debian-l10n-danish Jul 2016 by subject
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[BTS#824468] po-debconf://pluxml/da.po
[BTS#830590] po-debconf://mysql-5.6/da.po
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates aodh
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates apt-listdifferences
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates ceilometer
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates cinder
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates colplot
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates fuel-web
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates glance
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates glibc
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates gnocchi
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates heat
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates horizon
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates kexec-tools
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates linux-base
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates magnum
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates manila
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates mariadb-10.0
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates mistral
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates mysql-5.6
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates nbd
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates neutron
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates nodm
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates nova
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates nvidia-graphics-drivers
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates phabricator
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates phamm
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates redmine
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates senlin
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates tzdata
[INTL:da] Danish translation of the debconf templates zfs-linux
Fejlrapport android-platform-tools-base
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