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Re: [RFR] templates://jed-extra/{templates}

Christian Perrier wrote:

Your templates patch looks good, but there's at least one other
change I'd make to the control file.

> Package: jed-extra
> Architecture: all
> Depends: debconf | debconf-2.0
> Recommends: jed (>= 0.99.18) | xjed (>= 0.99.18)
> Enhances: jed, xjed
> Suggests: slsh, slang-gdbm, dict, slang-curl, www-browser, a2ps
> Provides: dict-client, info-browser, man-browser
> Conflicts: dictionaries-common (<< 0.14.0)
> Description: collection of useful JED modes and utilities
>  The JED text editor can be easily extended using the SLang scripting
>  language.
>  .
>  This package contains add-on packages for the JED editor, mainly from the 
>  Jedmodes repository at SourceForge (http://jedmodes.sourceforge.net/)

The package is "jed", but is the program "Jed", "JEd", "JED" or
what?  Lets follow the package description and sourcemorgue page by
standardising on "Jed". 

>  Enhancements include:

I've given some suggestions for changes below, but they need
sanity-checking from people who know whether all the SLang files in
/usr/share/jed/jed-extra do what they seem to claim.

>   * Interactive online-help browser;

How is this different from a plain old "help browser"?

>   * file browser;

Isn't that a directory (or file _system_) browser?  It seems to me
that the various added/enhanced browser-modes should be listed
together, like the language modes.

>   * dict dictionary client (including thesaurus);
>   * Brief and Vi editor emulation;

Standard Jed already has brief.sl; this is just a drop-in improved
replacement.  If it's really worth mentioning, phrase it so that
readers aren't momentarily wrongfooted into interpreting "Brief" as
an adjective.

>   * extended ispell support;
>   * SLang calculator;

They're all SLang.

>   * transparently open URLs from within JED;

Does this mean browse_url.sl or uri.sl?

>   * buffer history and fast switching between (auto-)numbered buffers;
>   * Game of Life and snake;
>   * extended set of Key_* variables for xjed;
>   * Additional language modes: 
>        CSS1, email, gnuplot, make, man, mupad, po_mode, 
>        reStructured Text, yodl.

If that was rST it would easily fit on one line.
Ankh kak! (Ancient Egyptian blessing)
Source: jed-extra
Section: editors
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian JED Group <pkg-jed-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Uploaders: Rafael Laboissiere <rafael@debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper, dpatch
Standards-Version: 3.7.2
XS-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-jed/jed-extra/
XS-Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-jed/jed-extra/

Package: jed-extra
Architecture: all
Depends: debconf | debconf-2.0
Recommends: jed (>= 0.99.18) | xjed (>= 0.99.18)
Enhances: jed, xjed
Suggests: slsh, slang-gdbm, dict, slang-curl, www-browser, a2ps
Provides: dict-client, info-browser, man-browser
Conflicts: dictionaries-common (<< 0.14.0)
Description: collection of useful Jed modes and utilities
 The Jed text editor can be easily extended using the SLang scripting
 This package contains add-on packages for the Jed editor, mainly from the
 Jedmodes repository at SourceForge (http://jedmodes.sourceforge.net/)
 Enhancements include:
  * dict dictionary client (including thesaurus)
  * editor emulation for Vi and Brief
  * calculator, calendar and spellchecker modes
  * URI-scheme handler (for transparent http: access, etc)
  * buffer history and fast switching between (auto-)numbered buffers
  * Game of Life and snake
  * extended set of Key_* variables for xjed
  * new or enhanced browsers:
       file system, floppies (using mtools), Jed help, tarfiles, www
  * additional language modes: 
       CSS1, email, gnuplot, make, man, mupad, po_mode, rST, yodl
--- ../jed-extra.old/debian/templates	2007-04-24 03:58:30.000000000 +0100
+++ debian/templates	2007-04-24 19:14:24.000000000 +0100
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
 _Description: Remove old files in /etc/jed-init.d/?
- In the past, the jed-extra package put configuration files in
+ Former versions of the jed-extra package put configuration files in
  /etc/jed-init.d/, namely 05home-lib.sl, 50jed-extra.sl, and
- 55ispell.sl.  These files are not used anymore and should be deleted
+ 55ispell.sl. These files are not used anymore and should be deleted
  from the file system.
- It seems you have modified one of these files, because one of their MD5 
- sums differ from the original values.
+ However, some of these files have been manually modified. Please confirm
+ whether you want these files to be removed.
--- ../jed-extra.old/debian/control	2007-04-24 03:58:32.000000000 +0100
+++ debian/control	2007-04-24 19:17:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -16,25 +16,23 @@
 Suggests: slsh, slang-gdbm, dict, slang-curl, www-browser, a2ps
 Provides: dict-client, info-browser, man-browser
 Conflicts: dictionaries-common (<< 0.14.0)
-Description: collection of useful JED modes and utilities
- The JED text editor can be easily extended using the SLang scripting
+Description: collection of useful Jed modes and utilities
+ The Jed text editor can be easily extended using the SLang scripting
- This package contains add-on packages for the JED editor, mainly from the 
+ This package contains add-on packages for the Jed editor, mainly from the
  Jedmodes repository at SourceForge (http://jedmodes.sourceforge.net/)
  Enhancements include:
-  * Interactive online-help browser
-  * file browser
   * dict dictionary client (including thesaurus)
-  * Brief and Vi editor emulation
-  * extended ispell support
-  * SLang calculator
-  * transparently open URLs from within JED
+  * editor emulation for Vi and Brief
+  * calculator, calendar and spellchecker modes
+  * URI-scheme handler (for transparent http: access, etc)
   * buffer history and fast switching between (auto-)numbered buffers
   * Game of Life and snake
   * extended set of Key_* variables for xjed
-  * Additional language modes: 
-       CSS1, email, gnuplot, make, man, mupad, po_mode, 
-       reStructured Text, yodl
+  * new or enhanced browsers:
+       file system, floppies (using mtools), Jed help, tarfiles, www
+  * additional language modes: 
+       CSS1, email, gnuplot, make, man, mupad, po_mode, rST, yodl

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