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[LCFC] templates://cupsys/{cupsys-bsd.templates,cupsys.templates}

This is the last call for comments for the review of debconf
templates for cupsys.

The reviewed templates will be sent on Tuesday, March 27, 2007 to the package
maintainer as a bug report and a mail will be sent to this list with
"[BTS]" as a subject tag.


Template: cupsys-bsd/setuplpd
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Do you want to set up the BSD lpd compatibility server?
 The CUPS package contains a server that can accept BSD-style print
 jobs and submit them to CUPS. It should only be set up if other
 computers are likely to submit jobs over the network via the "BSD" or
 "LPR" services, and these computers cannot be converted to use the
 IPP protocol that CUPS uses.
Template: cupsys/raw-print
Type: boolean
Default: true
_Description: Do you want CUPS to print unknown jobs as raw jobs?
 The Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) enforces a MIME type for all
 print jobs. Since not all sources of print jobs can attach an
 appropriate type, many jobs get submitted as the MIME type
 application/octet-stream and could be rejected if CUPS cannot guess
 the job's format.
 CUPS can handle all usch jobs as "raw" jobs, which causes them to be
 sent directly to the printer without processing.
 It is recommended to choose this option if the server will be
 accepting print jobs from Windows computers or Samba servers.

Template: cupsys/backend
Type: multiselect
__Choices: ipp, lpd, parallel, scsi, serial, socket, usb, snmp
Default: ipp, lpd, parallel, socket, usb
_Description: Printer communication backends:
 CUPS uses backend programs to communicate with the printer device or port.
 Unfortunately, some backend programs are likely to cause some trouble.
 For example, some PPC kernels crash with the parallel backend.
 Please choose the backend program to be used by CUPS. The default choice
 should fit the most common environments.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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