvs, gforge-common (<< ${source:Version})
Depends: debconf (>= 1.0.32) | debconf-2.0, gforge-common (=${source:Version}), gforge-web-apache2 | gforge-web, gforge-db, gforge-mta-exim4 | gforge-mta, gforge-shell-postgresql | gforge-shell, gforge-ftp, gforge-lists
Recommends: gforge-plugin-scm
Description: collaborative development tool - meta-package
 GForge provides many tools to aid collaboration in a
 development project, such as bug-tracking, task management,
 mailing-lists, SCM repository, forums, support request helper,
 web/FTP hosting, release management, etc. All these services are
 integrated into one web site and managed through a web interface.
 This meta-package installs a complete GForge site.

Package: gforge-common
Architecture: all
Depends: debconf (>= 1.0.32) | debconf-2.0, cpio, lockfile-progs, adduser, php5-cli, python
Conflicts: sourceforge, gforge-plugin-scmcvs (<< 4.1), gforge-plugin-scmsvn (<< 4.1), gforge-plugin-scmccase (<< 4.1), gforge-theme-starterpack (<< 4.0)
Description: collaborative development tool - shared files
 GForge provides many tools to aid collaboration in a
 development project, such as bug-tracking, task management,
 mailing-lists, SCM repository, forums, support request helper,
 web/FTP hosting, release management, etc. All these services are
 integrated into one web site and managed through a web interface.
 This package contains files and programs used by several other

Package: gforge-plugins-extra
Architecture: all
Depends: gforge-common, php5-cli, python, python-subversion, libphp-snoopy
Conflicts: sourceforge, gforge-plugin-scmccase
Description: collaborative development tool - extra plugins
 GForge provides many tools to aid collaboration in a
 development project, such as bug-tracking, task management,
 mailing-lists, SCM repository, forums, support request helper,
 web/FTP hosting, release management, etc. All these services are
 integrated into one web site and managed through a web interface.
 This package contains a set of various plugins.

Package: gforge-web-apache2
Architecture: all
Depends: gforge-common, gforge-db-postgresql | gforge-db, libapache2-mod-php5, php5-cgi, php5-pgsql, php5-gd, perl, perl-suid, libdbi-perl, libdbd-pg-perl, debianutils (>= 1.7), debconf (>= 1.0.32) | debconf-2.0, cronolog, python, ssl-cert
Recommends: libphp-jpgraph, locales | locales-all
Provides: gforge-web
Conflicts: gforge-web
Description: collaborative development tool - web part (using Apache)
 GForge provides many tools to aid collaboration in a
 development project, such as bug-tracking, task management,
 mailing-lists, SCM repository, forums, support request helper,
 web/FTP hosting, release management, etc. All these services are
 integrated into one web site and managed through a web interface.
 This package contains the files needed to run the web part of
 GForge on an Apache webserver.

Package: gforge-web-apache
Architecture: all
Depends: gforge-web-apache2
Description: transition package to gforge-web-apache2
 This package exists only as a means to make transitions to apache2
 easier. You can safely uninstall it.

Package: gforge-db-postgresql
Architecture: all
Depends: gforge-common, postgresql-8.2 | postgresql, perl, libdbi-perl, libdbd-pg-perl, libmime-base64-perl, libhtml-parser-perl, libtext-autoformat-perl, libmail-sendmail-perl, debianutils (>= 1.7), debconf (>= 1.0.32) | debconf-2.0, php5-cli
Provides: gforge-db
Conflicts: gforge-db
Description: collaborative development tool - database (using PostGreSQL)
 GForge provides many tools to aid collaboration in a
 development project, such as bug-tracking, task management,
 mailing-lists, SCM repository, forums, support request helper,
 web/FTP hosting, release management, etc. All these services are
 integrated into one web site and managed through a web interface.
 This package installs, configures and maintains the GForge

Package: gforge-mta-exim4
Architecture: all
Depends: gforge-common, gforge-db-postgresql | gforge-db, perl, debianutils (>= 1.7), debconf (>= 1.0.32) | debconf-2.0, exim4, exim4-daemon-heavy
Provides: gforge-mta
Conflicts: gforge-mta
Description: collaborative development tool - mail tools (using Exim 4)
 GForge provides many tools to aid collaboration in a
 development project, such as bug-tracking, task management,
 mailing-lists, SCM repository, forums, support request helper,
 web/FTP hosting, release management, etc. All these services are
 integrated into one web site and managed through a web interface.
 This package configures the Exim 4 mail transfer agent to run

Package: gforge-mta-postfix
Architecture: all
Depends: gforge-common, gforge-db-postgresql | gforge-db, perl, debianutils (>= 1.7), debconf (>= 1.0.32) | debconf-2.0, postfix, postfix-pgsql
Provides: gforge-mta
Conflicts: gforge-mta
Description: collaborative development tool - mail tools (using Postfix)
 GForge provides many tools to aid collaboration in a
 development project, such as bug-tracking, task management,
 mailing-lists, SCM repository, forums, support request helper,
 web/FTP hosting, release management, etc. All these services are
 integrated into one web site and managed through a web interface.
 This package configures the Postfix mail transfer agent to run

