Re: please review my template
Hi Christian,
On Thu, Nov 30, 2006 at 06:58:33AM +0100, Christian Perrier wrote:
> If you really insist on displaying this note (which I personnally
> object, you know that),
I certainly know that you do, but you did not reply to my last message
to you where I gave you my reasons to prefer debconf notes over
NEWS.debian . Do you want to comment on those, or to give me reasons to
prefer NEWS.debian (or anything else) over debconf notes?
> I'd recommend an "error" type which will give you more
> guarantee that the message will actually be seen.
Wouldn't this be misuse or abuse? I don't see the gain over a note.
> > _Description: isync won't refetch locally deleted messages
> > Versions of isync older than 1.0 used to refetch messages that were
> > locally deleted. Although it was a bug, some people may be using it
> > as a feature. Since 1.0, messages that are locally deleted will be
> > deleted remotely as well. People expecting the old buggy behavior
> > will experience data loss.
> I'm not fond of "people" in such situation and actually I find that
> the last sentence is not as factual as such a text should be.
Uh? Any suggestion for improvement?
As far as I can see, no native speaker objected to "people", but I have
no idea why you dislike it...
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