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[Debian] Po-debconf status update

I have just added to Arabeyes' CVS[1] the following debconf templates
to translate. Please note that thanks to Ossama (and also Abdulaziz
Al-Arfaj), we already have translated many templates[2]. Please also
note that some of these templates are also waiting in the BTS for the
Debian maintainer action.

Let go on with quality along with efficiency! [3]

[1] http://cvs.arabeyes.org/viewcvs/translate/debian/po-debconf/
[2] http://www.nl.debian.org/international/l10n/po-debconf/ar#done
[3] http://www.nl.debian.org/international/l10n/po-debconf/rank
|abook             |     |    0/0/2      |
|alsa-driver       |     |    0/0/14     |
|amavis-stats      |     |    0/0/5      |
|analog            |     |    0/0/2      |
|apache            |     |    0/0/35     |
|apt-build         |     |    0/0/11     |
|distcc            |     |    0/0/7      |
|gallery           |     |    0/0/4      |
|gpm               |95%  |    19/1/0     |
|kdebase           |     |    0/0/6      |
|lilo              |     |    0/0/14     |
|lvm10             |     |    0/0/4      |
|lvm2              |     |    0/0/4      |
|mysql-dfsg        |     |    0/0/18     |
|nethack           |     |    0/0/9      |
|netkit-base       |     |    0/0/3      |
|openoffice.org    |     |    0/0/5      |
|openssh           |     |    0/0/17     |
|phpbb2            |     |    0/0/33     |
|phpmyadmin        |     |    0/0/4      |
|phppgadmin        |     |    0/0/7      |
|portmap           |     |    0/0/4      |
|postfix           |     |    0/0/70     |
|ppp               |     |    0/0/5      |
|proftpd           |     |    0/0/7      |
|quota             |     |    0/0/24     |
|samba             |     |    0/0/29     |
|setserial         |     |    0/0/19     |
|slay              |     |    0/0/4      |
|slrn              |     |    0/0/25     |
|snort             |     |    0/0/51     |
|spamassassin      |     |    0/0/13     |
|ssl-cert          |     |    0/0/20     |
|sympa             |     |   0/0/104     |
|tetex-base        |     |    0/0/14     |
|tetex-bin         |     |    0/0/36     |
|ulogd             |     |    0/0/3      |
|webmin            |     |    0/0/6      |
|xawtv             |     |    0/0/13     |
|xsmbrowser        |     |    0/0/2      |
|zsh               |     |    0/0/3      |

Mohammed Adnène Trojette

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