Package: gforge-mta-courier
Architecture: all
Depends: gforge-common, gforge-db-postgresql | gforge-db, perl, debianutils (>= 1.7), debconf (>= 1.0.32) | debconf-2.0, postfix, postfix-pgsql
Provides: gforge-mta
Conflicts: gforge-mta
Description: collaborative development tool - mail tools (using Courier)
 GForge provides many tools to aid collaboration in a
 development project, such as bug-tracking, task management,
 mailing-lists, SCM repository, forums, support request helper,
 web/FTP hosting, release management, etc. All these services are
 integrated into one web site and managed through a web interface.
 This package configures the Courier mail transfer agent to run

Package: gforge-shell-postgresql
Architecture: all
Depends: gforge-common, gforge-db-postgresql, perl, debianutils (>= 1.7), debconf (>= 1.0.32) | debconf-2.0, ssh, libnss-pgsql1
Provides: gforge-shell
Conflicts: gforge-shell
Description: collaborative development tool - shell accounts (using PostgreSQL)
 GForge provides many tools to aid collaboration in a
 development project, such as bug-tracking, task management,
 mailing-lists, SCM repository, forums, support request helper,
 web/FTP hosting, release management, etc. All these services are
 integrated into one web site and managed through a web interface.
 This package provides shell accounts authenticated via the PostGreSQL
 database to GForge users.

Package: gforge-ftp-proftpd
Architecture: all
Depends: gforge-common, gforge-shell, proftpd, perl, debianutils (>= 1.7), debconf (>= 1.0.32) | debconf-2.0, php5-cli
Provides: gforge-ftp
Conflicts: gforge-ftp
Description: collaborative development tool - FTP management (using ProFTPd)
 GForge provides many tools to aid collaboration in a
 development project, such as bug-tracking, task management,
 mailing-lists, SCM repository, forums, support request helper,
 web/FTP hosting, release management, etc. All these services are
 integrated into one web site and managed through a web interface.
 This package configures the ProFTPd FTP server for GForge.

Package: gforge-dns-bind9
Architecture: all
Depends: gforge-common, gforge-db, perl, libdbi-perl, libdbd-pg-perl, debianutils (>= 1.7), debconf (>= 1.0.32) | debconf-2.0, bind9 
Provides: gforge-dns
Conflicts: gforge-dns
Description: collaborative development tool - DNS management (using Bind9)
 GForge provides many tools to aid collaboration in a
 development project, such as bug-tracking, task management,
 mailing-lists, SCM repository, forums, support request helper,
 web/FTP hosting, release management, etc. All these services are
 integrated into one web site and managed through a web interface.
 This package configures and maintains the DNS zones for GForge.

Package: gforge-lists-mailman
Architecture: all
Depends: gforge-common, gforge-db, gforge-mta, apache2 (>= 2.0.52), perl, libdbi-perl, libdbd-pg-perl, debianutils (>= 1.7), debconf (>= 1.0.32) | debconf-2.0, mailman (>= 2.1-3)
Provides: gforge-lists
Conflicts: gforge-lists
Description: collaborative development tool - mailing-lists (using Mailman)
 GForge provides many tools to aid collaboration in a
 development project, such as bug-tracking, task management,
 mailing-lists, SCM repository, forums, support request helper,
 web/FTP hosting, release management, etc. All these services are
 integrated into one web site and managed through a web interface.
 This package controls the interaction between GForge and Mailman.

Package: gforge-plugin-scmcvs
Architecture: all
Depends: gforge-common, gforge-db-postgresql | gforge-db, gforge-web-apache2 | gforge-web, libipc-run-perl, rcs, liburi-perl, cvs, php5-cli, python, libphp-snoopy
Description: collaborative development tool - CVS plugin
 GForge provides many tools to aid collaboration in a
 development project, such as bug-tracking, task management,
 mailing-lists, SCM repository, forums, support request helper,
 web/FTP hosting, release management, etc. All these services are
 integrated into one web site and managed through a web interface.
 This plugin contains the CVS subsystem of GForge. It allows each
 GForge project to have its own CVS repository, and gives some control
 over it to the project's administrator.
Provides: gforge-plugin-scm

Package: gforge-plugin-scmsvn
Architecture: all
Depends: gforge-common, gforge-db-postgresql | gforge-db, gforge-web-apache2 | gforge-web, subversion, subversion-tools, viewcvs, python-subversion, python (>= 2.3), php5-cli
Description: collaborative development tool - Subversion plugin
 GForge provides many tools to aid collaboration in a
 development project, such as bug-tracking, task management,
 mailing-lists, SCM repository, forums, support request helper,
 web/FTP hosting, release management, etc. All these services are
 integrated into one web site and managed through a web interface.
 This plugin contains the Subversion subsystem of GForge. It allows
 each GForge project to have its own Subversion repository, and gives
 some control over it to the project's administrator.
Provides: gforge-plugin-scm

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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