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[RFR] templates://spamprobe/{templates}

Please find, for review, the debconf templates and packages descriptions for the spamprobe source package.

This review will last from Monday, September 17, 2007 to Thursday, September 27, 2007.

Please send reviews as unified diffs (diff -u) against the original
files. Comments about your proposed changes will be appreciated.

Your review should be sent as an answer to this mail.

When appropriate, I will send intermediate requests for review, with
"[RFRn]" (n>=2) as a subject tag.

When we will reach a consensus, I send a "Last Chance For
Comments" mail with "[LCFC]" as a subject tag.

Finally, the reviewed templates will be sent to the package maintainer
as a bug report, and a mail will be sent to this list with "[BTS]" as
a subject tag.

--- ../spamprobe.old/debian/templates	2007-09-11 21:00:07.673580034 +0200
+++ debian/templates	2007-09-17 07:03:55.577243874 +0200
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
 Template: spamprobe/db_upgrade
 Type: note
 _Description: Upgrading to Berkeley DB 4.6
- Starting with released spamprobe 1.4d-1, database format has changed
- to Berkeley DB 4.6 to the effect that spamprobe will not be able to
- modify existing databases.
+ As of spamprobe 1.4d-1, the database format changed
+ to Berkeley DB 4.6 and spamprobe is no longer able to modify
+ databases using an older format.

"As of": better?

*the* database format and better use of tenses

"to the effect" seems quite awkward..and useless to me.

  Since there is no general way to locate all existing databases, no
- automatic upgrade is attempted.  A manual upgrade path using
- spamprobe export/import is outlined in spamprobe(1) DATABASE
+ automatic upgrade is attempted. A manual upgrade path using
+ spamprobe export/import is outlined in the 'DATABASE MAINTENANCE' section
+ of the spamprobe(1) manual page.

Remove double space after sentence dot (general policy we use). Put
the section in quotes and explain that "spamprobe(1)" means a man page.

- Please inform all spamprobe users on your system of this change and
- to read README.Debian for further changes.  Sorry for the
- inconvenience.
+ All spamprobe users on this system should be informed of this change
+ and suggested to read the README.Debian file.

*don't apologize*

More neutral wording. I'm not very keen with my "suggested to
read". If native speakers feel this is awkward, we could revert this
to active voice and "Please inform".

--- ../spamprobe.old/debian/control	2007-09-11 21:00:07.673580034 +0200
+++ debian/control	2007-09-12 07:55:00.207913015 +0200
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
 Recommends: procmail | maildrop
 Depends: debconf | debconf-2.0, ${shlibs:Depends}
 Description: Bayesian spam filter
- This spam filter is based on the famous Paul Graham article. It
- uses a database (BerkeleyDB or simpler hash file) to store one and
+ This package provide a spam filter based on an article by Paul Graham. It
+ uses a database (either BerkeleyDB or a simpler hash file) to store
one and

The article is famous only for people who think it is..:-)...let's be
more neutral and factual.

  two word phrases. Only certain headers are analyzed and HTML tags are
  ignored to prevent false positives of legitimate HTML emails. Image
  attachments are considered as words that can signal a spam. It can be
- simply integrated with procmail or maildrop to filter your spam.
+ simply integrated with procmail or maildrop to filter spam on incoming mail.

This is not "my" spam..:-)...more generally speaking, let's again be
neutral and factual.


Template: spamprobe/db_upgrade
Type: note
_Description: Upgrading to Berkeley DB 4.6
 As of spamprobe 1.4d-1, the database format changed
 to Berkeley DB 4.6 and spamprobe is no longer able to modify
 databases using an older format.
 Since there is no general way to locate all existing databases, no
 automatic upgrade is attempted. A manual upgrade path using
 spamprobe export/import is outlined in the 'DATABASE MAINTENANCE' section
 of the spamprobe(1) manual page.
 All spamprobe users on this system should be informed of this change
 and suggested to read the README.Debian file.
--- ../spamprobe.old/debian/templates	2007-09-11 21:00:07.673580034 +0200
+++ debian/templates	2007-09-17 07:03:55.577243874 +0200
@@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
 Template: spamprobe/db_upgrade
 Type: note
 _Description: Upgrading to Berkeley DB 4.6
- Starting with released spamprobe 1.4d-1, database format has changed
- to Berkeley DB 4.6 to the effect that spamprobe will not be able to
- modify existing databases.
+ As of spamprobe 1.4d-1, the database format changed
+ to Berkeley DB 4.6 and spamprobe is no longer able to modify
+ databases using an older format.
  Since there is no general way to locate all existing databases, no
- automatic upgrade is attempted.  A manual upgrade path using
- spamprobe export/import is outlined in spamprobe(1) DATABASE
+ automatic upgrade is attempted. A manual upgrade path using
+ spamprobe export/import is outlined in the 'DATABASE MAINTENANCE' section
+ of the spamprobe(1) manual page.
- Please inform all spamprobe users on your system of this change and
- to read README.Debian for further changes.  Sorry for the
- inconvenience.
+ All spamprobe users on this system should be informed of this change
+ and suggested to read the README.Debian file.
--- ../spamprobe.old/debian/control	2007-09-11 21:00:07.673580034 +0200
+++ debian/control	2007-09-12 07:55:00.207913015 +0200
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
 Recommends: procmail | maildrop
 Depends: debconf | debconf-2.0, ${shlibs:Depends}
 Description: Bayesian spam filter
- This spam filter is based on the famous Paul Graham article. It
- uses a database (BerkeleyDB or simpler hash file) to store one and
+ This package provide a spam filter based on a famous article by Paul Graham. It
+ uses a database (either BerkeleyDB or a simpler hash file) to store one and
  two word phrases. Only certain headers are analyzed and HTML tags are
  ignored to prevent false positives of legitimate HTML emails. Image
  attachments are considered as words that can signal a spam. It can be
- simply integrated with procmail or maildrop to filter your spam.
+ simply integrated with procmail or maildrop to filter spam on incoming mail.
Source: spamprobe
Section: mail
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Nicolas Duboc <nduboc@debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>> 4.0.0), libdb4.6-dev, xmlto, libungif4-dev, libpng12-dev, libjpeg62-dev
Standards-Version: 3.7.2

Package: spamprobe
Architecture: any
Recommends: procmail | maildrop
Depends: debconf | debconf-2.0, ${shlibs:Depends}
Description: Bayesian spam filter
 This package provide a spam filter based on an article by Paul Graham. It
 uses a database (either BerkeleyDB or a simpler hash file) to store one and
 two word phrases. Only certain headers are analyzed and HTML tags are
 ignored to prevent false positives of legitimate HTML emails. Image
 attachments are considered as words that can signal a spam. It can be
 simply integrated with procmail or maildrop to filter spam on incoming mail.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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