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Re: SV: Danish overtakes Italian in debconf translations race....:-)

(please CC to answer as I'm not subscribed to -danish)

Quoting Joe Dalton (joedalton2@yahoo.dk):
> It might actually be possible for Danish to reach 100% or close to that.
> with a freeze date around mid 2012 or later for new packages and a lot of NMUs just before that I would say it could be done.

That will be difficult, I think, but nothing prevents trying..:-)

It indeed depends whether you still have many translations to send for
packages where there is no da translations yet. From what I see in the
coordination pages, several packages don't reference a bug number, so
I assume that you still have to do the translation.

However, this is maybe onlybecause the BTS message  to
debian-l10n-danish hasn't been sent, dunno.

With the current NMUs, I'm obviously catching many many translations
you sent in the past. Indeed, the NMU "radar" page
(http://i18n.debian.net/debian-l10n/l10n-nmu/nmu_bypackage.html) has
indeed mostly Danish translations everywhere..:-)

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